TTG 1000 v extra voices

That's great, John. Thanks.

So it all looks like it is working correctly.

The message "There are no community content items in this category on your device'." is just saying that that YOU haven't added anything to it yet.

As I think I said earlier (but maybe not very well), unlike 'Home', 'MyTomTom' doesn't have any sort of "on-line library" of voices etc. to offer you.

All that you can do is add ones that you already have on an older model, or ones that you have found yourself elsewhere on the web.

Hope that makes more sense?

Do you still have your Homer Simpson anywhere? As we've said, it probably won't be possible to copy it across if you originally bought it, but we can have a try.
Thanks Paul.
I sent my Go 500 with 'John Cleese' and 'Homer Simpson' which I bought at an earlier time. When I completed "war & peace":roll eyes: and stated I had nothing to transfer because I had read at the beginning that, (which I assumed I was correct), The 2 extra voices could not be transferred at the moment. (I send everything think back on 4/8/11 for the 'cash back' of ?50 and I'm still waiting for them to reply).:sad:
Paul? (It's Andy...)
There is a Homer Simpson voice skin available here. for $12.95.

Available in metres/EU, yards/UK or yards/US, it says it is compatible with all TomToms except the iphone app.

I don't know if it is the same quality as the one you had, but there are a few samples and a demo video to watch.

Try Tomtomheaven
Lots of downloads.:thumb:
Yes there *is* a "Homer Simpson" on there as well.
I don't think it's very good quality though, and the instructions are in French. (But it does have a couple of fun "Homers" to replace your car cursor bundled with it).
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Sorry Andy, one of the defects of my brain after the stroke. If I'm tired or not giving %100 when I write I tend to put words or the some letters wrong way round hence the silly mistake.
I noticed that you said that extra voices could be purchased - in dollars. I've had experience with ordering a few times from USA because you cannot buy them in England. Tom Tom are the same I guess, we seem to lag behind hence G 1000 live in America is better than here. I don't know why but there you are. The earlier part of this thread covers it by saying "depending which country you work from, you may not have all the "extras", something like that.
Are you saying that if I purchased from USA these are, (probably), the ones I can put on my G1000 live? As long as I don't jump from " the frying pan into the fire" so to speak.
That link to the site that priced in dollars just happened to be the first I found when I Googled "Homer Simpson TomTom voice".
There may well be others around.

Why not try the free one from the other link first, and see how you get on?

If you can load it successfully (we can help with that if you need it) then you can see if it would do well enough or if you would prefer to shell out for the expensive one.

By the way, TomTom's own site uses pounds sterling if (like me) you are in the UK.

Oh... and I can't remember names either and I don't have a good excuse!
Hi Andy, sorry for all the negative problems I've been throwing at you.
I taken your advice so I looked for a "free" voice but when I went to the selected page they still had a price. The only thing I can do is purchase i.e. 'Homer Simpson', (which is identical to the one I put on my Go 500). But I don't think it will be as simple as that, I feel that is going to be way above my head.
Here's a link to some free voices, for whatever they're worth:

TomTom voices free download in TomTom forum - GPS POI

I looked at that one and it appears to have a link to a Homer Simpson voice, but when you follow the link it's mot there.

I taken your advice so I looked for a "free" voice but when I went to the selected page they still had a price.

That's very odd. Are you sure you followed the right link?
Because when I was researching it for you, I actually downloaded the Homer voice pack from Tomtomheaven and I wasn't asked to pay for it.

So I now actually have two different Homer Simpson's on my PC!

Would it be easier if I emailed the files to you?

I feel that is going to be way above my head.

Hang in there just a bit longer... We're nearly there! :roll:
Here's a link to some free voices, for whatever they're worth:

TomTom voices free download in TomTom forum - GPS POI

I looked at that one and it appears to have a link to a Homer Simpson voice, but when you follow the link it's mot there.

I taken your advice so I looked for a "free" voice but when I went to the selected page they still had a price.

That's very odd. Are you sure you followed the right link?
Because when I was researching it for you, I actually downloaded the Homer voice pack from Tomtomheaven and I wasn't asked to pay for it.

So I now actually have two different Homer Simpson's on my PC!

Would it be easier if I emailed the files to you?

I feel that is going to be way above my head.

Hang in there just a bit longer... We're nearly there! :roll:

Thanks very much Andy, I think it would be best. Sorry again for the hassle. (they don't change brains for a new one - pity)
:thumb: John
Hi John,

I've emailed the files and some instructions to you. I've sent them to the address you used when you registered here, hope that's right.

Let us know how you get on!

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