Tone Dial Keyboard "Not Supported" when in call

Well I do recall 2 different things I did when pairing my phone. To get the data I ran the WMODEM app with the BT option which turns on my BT. Then this last time I didn't even run the WMODEM and I just manually turned on the BT from the WirelessManager app. Good Luck!

Where do I find this WMODEM app you speak of? I must be missing something cause I'm also running wm6 ON A ppc-6800. Unless its a Sprint thing.
Where do I find this WMODEM app you speak of? I must be missing something cause I'm also running wm6 ON A ppc-6800. Unless its a Sprint thing.
I acutally have service with Verizon. I don't think WM6 comes with the WMODEM app. Check under the \Windows directory of your phone for this. If it doesn't exist then you will need to search and find it on the forums at PPCGeeks or PDAPhoneHome. They have information on this. If you can send me a PM with your email I could email it to you.
An Update and my Solution!!

I figured out how to get DTMF on my HTC Phones xv6700 and xv6800. You have to be in a phone call as you have your TT detecting the features of your phone as you are pairing it. You dont have to delete the current pairing just go back to "Manage Phones" and select "find phones" or something like that. Put your phone on a call (call it yourself from a landline or call your voicemail or mins check, etc.) While it is on the call have the TT detecting. When it says connect to "YOUR PHONE NAME" say yes and let it do its detecting. This may work for others. Give it a try.
Great find. Worked like a charm accept I had to delete the current connection before it found my phone again. Also it was tricky to be on a call and have it pick up my phone but eventually I got it working and sure enough Tone Dial was detected. Now if I can only get my data connection working again with my Sprint phone. Seems like I can no longer get that connected but perhaps my login has changed or something.

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