Voice on my Tom Tom 930

Sep 7, 2009
TomTom Model(s)
Voice on my Tom Tom 930

Instead of Computer female voice currently on my Tom Tom 930 .

I would like to change to U.S. or U.K. female voice or actor's voice. How do I do this on my gps?

When updates I see the file is very small like 0.7 MB for each voice.

And that contains all the voices for all instructions on the streets and road ?

Seems small file for so much instructions.


The actor spoken voices don't pronounce the street names. They just say the common directional references. The same ones you can record if you want to record your own voice. I think there are about 50 words and phrases in the human voices. That's it.
The actual human spoken voice files are much smaller than the computer voice files.

You should try Kate. A UK computer voice.
Unless you really want the street names pronounced (I don't bother as they do nothing positive and are just intrusive) try Tim. His voice is superb. You can then choose Kate or another computer voice for the warnings.
Thanks Mike, I hadn't realised this was a specifically NA forum but I could see it is orientated that way. I picked it up from a link on the other one and have been lurking for a while. It's nice to see some fresh points occasionally.
Welcome Calomax.

While the original focus of this forum was indeed North American, when the new owner took over some months ago, the scope widened considerably --- considering the owner/admin lives in London, England! :)

We have quite a few UK members here now as well as many from other countries besides the US.

Feel free to participate as much as you'd like. You'll see we have a bunch of helpful members here just as there are at PGPSW.
I wish they would because sometimes the U.S. female computerized voice doesn't pronounce the street names properly as a British accent woman or man voice would. Since they would know better how to pronounce it. So people in the U.K. who bought TomTom 930 is it a British female computerized voice that
announce the street addresses ? It is mainly the street name pronounciation correctly that I am looking for.



Unless you really want the street names pronounced (I don't bother as they do nothing positive and are just intrusive) try Tim. His voice is superb. You can then choose Kate or another computer voice for the warnings.
You should try an English computer voice in France. They're hopeless. But I find having the device give the road names just tooo much information. In town, it never stops speaking to you.
When my wife used the unit in Britain a couple of months ago, she complained (well, maybe that's too strong a word....'observed') that the voice selected, Susan (US_EN) always pronounced 'road as 'rod'.

Can't win, eh?:)
So people in the U.K. who bought TomTom 930 is it a British female computerized voice that announce the street addresses ?

US or UK computer female voices are available on the 930, regardless of where it's purchased. The US one is Susan. The UK one is Kate (I think). If it's not on the Tomtom, go to add voices on HOME to get it.
Susan and Kate not there anymore ?

Where can I get them?

I using Tom Tom Home.


US or UK computer female voices are available on the 930, regardless of where it's purchased. The US one is Susan. The UK one is Kate (I think). If it's not on the Tomtom, go to add voices on HOME to get it.
Susan and Kate not there anymore ? Where can I get them?
I using Tom Tom Home.
They are both there, in HOME, click on
Add Traffic, Voices, Safety Cameras etc. >
click on Voices >
click on Computer Voices,
wait until they all show up.

Just tested with 930 and HOME
You should try an English computer voice in France. They're hopeless. But I find having the device give the road names just tooo much information. In town, it never stops speaking to you.

Dave computer voice in US I concider the best. A calming male voice with above the average pronounciation.

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