Start 25 won't update, possible windows 10 issue?

Mar 7, 2020
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Start 25
Hi all,
First post so forgive me if its in the wrong place and sorry if i bang on a bit!
I've had my Start 25, bought secondhand, for a couple of years and it has been very good, i bought another laptop a while back with windows 10 (i can't remember if i have updated the start since buying it) but yesterday and today i have been trying to update it using mydrive connect and although it says it is connected and downloads the updates it will go no further than "checking" and previous to that the start 25 screen says "something has gone wrong... this service is temporarily unavailable, please try again later" and i am on the verge of giving up, i am not that computer literate but after doing some research i have tried various things like uninstalling mydrive a few times, uninstalling the driver, a new genuine cable, different usb ports etc and now it won't even recognise the device, i did notice that when i plug my phone in the windows noise goes off twice but only once with the start, if i can find someone running windows 7 i will try an update with them,
Any help would be much appreciated as i don't want to replace it if i don't need to,
I have the exact problem on Start 25. I am using windows 7 and have never had this problem before
It seems to be a very common problem when searching the subject!
Ok thanks for that, i have been looking at other models but if you think the problem will rectify itself then i will wait a while and see what happens.
There's a good chance it is not the sat nav's fault then?
I forgot to add, a day or so before, a friend came round with his old XL and TomTom wanted nearly £40 to update its maps so he decided to buy a later model Via and that updated fine.
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No, definitely not the fault of your Start 25.
That's handy to know then, i'll hang on for a bit and see if TomTom sort themselves out, thanks.
Well i just tried again and although Mydrive continually said "waiting for device" and then "your device is not responding" the satnav said "updating" and then "done, you can safely remove your device" and TomTom sent me an email thanking me for connecting my device so hopefully problem solved,
Thanks all.
What was the update? New 1045 map?

Map share community map update,

UK & ROI v10.45

Its still saying connect your device to add updates though but that's the furthest i have got recently, before it wouldn't do anything.
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