Voice Recognition on 720 - Discussion

The 830 NA map comes with its own set of cspeech files. The support_asr.dat file will work.

If you have the 830 map installed and you are not seeing cspeech files, and if the 830 map was an upgrade from an earlier map, then more than likely the cspeech files are still in the compressed 830.cab file on your computer.

Just go to its location, extract (using winrar or equivalent) the speech files from the compressed map folder and put them in the NA map folder on your unit.
The 830 NA map comes with its own set of cspeech files. The support_asr.dat file will work.

If you have the 830 map installed and you are not seeing cspeech files, and if the 830 map was an upgrade from an earlier map, then more than likely the cspeech files are still in the compressed 830.cab file on your computer.

Just go to its location, extract (using winrar or equivalent) the speech files from the compressed map folder and put them in the NA map folder on your unit.

Dont see the cspeech files at all with the 830 map. Did a search for "*.cab" on my pc and didnt find anything related to 830.cab. At this point im going to see if i can get the map again. Unless of course you know where else these speech files may be? Sorry for cross posting.

edit: im reinstalling the new map from "home"
Will let you know about the speech files after that.
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ok, well i got the map again and low and behold the speech files are there. I shut "Home" off and copied the support_asr.dat file to the North America 2gb folder. I then shut down the gps and turned it back on and i dont have the option still on my unit. when i go to navigate to, street and house number............ugh.
Are all the cspeech files in the map folder on your device?

If so when you choose a location is it set your current state? - in Europe we have to set it to a specific country for it to work (it offers a flag next to the country in Europe - top right when you select Navigate to), I assume its the same for the US versions as the cspeech files are per state I cannot check this as my device doesn't have cspeech files on it these days as I gave up trying to get it work with my local accent - Mike
here is a screen shot of the folder.


I have my state saved in my home address settings. When i choose "navigate to" i go to "street and house number" and it immediately comes up what city i want to choose and the qwerty keyboard underneath and i can choose the state icon over on the top right. No lips icon for spoken anything.
Those are certainly the files you need. Please confirm the support_asr.dat file has only a 1 in it and the file is in the asr.folder. Also, make sure the file isn't REALLY called support_asr.dat.txt. In Control Panel, Folder Options, View, Advanced, make sure Hide extensions for known file types in UNCHECKED.

Also, as Mike says, ensure your state is selected and, finally, make sure you have a computer voice selected.

Lastly, try a pin rest on the unit.
Those are certainly the files you need. Please confirm the support_asr.dat file has only a 1 in it and the file is in the asr.folder. Also, make sure the file isn't REALLY called support_asr.dat.txt. In Control Panel, Folder Options, View, Advanced, make sure Hide extensions for known file types in UNCHECKED.

Also, as Mike says, ensure your state is selected and, finally, make sure you have a computer voice selected.

Lastly, try a pin rest on the unit.

Awesome, that was the problem. as you can see in the screenshot I had the support_asr.dat file in the map folder when it needed to be in the ASR folder. duh. After i cut and pasted it over it works now. Dont know how useful it(the voice recognition) will be but its just another option i guess. thanks for all the help.
Glad it got all sorted. I was so focussed on looking at the speech files in your map folder that I missed the fact the support_asr.dat file was there, too.

another helpful hint from TomTom Support

I just got a refurbished GO 630 and speech input didn't work (North America version). The buttons were present, but greyed out. All the speech files were in place per the discussions in this and other forums.

Here's what I had to do, kudos to TomTom support for this info, it was very simple:
0) Touch the Map
1) Choose Navigate To...
2) Choose Address
3) Choose Street and House Number. (This is the screen where the speech input buttons are greyed out.)
4) On the city screen, the upper right showed a US symbol. Touch that and choose a state.

Viola, the speech buttons now work.
Yep, that's a step many people miss and think they don't have VR.

Thanks for the feedback.
Im new..but can understand the bulk of this. my problem is this..got the NA files, my version of software is as follows:

version: 8.351
Map: 'united states' v720.1803

Where do I place all the cspeech files and what about the "support_ar.dat files within the 720 I have. I am on a Mac, and would appreciate any guidence. Step by step if possible. Thanks in advance
You have the wrong map. You NED the North_America map and associated files for VR to work. Sorry.
Okay, new owner here. I have App 8.351, North_America_2GB v835+, and I have moved all the .dat files from page 1 into the directory of the map on my TomTom 720. I have also put the correctly built support_asr.dat file of one byte length with only the character "1" in it, into the asr directory on the unit.

I see all Speech options to enter commands by voice, I get a very (very) quick "One Moment . . ." and then goes to the keyboard (when entering an address). The key at the bottom shows the lips and mic, but there is nothing at the top left (as far as bars) and no indication at top right of good or bad strength of voice, etc.

I have my state selected. I speak the city, it just sits there. No indication that it hears anything.

Where do I turn now? I really would like to try the VR, if I can get it working.
Still no VR

Did the reset, and yes I have Susan (Computer English US) as the voice of the TomTom, but it still won't give me any indication that I can enter commands by voice . . . other than the Icons being available and the bottom of the keyboard even showing speech should be available.

Are the files I loaded from page 1 good for my version of the map, or do I need a different set? I put all the cspeech_xx.dat files in directory North_America_2GB or should they be somewhere else? I put support_asr.dat into the ASR directory.
Make sure Windows Explorer is set to show file extensions then look carefully at the support_asr.dat file as I have known these to end up being named support_asr.dat.txt which doesn't work - Mike
I think somewhere closer to the end of this thread, Pedro uploaded (and provided a link) to the files for the 835 map. See if you can find the post. If so, try them.
support_asr.dat is truly a .dat file and not a .dat.txt file, I did check that.

Here's what I'm wondering now. I had downloaded the files from page 1, and loaded them on the TomTom before I upgraded to the new map. I'm thinking I need to back to the CAB or at least the ZIP file -- that came with the map download late last night -- on my hard drive and load them to the TomTom map directory. According to the Explorer Date Modified info, these didn't get overlaid with the new files. That must have something to do with it.
That's what it was! I loaded the correct set of cspeech files, and I'm good to go. Thanks for your help.

My next task to tackle will be how to ensure my Samsung Instinct can be used as a data modem for some of the features. It's not in the list, and I'm not sure on setting it up manually, on the TomTom 720.

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