TomTom One 3rd Edition hangs on start up

One last thing to try, but first I need some info:

In your original backup, there should be a file named ttgo.bif. Open it with notepad.

What does it say to the right of "BootLoaderVersion"?
Hi Mike,

Thanks for your suggestion. I'll check it when I get home.

Hi mvl,

Unfortunately I was unable to make a full backup when I got the unit because I kept getting errors. The only files that I managed to salvage were the maps and a few other folders but none of them include the ttgo.bif file.


If Mike's tips don't work, try a clearflash and see if that helps any.

If not, and the unit is in-warranty, then swap it out for warranty repair.

If it's not under warranty, here's another thing to try. These steps will probably void a warranty, and are irreversible, so don't do it unless nothing else works. On a clean drive (go ahead and quickformat it), use winrar to download the contents of this file and place the contents on the Tomtom drive. Then turn it on and see if you get "no maps found". If so, that's a good sign - go and quickformat the Tomtom again, copy back your map folder from backup, and let HOME download and update normally.

If the above doesn't work, repeat the same steps with this file. If it doesn't work, then I'm out of ideas, and there's something probably physically wrong with your Tomtom.
Hi Mike and mvl,

I've tried all of your suggestions to no avail. It would appear that there is something physically wrong with my One and unfortunately it is out of warranty.

Many thanks for all of your help anyway! Much appreciated!


Well I suffered the same fate with my tomtom ...freezing on start up after an update on home.

1.) backup for this device in South africa is non-existant - take it back to where I bought it as it was under warranty. told to call help line help line. Help line: is it under warranty...yes, told take it back to where you bought it they will fix it. take it, all you need to do is update on the internet. try that then format and the whole mission at least 20 times and still nothing

tried hints and downloads in this thread and on the TOMTOM site. what a crock!!!! Under warranty means - ZILCH! all I want is my one working again and now have exhausted all avenues as the retailer does nothing.
Hi Mike,

It either hangs at the tomtom splash screen or sometimes depending on which navcore I've got loaded it hangs on a light blue screen with a darker blue bar at the bottom of the screen.



I can't even load anything it just hangs as above or on the tomtom boot screen with the little hands. I have formated I don't know how many times and restored. can't get it to boot to a map, don't even get a warning if I don't have any loaded.
Well, if it's under warranbty, despite the apparent passing the buck that you experienced, it should be able to be returned to TomTom for repairs.

Call support, ask for a supervisor ...
Hi Mike and mvl,

I've tried all of your suggestions to no avail. It would appear that there is something physically wrong with my One and unfortunately it is out of warranty.

Many thanks for all of your help anyway! Much appreciated!


Did you ever fix this problem. I have exactly the same fault on mine, and am looking for remedies.
Welcome to the forum, can you tell us exactly what device you have in order to offer some specific advice, if it's a tt One look at the base and read the part number, from this we can work out which device as there over 15 different models by now! - Mike
Tomtom One 3rd Edition (1 Gb)

Hi Mike

I have exactly the same problem that Mjg09 has described in his reports. I have tried all the suggestions, and my results are the same as his.
Basically, the Tomtom boots but hangs on the splash screen (red hands). If I reformat and get tt home to reinstall the application, it still won't boot - hangs on red hands. If I the clear the flash, it will boot one step past red hands, to a grey screen with a blue line at the bottom.

I too have no ttgo.bif file to load.

I have a Tomtom One 3rd Edition (1 Gig), model 4N01.002
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The entire root of a working One 3rd edition (along will all the necessary subfolders) are in my link in step 3 below.

But home can also install that itself. I'm starting to think there's a hardware fault.

As a last ditch effort, try this:
1) backup per this link
2) format the drive with quickformat disabled (if it takes more than 30-60 minutes, then you have a hardware fault and need repair)
3) use winrar to extract the contents of this file onto the drive

Then unplug and start it up. It should start up and say "no maps found". If it doesn't then you have a hardware fault too.

If it says "no maps found" then it should work fine. Copy just the map folder from the backup, and do this step.

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