Voice Recognition/Favourites/Text Messages

3. I've set up my tomtom with my phone and can make handsfree calls. I can't however read or send messages. Again, is there anything I need to download or am I doing something wrong?

The Tomtom read/send messages feature is compatible with very few phones. Not much you can do about it. Check http://www.tomtom.com/phones/compatibility/ if you want to find compatible phones.

I've finally shelled out for a TomTom after years of thinking about it.

I've bought a refurbished 920 and am enjoying it very much but I've a few problems with it.

1. The voice recognition doesn't work. I have figured out that this is a common problem and managed to download a cspeech_gbr.dat file and that appeared to have sorted it as the voice recognition was no longer greyed out. Now however, it doesn't recognise anything I say. It isn't the problem on the North American maps however as I've tested it out. Is there anything else I need to download?

2. My favourites are all greyed out so I can't add any favoutites when it comes to places. Is there anything I'm doing wrong or is there anything I need to download?

3. I've set up my tomtom with my phone and can make handsfree calls. I can't however read or send messages. Again, is there anything I need to download or am I doing something wrong?

Many thanks

thank you andy i have the same tom tom but i would need speech file you mentioned,
could you tell me where you got it to download please?
(e-mail address removed)
A couple of links for you to try for the files even though they were for older maps they should still work:



Download the file you only need one or the other then unzip and copy the gbr file to your western_europe or UK&ROI folder as applicable - Mike
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Not sure if my problem is similar regarding the speech recognition:confused: Only just got my 930 Traffic today, backed up everything to my hard drive & also a copy to my portable drive. Set up TT home, tried the update & it downloaded the 8.351 version (haven't done the LMG yet) when I first tried the device
I didn't seem to have any English or USA voices :confused: I downloaded these from the website & have now got Jane talking to me. Tried to download Kate the computer voice but it says on TT home that 'this item does not work on your device'
When I try the speech recognition it was greyed out, unless I navigate to a location in another country, I looked & I can find 9 cspeech_xxx.dat files.

Am I correct in thinking I should have a cspeech_ENG.dat or GB/UK file? If so where can I download it & can I safely delete these other cspeech_XXX.dat files?
If your map is Western_Europe, then indeed there should be a speech file for each country covered, including GB.

Unless you select the North_American map, you won't see speech files pertaining to that map (there should be 53 of them). That said , there are many references to users in Europe not getting speech files for their NA map and users in NA not getting speech files for their Western_Europe map.

One could presume that the updated 840 map of Western_Europe will contain the speech files for the required countries. When you look at the contents of your 930 using Explorer, what exactly is the Western_Europe map folder called??
The folder is called 'Western_and_Central_Europe' at the moment got a bigger problem. Although I left the TT attached for a long time before removing it (disconnecting it from TT home & from the hardware icon) I get the screen with the red cross as if something is corrupted. Been in touch with TT support & now working through the email on how to fix it. Not bad only had it for about 5 hours & already it's not working & we complain about Microsoft:eek:

All back running now after following instructions in email.

Also found out that if I download the latest map update it should replace the files with the correct speech files for my country.
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You do indeed need the cspeech_GBR.dat file in the Western and Central Europe map folder, if you get stuck with re-installing the Navcore software just ask and we have some instructions and links that will get you back up and running should you get no where with the TT CS method, our method doesn't even need TomTom Home to work! - Mike
Everything is working fine now except for the speech recognition, even the computer voice I downloaded which was reporting that it wouldn't work on my device is now working ok.

Will leave the LMG for the time being but thanks for all the help, BTW I did make an explorer backup (after reading this forum) before I did anything, I also copied it to my external hard disc so I can take it with me in the motorhome.
Use Windows Explorer to view the contents of the device and open the ASR folder, locate the file named "support_asr.dat" and right click it choose open with/ Note Pad, make sure there is just the number "1" (not with "") if its a "0" change it to a number 1 and save/ close the NotePad application, try the ASR again - Mike
Thanks Mike, I had checked that it was "1" in the "support_asr.dat" from something I read while I was trying to find out the cause. Just checked again to make sure.

Might try to do the LMG tomorrow & see if it puts the 'cspeech_GBR.dat' file on.

Is there a list anywhere that shows which files can be deleted to give a bit more free space? I know there are the extras such as MP3 & Audio books but are the other things such as the cspeech_XXX.dat needed, these add up to 127 mb.
If you absolutely KNOW you will not be using voice recognition in some countries for which you do have the csspeech files, then move them to the computer for now. Also, remove any voices and computer voices you won't be using.
Further back in this thread I posted a couple of links one is numbered 720.1803 if you click that your computer will download all the cspeech files including your missing GBR file just copy that single GBR file to your Westerm_Central_Europe map folder then the ASR will work.
The best thing you can add to your 930 is a 4GB SDHC memory card as this will free up space and get rid of the dreaded "have I got enough space" everything you update the device with either software or maps - Mike
I have an 8gb SDHC card so I will jhave plenty of spare space (or rather I will this week when I get it back off my daughter) let her borrow it as it wouldn't work on either of my Dell Axims as you need WM6, messed around & eventually got it to work by partitioning it to 2x4Gb ones but it was totally unreliable.

I will try downloading the 720.1803 file.

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