Unable to purchase 1 year map subscriptions

I just reread your initial post more carefully:

Everytime i try to purchase the 1 year map subsriptions for the North America, Canada, and mexico map

I should have noticed this earlier.

The USA/Canada/Mexico map upgrade (version 830) on the ONE 140 and XL 340 was too big for the devices. Tomtom said they would fix this in a couple of weeks, and pulled the map from the tomtom web map store.

I'm sure this has something to do with your problem. Once other members post that they are getting properly-sized maps again, retry the update service.

For now, just use the latest map guarantee to get the latest (version 830) map. It will be too big for your XL340-S, so before downloading the map, remove all foreign computer voices to free up space.

830 is the may map. The next map will come out in August, so you've got time.
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I just got my tomtom on friday. and it said it updated it to the latest version for free. So i am guessing i am good. I just wasn't sure how they do their updates like if one was to come out in the next week or so. Since i am going on vacation next week and just wanted to make sure i had the updated map. I did delete all the foreign languages on the device since they will never be used.

And to the other person who asked a question i have the tomtom xl340s
Similiar -- but different problem

I have a XL330S and I purchased the map update service on 6/11. After updating the map, my TT now works very slowly (updates the current location every 3-5 seconds rather than a continuous movement). When I check for my map version # it shows 8.014, but TT Home says I have version 830.2 and won't let me re-download the map.
Is this map too large for my unit - and is that why it operates so slowly?
Why does it show different versions between the GPS handheld unit and TT Home?
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Home often is unreliable when involving that information. Tap the satellite bars on the unit and the next screen shows the version number of the application installed. Tap the version number and the next screen shows the map installed and version.
Ok I have the 'new' map - but it is slow

Thanks for the tip. My unit shows that I have map US and Canada v830.2321.

But, as I indicated it is lagging in showing my location by 3-5 seconds. Are others having a similiar issue?
Thanks for the tip. My unit shows that I have map US and Canada v830.2321.

But, as I indicated it is lagging in showing my location by 3-5 seconds. Are others having a similiar issue?
Only in those rare instances where I have a lot of POIs turned on for viewing at the same time... something I rarely do for that reason and because it clutters the view quite a bit. But it certainly will slow things down. Just turning on all restaurants and all gas stations at the same time can do it in some urban areas around here.

Are there ANY differences in what you are displaying now vs. what you were displaying when you were running the previous map set? Is there anything else that you are doing differently?
I miss 8.204 mainly because of the awesome refresh rate. I could (and did) show ALL POI's on map with almost NO slowdown whatsoever.With everything showing, it ran A LOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT smoother than it does now with any of the latest navcores WITHOUT any POIs showing on the map. I think the device needs some WD-40 to get things moving smoother.

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