Voice on my Tom Tom 930

Why are you NOT using Home to download additional computer voices? Dave is available that way.
Just so you know, the latest Home application supposedly has a 'resume' function built in such that an interrupted download also resumes from interrupted point. Never tested it so can't comment on its effectiveness, just providing the information).

(A reason presumably why you will find both a c:\documents and settings\yourname\my documents\TomTom\Home\Downloads\Complete\folder AND a c:\documents and settings\yourname\my documents\TomTom\Home\Downloads\temporary folder on your computer.
Enabling voices

I already have Susan's voice on TomTom 930.

After I download and install Kate's voice on Tom Tom and enabled it.

When I try to select Susan's voice and enable it it will not produce sound unless I delete default7.session file
in LoquendoTTS folder.

Is is there a way in keeping Susan voice without deleting default7.session file which is the file to enable Kate's voice ?


I honestly don't know what the issue is. Have never encountered that problem. I have both Susan and Kate installed. When I want to switch voices, I simply do so in Preferences-->Voice Preferences.
I think there are 7.1 and 7.0 voices. HOME only gives the version of voices shipped with your specific model, and you probably pulled the wrong version of Kate from the link.

Try this:
- delete the loquendotts folder from the Tomtom.
- delete the mydocuments\tomtom\home\download\complete\computervoice folder
-reinstall your app via this link

Then you should be able to download both Kate and Susan from Tomtom Home.

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