Update has killed my Intinerary Planning Function

Ok, so what I get from all of this is that if I want to plan my own routes, I need to stick with the current firmware I've got or else I loose the ability.

Is there any advantage to going to the higher firmware for us 3rd edition users? Doesn't seem like much to me (though I've not been able to find any info on the latest firmware update).
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Is there any advantage to going to the higher firmware for us 3rd edition users? Doesn't seem like much to me (though I've not been able to find any info on the latest firmware update).

I'm not aware of many really useful changes. Application 8 was a pretty substantial rewrite and offered a new layout. Otherwise the only changes I'm aware of are here, plus I believe mapshare was expanded to permit speed limit, road name, and turn restriction realtime changes. Also, you must have Application 8 to read map 800 or later.
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I have 5 One 3rd Eds. that I use in my business and rely heavily on the itinerary planning custom feature. I was made aware long ago that Nav 8 would disable this feature so I have stayed with version 7.166. I would like to purchase US map updates but am told that this requires Nav 8...which would kill my itinerary planning feature.

DHN...are you aware of a work around for updating the US map without updating the application to Nav 8?

Many thanks,

All Tomtoms except for the One 3rd Edition, One 125 and One 130 have itinerary planning.

Check here, as many new models are on sale for Black Friday at almost the price of a map purchase.
All Tomtoms except for the One 3rd Edition, One 125 and One 130 have itinerary planning.

Check here, as many new models are on sale for Black Friday at almost the price of a map purchase.

Thanks for the reply MVL. I guess one of my points was that having 5 units I am not inclined to purchase new ones unless I absolutely have to. Are you saying that there is no way to update maps without Nav 8? If so, let's approach this in a different way. I am using firmware 7.166 and current map is 720.1802. Is this map revision the latest and last for use with Nav 7? If later Nav 7 version is available can you recommend where and how to obtain?

Thanks again for the assistance,

You have to buy current maps via Tomtom, and they don't sell older maps.

Remember Itinerary planning was never supposed to work on the One 3rd edition (it was a hack that someone found), so Tomtom's not going to be too supportive of getting you an older map just for hat purpose.

The new maps are expensive, usually more than some black friday sales of brand new units, so it may be worth it to just get new units. You could always get around $50/device by reselling the old Tomtoms on craigslist.

I obviously read your earlier post defining which models support itinerary planning. Just to confirm that we're talking about the same functionality...I need a device that supports multiple destinations per itinerary and as many as 150 destinations that span several itineraries. Do all models except One 3rd Edition, One 125 and One 130 have this specific capability? If not, which do?

All other models have 48 stops per itinerary. Not sure how many itineraries can be stored, probably no less than 24.

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