VERY Useful Application...

Menu problems

I have been playing with this for a few days, and am getting nowhere. I used to use TT Menu Builder, which worked great, allowed me to re-arrange the icons, create shortcuts, 3everything I wanted. Not having the same success here, though.
I have the program installed on my 920, and it is running as expected. How do I create the custom menues? I don't see anywhere where I can make any changes. When I installed SkipWaypoint and Suntime, I needed to add a config file. Do I need to do that here?
Any help would be appreciated> I must be missing something basic, which I didn't pick up reading this thread.
i tried this on my One 3rd edition and only have 3 menu pages, not 4?
MenuTT is the only icon on the 3rd page.
I am missing some of the icons.
any help?
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i tried this on my One 3rd edition and only have 3 menu pages, not 4?
MenuTT is the only icon on the 3rd page.
I am missing some of the icons.
any help?

Are you using a custom menu? Or just the default menu of the TomTom 3rd edition?
the tomtom default

Ahhh....well, the default menu on the TomTom 3rd Edition only has two pages. Therefore, when you add the MenuTT program icon, it adds a 3rd page. Since it is the only other application you added, you'll only have that one MenuTT icon on the 3rd page.

Hope that explains it for ya...
Ahhh....well, the default menu on the TomTom 3rd Edition only has two pages. Therefore, when you add the MenuTT program icon, it adds a 3rd page. Since it is the only other application you added, you'll only have that one MenuTT icon on the 3rd page.

Hope that explains it for ya...

thanks birdman

so, how do i fix this?
thanks birdman

so, how do i fix this?

I'm a tad confused as to what you want to fix. Do you want your TomTom 3rd Edition to have a custom menu with access to more features and have the MenuTT program added to that custom menu so you can jump back and forth between the custom menu and the default TomTom Menu?
I'm a tad confused as to what you want to fix. Do you want your TomTom 3rd Edition to have a custom menu with access to more features and have the MenuTT program added to that custom menu so you can jump back and forth between the custom menu and the default TomTom Menu?

yes please
yes please

I have the step-by-step procedure for adding the the custom menu to your TomTom in the following link.
>>> Custom Menu <<<

The simplified method is as follows:

1) All you need to do is download and UNZIP the TomTom.mnu file I have already created on that page
2) Create a SdkRegistry folder on the root folder of your TomTom (if you don't already have one)
3) Copy over my TomTom.mnu file to the SdkRegistry
4) Safely unplug your TomTom from the PC and turn it off

Since I've already added the apppropriate SDK1 coding to the menu, all you should have to do is turn on your TomTom and you'll see the custom menu, plus since you've already installed MenuTT, you'll see that icon on the last page.

Detailed instructions for really how to add MenuTT to a custom menu:
>>> Adding MenuTT to Custom Menu <<<
All working now

Now that I've got everything working, I am really pleased with both TomTom Menu Builder and TTMenu. To have a stripped down custom menu with only the icons I actually use, including Tripmaster, Suntime, Offroad Navigator, but also to be able to quickly switch to the default TomTom menu in case I've left something out, is really handy.
Thanks to all who have posted here, and I highly recommend playing with these programs if you like to customize.
Jukebox on Custom Menu

Things were going great, but now I can't get a Jukebox icon on my custom menus. I guess the one on MenuBuilder is an old code that doesn't work on the 920. Anybody had any success? I really like the ability to play music through the FM transmitter, since the old car doesn't have an Ipod plug in.
Hey birdman-should I add MenuTT before I redownload Tripmaster onto my 510 or does it really matter which way they are loaded on??
Hey birdman-should I add MenuTT before I redownload Tripmaster onto my 510 or does it really matter which way they are loaded on??

It shouldn't matter which way they are loaded on.... Whichever one you load first, will simply be the first icon that shows up on the menu screen.

If you are using a custom TomTom.mnu file, be sure to add enough MENUITEM|TASK_SDK*| items to your menu for all icons to be seen (one of these lines for each 3rd part app icon with a sequential number replacing hte asterisk * )
I have found an issue with menuTT. It's with my bluetooth remote. When ever I have my remote connected and then use the menutt, my remote disconnects and it will not reconnect until I press the reset button. This is a good work around program, just wondering if anybody else has a fix or has seen this happen to them?
Map Corrections

When customizing my menu, I wanted to have the min number of icons in the basic menu. I just noticed that the Map Corrections is one of the one's I removed, and I want to put it back in.
Does anyone know what the correct instruction is for this item? I think it's
but it's an educated guess only. I'd rather not have to redo all, and start from scratch.
Any feedback is helpful,

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