TomTom one 3rd problems

Is there an English number I can phone and how much will the phone call cost?

"Be aware, too, that FAT32 is limited to partitions no larger than 32GB so for a larger drive, you may have to use multiple partitions to format the entire drive."

the internal drive is 1 GB so that's not why

I think I have Fucking done it YAY used dos j: /FS:FAT32

now my tom tom home has picked it up will give you more info in a bit
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I have now run out of space for my western map on my sat nav

but its working!!!!

got any tips on how and what to get rid of
Voices that you may not use, perhaps.......

If Home is working, move to 'items on my unit' and see what's listed. You may see a section for voices, expand it......look what's there.

by the way, if it is working, make a complete Explorer backup, not Home, of your unit's contents and ensure hidden files/folders are showing.
the western Europe map is really big 854 MB

I only have 70 megabytes of free space on my Tom Tom :eek:

How the hell am i going to fit that map back onto my device

I honestly can't see why so much space is being used I have deleted some voices

the biggest thing i see on there tho is the application 10 megabytes
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My TomTom One 3rd Edition disk became corrupted while performing updates using TomTom HOME. All I had was the notorious flashing red X in the lower right corner of the screen. Instructions on TomTom's support webpage gave instruction to format the TomTom's memory. It refused to format normally. I found a tip on other forums about using the DOS format command and it successfully formatted the TomTom memory.

I opened the CMD window and changed the directory to C:/windows/sytem32>.
Then I ran the command C:\WINDOWS\system32>Format G: /FS:FAT32
(My TomTom showed up as "G:" drive)
Below is the dialog captured from the screen of the format process:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>format g: /FS:FAT32
Insert new disk for drive G:
and press ENTER when ready... [enter]

The type of the file system is RAW.
The new file system is FAT32.
Verifying 980M
Initializing the File Allocation Table (FAT)...
Volume label (11 characters, ENTER for none)?
Format complete.

1,025,581,056 bytes total disk space.
1,025,576,960 bytes available on disk.

4,096 bytes in each allocation unit.
250,385 allocation units available on disk.

32 bits in each FAT entry.

Volume Serial Number is 9433-C49F


After that I copied the files in the backup directory I had made when I originally connected the TomTom to my computer and rebooted the TomTom. I used Windows Explorer to copy the files. The TomTom came up operating just as if nothing had happened.
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