Trouble with 325 SE XL

Only thing I am worried about is I think he deleted his backup. Should Home recognize that and install the maps again for him?

If Home won't install new maps, I would be happy to e-mail a copy of my USA maps, if I knew how big the file size is. If it's huge, I won't be able to e-mail it. I could always put it on cdr and postal mail it. It is possible the maps are in the recycle bin too.

Did you reformat it and extract the cab file as MVL instructed? From what you have said previously, I don't think you have any files to backup which is why you don't see anything. When you open up the tomtom drive, do you see any files there?

I just got mine today. Worked pretty well. Gonna wait until it gets closer to the 30 days to do an update to make sure I get the latest since you only get 1 free one. It lost the signal a few times but never longer than 2 minutes and shortest was a few seconds. Still working on it to recognize my home address. I was already well on my way to backup the TT, and just read the link on backing it up. The only thing it had checked was Hide Extensions for known file types. It is now unchecked so I am going to redo the copy/paste.
It's not possible to share map files, regardless of how well intentioned you are with the offer.

Maps are locked to a specific device when installed.
Something isn't going right doesn't help that I'm new to Windows 7 probably. That said though, I'm trying to copy the contents of my TomTom to a newly created folder on my external drive. I know how to do the copy and paste so that's no problem, but it keeps looking for a second like it's going to work and then all of a sudden is done and nothing is there.

I know I can write to the folder on my external drive OK, because I was able to copy other folders to it with no problem.

Open up the Tomtom drive and do a disk check/repair on it. I don't know window 7 but on xp, it's under properties -> Tools -> error checking. The goal is to back up your USA folder if it still shows on the drive. Everything else can be reinstalled via HOME for free.

If your USA folder is lost, call up Tomtom support. Since you're withing 30 days, they can activate map 840 on your account if you fax them proof of purchase. They'll also walk you through all the recovery steps similar to below step-by-step.

If Home won't install new maps, I would be happy to e-mail a copy of my USA maps, if I knew how big the file size is. If it's huge, I won't be able to e-mail it. I could always put it on cdr and postal mail it. It is possible the maps are in the recycle bin too.

Maps are serial number locked, so copying yours to another device won't work.

Gonna wait until it gets closer to the 30 days to do an update to make sure I get the latest since you only get 1 free one.
The November 840 map is already out. The next map won't be out until February, so no need to wait any longer.
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I wonder if the problem i'm having is because the majority of the files are marked as 'read only' ? I tried changing the attributes on the entire folder but some of them wouldn't let me.
I do still have the USA folder--the map folder didn't get deleted it appears, just the GPS application. I'm trying the suggestions now......
Interesting on the maps. Wonder why it is S/N locked? To prevent third party vendors? I assumed as long as it is the same model, it uses the same map file.

Thanks for the info. on the map release too.

Just trying to help, but doesn't sound like I have been. Sorry Brian.
MVL, remember this post from a day ago?

"The new version of HOME (2.8) will be supporting Windows 7 and were hoping by v 2.9 to have it support linux".
OK, here's where I am at now:

1) I do have the United States map file on my computer still

2) I downloaded the zip file.

3) I tired to format the disk as was mentioned in a previous post (used the disk mgmt console for that) and it told me that "Windows was not able to complete the format".

4) I can't seem to format it, and now the drive is still appearing in explorer but keeps telling me that the drive needs to be formatted before it can be accessed. That was using the "quick format" option, which I've since unchecked and started again. This time it didn't give me the "can't complete the format" error right away but the progress bar isn't moving and it doesn't seem to be doing anything (have waited about 5 minutes or so up until now). I'll let it sit for a while and see what happens.....
Inomplete/Slow progress on format probably means defective hardware. Could also mean the hardware isn't interfacing properly with win7.

Do you have access to a winxp computer & different usb cable so you can try to rule out anything on your machine's side? If so see if you can get quickformat to work.

Most likely I bet its an internal memory failure. If so, exchange it at Walmart, or call up Tomtom for a warranty swap - whatever is easier for you.
Well, the progress bar has finally nudged a bit with the 'quick format" unchecked. I'll let it sit overnight and see where it's at in the morning. Otherwise yes my computer is dual-boot with XP and I have a laptop with XP too--so I will try that next if that doesn't work.
Houston, the shuttle has left the tower.....

Looks like the format worked and the GPS seems to be working properly. Will use it on my way to work and make sure we're good......
Check the total memory on the device.

The flash memory controller has "bad memory hiding". If there is a bad block of memory it "shrinks" the flash drive rather than reporting bad sectors.

If you still have about 1 gig, then you may not care to worry about it. Just make sure you don't have significantly less than that as it hinders your ability to fit map upgrades onto the Tomtom in the future.
OK, will check it out. I'm curious--does this model have power mgmt features (like auto-off when power is removed or idle for a certain amount of time)? I love this GPS when it's working and am surprised tos ee that it doesn't seem to have that.
auto-off is in battery saving preferences in the preferences. i dont know if the 325 has it. being an entry level tomtom a lot of those options arent available.

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