Unable to download safety camera alerts

When you connect to Home and update your unit, are you offered any safety camera updates?

Also, if you go here (using Explorer):
c:\documents and settings\yourname\my documents\TomTom\Home\Downloads\Complete\

do you see a folder called Safety Cameras?
When you connect to Home and update your unit, are you offered any safety camera updates?

Yes, tomtom home did offer me the update. Just that I'm getting the same error Julius_Pleaser is getting when I try to do the update

Also, if you go here (using Explorer):
c:\documents and settings\yourname\my documents\TomTom\Home\Downloads\Complete\

do you see a folder called Safety Cameras?

Yes, but the folder is empty.
Well, I know you don't want to hear this, but.....

I just updated my safety cameras on my 540 World Traveller for North America 5 minutes ago with no issues.

Under the category of what is there to lose??

1. Download the free Revo Uninstaller from here
2. After making sure you remember your email address/password for your unit, completely uninstall Home.
3. Download a fresh copy of Home from here and install.
4. Connect your unit to Home and see what gets offered then.
dhn, appreciate you trying to help. Tried your method, uninstalled home using revo and reinstall the latest version. It's just not working.
There are two flavors of safety camera files.
- a POI file visible in "manage POI"
- a alert file visible in "tomtom services"

I'm not sure which one you received. Have you tried accessing safety cameras through both menus?

Also, on manage my XXL, do you have any safety cameras available on your "computer" tab?
Further to the discussion above:

I downloaded the Safety_Cam_US_Canada_TomTom.zip file kindly provided by CAnderson to a directory on my hard drive, and then unzipped it, which gave me 4 files, namely


then I unzipped the Safety_Cam_US_Canada_TomTom.cab file and had the following 6 files:


I then copied these 6 files to the USA_Canada_Mexico directory on the TomTom when it was hooked to my PC, using Windows explorer.

There are contradictory indications whether this successfully installed the files.

Firstly, Within the HOME environment on my PC, when it interrogated the TomTom using "Manage my XXL> Items on device > Points of interest", it found the safety camera files were present on the TomTom as a subfolder. Does this mean the files have been properly installed?

Second, however, when I disconnected the TomTom from my PC, put the TomTom in my car, and went to the TomTom Services folder, and invoked the SafetyCamera applet, it told me I need to download the safety camera files from the TomTom server. THis implies that the files have not been properly registered to the TomTom's operating system, and are thereby not usable.

Third, when I drove past two different red light cameras, the TomTom did not warn me. Maybe it's because these RLC data are not in the database provided by Canderson ? Or is it because the files are not correctly installed on the TomTom ?

QUESTION: Any ideas on whether I properly installed the files ?
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A further question:

CAnderson very kindly provided a recent SafetyCam datafile for US and Canada. What's the URL to obtain the updates to this file, or is this URL not available ?

By the way, if one visits the Beltronics.com website, one finds that safety camera data *are* available for the U.S., by subscription, though most likely in a different format than used by TomTom.
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A further question:

CAnderson very kindly provided a recent SafetyCam datafile for US and Canada. What's the URL to obtain the updates to this file, or is this URL not available ?

By the way, if one visits the Beltronics.com website, one finds that safety camera data *are* available for the U.S., by subscription, though most likely in a different format than used by TomTom.
FWIW, if anyone is having difficulty still, here's the recent collection of the "freebie" version for N.A., zipped. Just toss 'em into your map folder:


  • Safety_Cam_US_Canada_TomTomOv2.zip
    60.7 KB · Views: 375
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Yes, that was the first thing I did, tried to download the safety cam files using Home. It resulted in the following message:

"An error has occurred: The internet server had an internal error. It may be a temporary problem. Please try again later. Click here for further support for TomTom Home Errors."

There was a "Show details" button, which showed the following info:

ERROR: -500/#http://home.tomtom.com/download/Saf...&id=359&file=Safety_Cam_US_Canada_TomTom.ov2: Error from server: Internal Server Error
Internal Server Error
Error code: HTTP 500
URL: http://home.tomtom.com/download/Saf...e&id=359&file=Safety_Cam_US_Canada_TomTom.ov2
Additional information: info = [object]
info.method = [string] GET
info.resumeOffset = [number] 0
info.resumeDownloadEnabled = [boolean] false
info.entityID = [string]
info.file = [string] D:\Documents and Settings\Bob L\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\complete\safetycamera\Safety_Cameras_-_USA__CAN_-_Free_of_Charge\Safety_Cam_US_Canada_TomTom.cab
info.metaFile = [string] D:\Documents and Settings\Bob L\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\temp\ec04d4342365a885fa13c2ad1610fddc.tmp.meta
info.tempFile = [string] D:\Documents and Settings\Bob L\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\temp\ec04d4342365a885fa13c2ad1610fddc.tmp

Severity: 1105
0. chrome://tthome/content/logic/netutil.js:97
return new ServerError(responseStatusText, -responseStatusCode, aChannel.URI.spec, undefined, additionalInfo);
1. chrome://tthome/content/logic/downloader.js:363
exception = NetUtil.isRequestSuccess(this._channel, aStatus, this._getRequestInfo());

I suspect what really happened was that the files were not on the server under the names listed above:
Further to the above discussion, the file size of 60kb seems exceeding skimpy to cover all the safety cams in the U.S. QUESTION: How many bytes would the coordinates of each safetycam consume ? In decimal one would need degrees minutes and seconds and fractional seconds for both latitude and longitude, which would seem like about a 16 character number for each cam, implying roughly about 60,000/16 cams, or 4,000 cams, which sounds a bit on the low side, an average of only 80 per state. Or are coordinates expressed more compactly ?
safety alerts

FWIW, if anyone is having difficulty still, here's the recent collection of the "freebie" version for N.A., zipped. Just toss 'em into your map folder:

dropping the file into the map folder, disconnecting, rebooting tomtom, then reconnecting to desktop did the trick,

safety camera showed up as installed option, when i tried to go the the screen to install it

In Houston TX we have fixed "Red Light Cameras" all over the place now. On my wifes XXL530S I was able to activate (via the Tom Tom Services Icon) the Safety Camera feature and she is still able to download the updates just fine and it works (N America 2gb map). HOWEVER on my brand new 1 week old XXL 540TM (USA_CAN map) I can download and install the traffic cam feature but I am UNABLE to activate it via the Tom Tom services menu, I get the same "download from Tom Tom" page as stated by other users. When I try and update I get the same download error for any camera updates. I got the exact same song and dance from Tom Tom customer support even after I got to a manager as everyone else is getting. I was actually shocked the first time I called customer server regarding this problem I was told it was ILLEGAL to have the camera locations (NOT IN TX!) on a GPS and that because of this they would not support any issues I had downloading/using said feature. When I requsted (in a perfectly normal tone of voice) to speak with a manager or admin the lady got very terse with me and HUNG UP! My second call got through to a customer service manager and I was told that they are having legal issues and that some units get cameras and some don't..Thats it...I would be informed when and IF they can resolve this issue.
In Houston TX we have fixed "Red Light Cameras" all over the place now. On my wifes XXL530S I was able to activate (via the Tom Tom Services Icon) the Safety Camera feature and she is still able to download the updates just fine and it works (N America 2gb map). HOWEVER on my brand new 1 week old XXL 540TM (USA_CAN map) I can download and install the traffic cam feature but I am UNABLE to activate it via the Tom Tom services menu, I get the same "download from Tom Tom" page as stated by other users.

Try copying all the safety cam files in the North_America_2gb folder to the USA/Can/Mex folder on the540tm. Since they're free, there's a chance that they're not device locked like other licensed content is.
No joy

Copying the files over does not give me any error NOR does it allow the GPS to alert. I drove past several cameras where my wifes alerted and mine with the exact same files remains silent :-:)mad:
you are the man ! After adding the files to the folder, exit the HOME program an restart, then choose the item to download the traffic sites and boom, there they are....thanks for the great post.

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