Hello Renato - Welcome to TT Forums :wave:
Are you sure you know how the free traffic updates are supposed to work?
Sounds like yours is working....
At least you have the green traffic circle representing that you have reception. Might take a look here:
Discussing reception problems...
Anyway - you are not subscribing to LIVE traffic. Which has more detail. I own a 540 - which is incapable of LIVE traffic. Have the totally free version via the cord...
This (with the little black egg shape) receiver on the cord up toward the GPS plug in end - does NOT make announcements on traffic. It is extremely subtle.
It does the traffic bar going up the right hand side of screen; when it connects to a station - you get the green traffic circle at the top. At this point - we get to drive. NOTHING else will happen.
IF we drive into a traffic jam; OR a vehicle accident occurs ahead of us on our designated Route (you must have a ROUTE planned in the device) - Then you MIGHT get a traffic indication in the side bar. Very tiny; indicating construction, or accident; etc. And the estimated delay Time.
IF after this happens - the Unit computes a Quicker route - Then you will be asked if you want to take the Quicker route. (Assuming you have IQ enabled; etc. - which you probably do...)
So first - the Traffic FM signal which your unit is Receiving - must broadcast information which concerns your specific route. AND you must have a delay of some sort on that route... etc. etc. For you to SEE anything of difference on your device.
Since you have the full green circle - you ARE receiving traffic updates. You must have a ROUTE planned; and then some disturbance which is broadcast via the FM which concerns your planned route - must also occur - for you to see any difference on the device...
It is working fine. Relax and have a good day.
Hope this helps you out.
D. :thumb: