TomTom & phantom railroads

Feb 27, 2008
It seems that TomTom does a great job of adding/changing roads but really sucks when they still have railroad tracks when they haven't been there in years. In some cases its 25+ years.

How come they're still there?
It seems that TomTom does a great job of adding/changing roads but really sucks when they still have railroad tracks when they haven't been there in years. In some cases its 25+ years.

How come they're still there?
While great for RR history buffs, not useful to most of the rest of us.

I believe this information occurs in the mapping of governmental agencies long after the tracks are gone as much as anything to indicate old (and possibly still current) RR right-of-way areas. There's a mistaken belief that I've seen before that the mapping companies are all using satellite or aerial data along with field checking to produce their maps. In fact, they depend a great deal upon map data from various local and regional governments for the base data, and that's where this stuff usually shows up.
Also, at least in Montreal, the underground subway tracks appear as railroad tracks on the map, so you can get confused as to why there are random RR tracks everywhere downtown.

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