
Sorry, I don'y know what else to suggest........

Are you using the cable that came with the device?
no because i dont have it......
should i try to reformat the sd card and update it again???
i don't understand because normally it should be updated but i dont now why it cant create the folders :confused:
I suggest you try to find a different cable and see if that does the job. Clearly, the one you have doesn't seem to work. I don't know what can be gained by reformatting but you can try and then attempt to extract the application files onto the card again.
i tried another cable as you said and it worked....the updates were installed succesfully...

now i cant put the maps
If you connect to Home, Manage my Device, (2nd page, purple folder), Items on computer, maps... what does it show? And if it does show a map, can you select to install?
now I want your help for something else:

I want to purchase a map because my current map does not work.
I want to know if I can make a format to my SD card and than update my card from the beginnig.
And i wold like to describe me how is the purchase made?? through home or through tomtom webpage? and is there any possbility that my tomtom software might be damaged from the actions I have tried to apply currently?
Best we start with what will work to assure the unit will function again. You previously said that you had map data in
My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\complete\map
on your PC. What is the name of the folder(s) inside the "map" folder there?

As for buying a new map, you will use TomTom Home to do that as soon as we're sure your unit is 100% functional and you have a backup of the whole thing on your PC again.
well, today I tried a new cable to connect the device with the computer and the app update was successful.
also i made a backup in case if any "accident" happens.
and as it belongs to the maps I'm sure I want to purchase them.

so how do i Know that my device will work properly?
that folder doesn't exist anymore, thats why I want to buy new maps.

and i did my backup using home. can i still make a backup using explorer?
I would recommend that you go to the 'map' folder on your PC (the one you said was there in Post #15), and copy that folder to your SD card (see instructions below) and see if your device behaves. This all assumes that the map on your PC was supposed to be for the TomTom you are working with. I think you said it belongs to a friend, so we have no way of knowing if that folder on your PC matches the TomTom, and maps are keyed to device serial numbers.

If the map on your PC was not intended for the TomTom you are working with, let us know since there's no point in trying to copy it to that TomTom.

If that map on your PC *is* for that TomTom, follow this procedure to manually copy it over to the SD card:

Then once we verify that the unit is running correctly, we can take the next step up getting a new map. No point in spending the money until the proper operation of the device is assured.

I did as you said today afternoon and all I could see was: "no maps found".
that's why I need to purchase new maps.
Is there any problem if I purchase new maps without having the existing map which was first on the device?
In order to purchase a map for that unit, you will need to know the original account information (email and password) for that unit if it was previously registered by the owner. If it was never registered, then you'll need to set up an account for it first.

What was the folder called that you copied from your PC to the root of the TomTom, by the way??? That will have to be deleted to make space for any map you purchase for the unit.
i think the folder was called western_europe....
i have already deleted that folder.....
and is it possible to use a 4GB SD card with my TT one 2nd edition?
I am asking because I wold like to download the all europe map and its approximately 2.2 GB.
You deleted the folder? This gets stranger and stranger. Why would you do that?

Yes, the 'all Europe' map is too big for your unit to be loaded all at once. It is for that reason that a new 'all Europe' map must be downloaded to your PC using Home, then you must load the piece you need to your TomTom. Since you have 2GB of memory, you can probably load half of the full Europe set at a time.

When you connect the ONE and Home runs, you can navigate to the place in Home that says "Purchase Maps". From there, you order and download the map.

However, backing up -- you have not yet said whether you have access to the original registration information for this unit. That must be resolved before you try to purchase the map.
As it belongs to the access I cant have it now because here it's 2AM and for sure my friend is sleeping. I will call him in the morning.

in case if he does not have an account can I open one? and i think that i should open an account which my country wold be Italy or any of the available countries, because Albania is not available,

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