Yes, that was the first thing I did, tried to download the safety cam files using Home. It resulted in the following message:
"An error has occurred: The internet server had an internal error. It may be a temporary problem. Please try again later. Click here for further support for TomTom Home Errors."
There was a "Show details" button, which showed the following info:
ERROR: -500/# Error from server: Internal Server Error
Internal Server Error
Error code: HTTP 500
Additional information: info = [object]
info.method = [string] GET
info.resumeOffset = [number] 0
info.resumeDownloadEnabled = [boolean] false
info.entityID = [string]
info.file = [string] D:\Documents and Settings\Bob L\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\complete\safetycamera\Safety_Cameras_-_USA__CAN_-_Free_of_Charge\
info.metaFile = [string] D:\Documents and Settings\Bob L\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\temp\ec04d4342365a885fa13c2ad1610fddc.tmp.meta
info.tempFile = [string] D:\Documents and Settings\Bob L\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\temp\ec04d4342365a885fa13c2ad1610fddc.tmp
Severity: 1105
0. chrome://tthome/content/logic/netutil.js:97
return new ServerError(responseStatusText, -responseStatusCode, aChannel.URI.spec, undefined, additionalInfo);
1. chrome://tthome/content/logic/downloader.js:363
exception = NetUtil.isRequestSuccess(this._channel, aStatus, this._getRequestInfo());
I suspect what really happened was that the files were not on the server under the names listed above: