TomTom should offer Lifetime Map Updates

Let's got the unit in June. Never bothered to get a free map (which would have reduced the upgrade cost) and it's TomTom 's fault? :eek:

While I agree that map upgrades are a reasonable chunk of money, especially when compared to the price of low end models such as yours, tell me not printer companies do this when you have to buy consumables and the same for the razor companies?

At least you can manage with an older map but what printer runs when the ink or toner is empty?
Maps are very expensive to make, the mapping trucks drive all over the world with sophisticated sensor technology, and have to keep repeating it to keep up with the millions of changes globally each year.

For those new to GPSs, they sound very expensive. But when you consider a rand mcnally book costs $10-$20 and has nowhere near the detail or coverage of a Tomtom map, it put's the price in perspective.

Just a few years ago, GPS maps used to be $200+. It's good that so many people are buying GPSs so that the mapping companies can spread their costs and reduce their prices.
WOW Ive read through this thread and i think most people here are making more of this than need be. The statement is simple "TomTom should offer lifetime map updates" My answer to this is ........... ABSOLUTLY!!!!! NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!! so far this has been the single worst drawback I can see for me going with TOMTOM ..............and b4 all you people who just want to be opposed to what i have to say reguardless of weather im right or wrong......I know I should have done my homework b4 choosing a navigation device. Having said that......I honestly belive that paying $80.00 for each map is DEFINITALY NOT WORTH IT and $39.80 for 4 maps is getting better BUT!!!!! Like the original poster stated IT DOES NOT COMPARE WITH COMPETITORS!!!!
I pay about three hundred dollars a year for very basic aviation gps upgrades and the information is mostly provided by the government to the providers who encode them or whatever. I just got the free upgrade when I bought my latest unit and honestly I doubt I will upgrade again unless something major changes. I just do not use the units to that degree but I know others really need the latest. When I compared the 930 maps to the 910 maps I only found one change that affected my driving but that is just my opinion and I know others will disagree. BTW how much are map upgrades for other units when compared to what TT charges? Does someone provide free map upgrades? I wish we could get upgrades for free but it is indeed a service and I expect will always come with a price.

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