TomTom One vent mount

Ok, so I've found a vent mount that I like and fits into my car perfectly.

Here it is:

However looking at the vent mount you can see that it needs another part that needs to be screwed on that mount. Basically the part where the TomTom Clips on.

Does anybody know where I could find one of those?
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With Proclip, you do need 2 things. One is the vechile mount that you posted Jorg, and the other is the device holder. The device holder for the ONE is located here , here or here.

Since you live in the UK, I believe you should check out They sell and ship in the UK, same parts and everything.
Thanks for the links!! ;)

Going with this combo seems to be getting a bit pricey tho. I think I might try the TomTom alternative mounting kit first and hope it'll do.
Your right it does work for the ONE, but only in Europe. It says it will be soon available for the US. The mount for the ONE is item 6) TomTom ONE Mount Plate. (EU only. ONE mount plate available in the US soon).
No worries. :)

here's the email: (e-mail address removed) which they won't answer lol

Hauptstra?e 75
D-33758 SH-Stukenbrock

Telefon: 05207-89 52-52
Telefax: 05207-89 52-68
Freefax: 08000-89 52 68

Just wanted to give them a call now but just realized that I actually don't know what you wanna know. :)
What questions do you have for these guys?
How about using Velcro?

Since the TomTom One is so light, do you think those Sticky Velcro would work? In this case, we would have much wider choices of where in a car we want to put the TomTom, not to mention that it is cheap.
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I would think so, but I don't want to add sticky to my dash. If I decide to take the TTT out, I don't want any wholes are anythign left after... I like clean.
I thought I've seen someone in the Spanish forum use velcro for their ONE. I'll check to see if I can find the image.
I would think so, but I don't want to add sticky to my dash. If I decide to take the TTT out, I don't want any wholes are anythign left after... I like clean.

I think one can remove the sticky velcro easily from any plastic/wood surface and clean the sticky out with solvent such as alcohol. Also, I would put the hook side (the side with the plastic hooks) of the velcro on the dash and it could be small, such as 3/4 inch square or circle. It would be nice if you can match the color of this part with the surface. It shouldn't look too bad. The loop side of the velcro would be at the back of the TomTom One.
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I would love to see an image of this setup. I like having my ONE in the upper left corner of my windshield, but it's a pain when I have to charge it from there, wires across my lap...
yeah.... but I still wouldn't want to. My cars usually look brand new from the time I buy them to the time I sell them. Just an OCD thing for me I guess. :D
Pictures of my Velcro attached TT1

Velcro on TomTom One:

Velcro on dash:

Attached TT1:

I must say that it is more secured than the suction mount.
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Very interesting. I'll have to look around inside my Tahoe for a good place to try this. Does it muffle the speaker at all?
Yes, it is very secured. It actually is much easier to reach for me than using the suction mount. I think I actually overkilled by using too large a piece of velcro. You can probably use smaller pieces. I think using two little pieces instead of one large piece like I did would probably be better, since the back of the unit has a little curvature. That way, you would also leave a little bigger opening for the speaker.

At first, I was afraid that it may muffle the sound but it has very little effect on the sound or sound level, since in my case the upper half of the speaker is at the opening of the dashboard. I would suggest that you try something similar by locating it just on the lower edge of your dash board.
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