Traffic Receiver for Model 310

Jan 30, 2013
Vancouver, Canada
TomTom Model(s)
ONE 130
Hello All,
I'm new to the forum. I have a Tom Tom 310 Canada unit. I have been looking at adding the USB Lifetime Traffic Receiver built into the car charger. I see it on the TOMTOM web page for $69 and Amazon for $35. I have tried to determine if this unit will work in my area.
I drive mostly in the Vancouver British Columbia area and I thought this might help.

Can someone help in determining if this is a purchase I can use ?



  • TOMTOM Traffic.jpg
    TOMTOM Traffic.jpg
    4.2 KB · Views: 507
Neither the "N14644" or the "310" are numbers that will help us to identify your unit with any certainty. Those are numbers pertaining to regulatory approval of the device. To be sure that your need is met .. Please advise the first two digits of the serial number of your unit. That will give us some idea of its capabilities. We need to be sure that your unit is either running or capable of being updated to the firmware level that works with the device you are showing us in that photo. If you already know the firmware version that your unit is running, please let us know that as well.
Sorry for the mess up on the model. I had a terrible time even on the web page.

This is the Serial number: PB5198D01662. I would really like to know the Official name for my unit ?

That's either a ONE 125 or a ONE 130.

I keep getting lost with TomTom's many "4UUC..." style part numbers. If I am not mistaken, the 4UUC.001.01 is the right number for your unit. There are a couple that look very similar, so I can't tell from your photo whether that's the one you've selected. I've seen these being sold for as little as $15, but you are correct that Amazon sells this same part number for $35. I've had very good luck with Amazon if an item turns out to be a problem, so I'd be inclined to get it from them unless/until a moderator with a better memory on these part numbers can confirm/deny that the 4UUC.001.01 is the right one.

To those who will reply ... I believe that the ONE 125 or 130 max'd out at firmware 8.014, if that matters in the selection process. We don't want to accidentally point to one that requires 9.XXX firmware.
Well I have finally heard back from TOMTOM support and here is the news.
[FONT=&quot]Please note that the ONE 130 device is incompatible with the Car charger with Traffic Receiver (CLA-TMC). You will not be able to receive free traffic updates using the CLA-TMC on your ONE 130 device.[/FONT]

So I have what is know as ONE 130 Device. I don't think I will be updating seeing my unit is working I just will have to live without the Traffic Advisory.:canada:

I was a bit worried about that. Most of the cables out there for sale now require 9.XXX level firmware, and as I noted, the most recent yours could be running would be 8.014.

I am struggling to remember what the correct TomTom part number was for the older unit, and who knows ... there may still be a handful of them out there for sale that don't have 'expiration dates'.

C'mon guys, give this old moderator a hand!
The antenna that is compatible with the One 130 is the 9v00.080 model. It was discontinued in 2009 so it is very hard to find.

It expires one year after first use (so be careful when buying from less reputable locations).
I'm trying to dig this stuff up now ... See if I have this right: -- the part number for the boxed kit (device, packaging, instructions) is never the same as the part number for the device itself. At least the OP will not be completely befuddled by whatever numbers turn up.

Number for box artwork as marked on box (and often sold as): 9V00.080
Part number for boxed assembly as marked on box: 5V00.081
Actual part number marked on device: 4V00.081
Since it expires a year after first use, I'd recommend only buying a sealed retail box from a reputable place.

If it's open box, there's a good chance it has been used and expired.
-- the part number for the boxed kit (device, packaging, instructions) is never the same as the part number for the device itself.

I can certainly vouch for that part...
Maddening, isn't it?
Yes and no, Andy. I fully appreciate the need for proper part numbers for all 'drawings', even down to the drawing for the box artwork, but one would have hoped they would have done better with 'hiding' the non-essential numbers from the customer so as not to confuse. The only way to segregate various versions of stock and keep track of inventory is to number everything individually and at its various assembly levels, but the number a customer's eyes are drawn to on your product should always be ONLY the one you want them to talk to you about when ordering product or describing it to you over the phone!

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