vocabulary issue

Mar 8, 2010
why can't my tomtom say the words "state" and "national" ???? They seem to be pretty basic words for a machine like this!:(
What model do you have and what voice are you using? Computer or Recorded?

TomTom's text to speech engine leaves a lot to be desired in many respects.
its a 720 GO with tomtom Home V2.7. I have my son's recorded voice activated and the British female voice that was preloaded at time of purchase is activated simultaneously. I live in Oz, not UK. I can understand that they have no states in UK, but "national" should not be a problem word I would have thought.

It has to spell out those two words, using the British female voice.

I suspect that switching the computer voice (such as to Susan or Dave, two US voices) will not remedy the situation but you can try.

For certain words, the computer voices look to the phonemes file for functionality. And it has areas needing improvement.

Try the different voices and then call Aussie support. Tell them you'd like them to pass on your issues to the software engineers working with the Loquendo speech engine.
Thanks, I will try that. Probably should get my son to record those words and see if that helps. Its a minor issue, but annoying when driving in traffic:D !!

It gets a bit inaccurate with distance to next turn too, e.g. it will say turn left in 100 metres when the turn is actually about 10-15 metres away!!
It gets a bit inaccurate with distance to next turn too, e.g. it will say turn left in 100 metres when the turn is actually about 10-15 metres away!!

That's a different issue. Mapping error. You'll likely never see 100% accuracy with that one.
How does one select both a non-computer voice (either factory or custom) and computer voice concurrently?
I haven't tried it but apparently warnings can be self recorded or computer while normal road directions can be recorded.

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