TomTom XL IQ freeze on tomtom logo screen

Jul 2, 2011
My unit start freezing on welcome screen I have tried to restore my unit when it was perfect but no luck. I reinstall the application but again no luck I did it 3 times as i read other tread before .some body help me please.
Try connecting to Home. Run the emulator and plan a trip. When the route is completed, detach properly from Home using the Device Disconnect icon.
Hi thanks for your reply but can you tell me what is the emulator? when I connect to home , the icon for operate my one is unactive how can I plan a trip?
Hi I have managed to run tomtom on home and it works like a charm on computer but when i ejected from computer its freezing again. please help
If you are able to use the "Operate my..." from Home, use it to go to the Favorites menu, and add or delete a favorite, and try again.

Always be careful to disconnect your TomTom properly using the Home utility or the systray icon before disconnecting it.
I did that , add and delete some address to my favorite and disconnect as you said reset but again freeze on tomtom logo. can you please tell me how this unit work on home but doesnt work on its own? Thanks
Connect to the computer and make an Explorer, not Home, backup of your unit's contents.

Then format the unit, do NOT use quickformat.

Restore the backup.

Any better?
I formatted the unit with win explorer not quick one and then restoed but no luck as you turn it on its freeze again. I am realy stuck is this usual for this model? so why the unit works on home when I click to operate my one.
It appears to be a problem with the hardware of the unit.

Scrambling for a solution now...........

Download the ClearFlash tool from HERE and run it 3 times (the act of installing the application actually does run the program as well, not terrific for user feedback. Try it anyway)/

Then restart the unit. Any better?

If not, in Home's tools-->Mapshare changes-->remove all mapshare changes on the unit and try then.
I used the clearflash tool and restart the unit no luck!!! I didnt get what you mean about remove mapshare change? when I go to tools then mapshre preferences there are four level 1. strict 2.high 3.medium 4.low in the trust level option. which one do i have to chose? or do i have to go to remove correction? please explain as I am not expert. Thanks
Try 'remove corrections'.

If that doesn't work, the only other thing I can think of -- AFTER you've made the Explorer backup -- is this:

Start--Run--cmd and in the box that opens, type the following:

chkdsk X: /f where X: represents the drive letter assigned to the tomtom unit by Windows. Also, notice the space prior to the / symbol

I know you said you've done it in your first post, but can you humour me and try reinstalling the software again?

Assuming you have already made that backup with Windows Explorer.
Use Win Explorer to brows the contents of the TomTom.
DELETE all the "loose" files (i.e. the ones that are NOT in a folder, Do not delete any folders or their contents.
Connect to Home and it should offer to re-install the operating system files.

Do that and see if it helps. Tell us exactly what is offered by TomTom Home and what happens when you have installed it.
I did that nothing happens also I went to run and did what you said and windows has finished the correction on file system and again freezed .
So I think I am on the end of the track and my unit wait for a dustbin. Is that true?
Thanks for advise anyway
Hi Andy_p
I did that before as I read in other posts when I install the first application that home offers and then unit doesnt restart aotomaticly so i restarted my self when is boot up again I have been offered for another application which is newer and I installed that and restart again but this time i receive the message my unit is up to date.but still freeze on tomtom logo.
Well, I'd really like you to try it again.

You could also try (assuming you KNOW you have a good backup) deleting everything and then connecting to Home and accepting what it offers you.

Feed back to us exactly what it says and does, otherwise we are just guessing.
Before my unit hasbeen crash down (3 months ago) i had two backups . one was the explorer back up and one was from home (back up and restore) icon. which one you recommend?
At the moment, I don't want you to use ANY backup.

It needs to be available so we can put your maps back later, but I want to see what Home offers you first, WITHOUT you adding any old stuff.
I formatted my unit with explorer then check disk no error then connect to home and they offer me for application . i install that then restart , offer another application(newer) and then after instalation restart again and then home said I am uptodate then disconnect properly from computer restart and again F... freeze .

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