TomTom Maps can not deal with new 35w bridge in Minneapolis

Nov 24, 2008
:mad: I've been going round and round with tomtom support on the issue of the 35w bridge in minneapolis. Originally when the bridge went down I went looking for a way to deal with the lack of a major freeway and how to deal
with the now incorrect routes my gps was generating. Based on information
listed in this faq it seems map corrections would handle the issue and presumably the subsequent restoration of the bridge.

But my current map did not support map corrections, ok guess I need to upgrade my map $99!! ouch that is pretty steep but it supports the map correction feature and that should deal with the temporary loss of the bridge.
So I reluctantly paid the $99 for the upgrade.

Ok so now the bridge is restored, cool I'll just go in and tell my tomtom to unblock the road -- no dice still won't route across the bridge. Wait for the next map corrections to download -- no dice still won't route.

Ok file report with tomtom.
The answer: Oh well the bridge was physically removed from the map geometry and map corrections can not deal with that sort of change, you must get an updated map, ohh and yes you must pay another $99 for that new map!!

Hmm ok that is getting to be a bit much, the total comes to $198 worth of map upgrades in just over a years period of time!

Ohh and apparently when I asked about downgrading to my older map that has the 35w bridge still there, I was told downgrading is not supported.

So anybody looking to buy a tomtom living in the Minneapolis area I would be very cautious about which map version the system comes with and if it has the 35w bridge as part of the "geometry".

I have not been able to get a deterministic answer from tomtom support as to which map version has the 35w bridge, the answer I get is: the latest version is on the web site. Which may or may not have the corrected geometry since it was release close to the time the bridge was restored.
I just checked to see if I could see your 35w bridge in Minneapolis, MN by browsing the latest NA map v8.15 and saw it there. I can understand your frustration about bying the map and finding it does not have the information you expected it to have. I would call tech support again and explain the situation while being firm and nice. Can't garantee you will get it but there are times when turning on the charm can lead a long way...

In the event you don't succedd, may I suggest you wait for the next map release which should be a major update since those significant design MapShare updates should start appearing also the rumour mill has it we may be able to subscribe to a map update plan that could substantially reduce the cost of map updates such as the one they now have in Europe. If the rumours turn out to be true, you will surely be glad you have waited...
you most certainly can downgrade to your previous map IF you have it backed up. just backup the new map before starting, and then copy you old map back in it's place.
Removing the bridge from the mapping geometry was entirely the wrong way to go, knowing that the bridge did exist at one point and would eventually be replaced. What they should have done was leave the base map geometry alone, and issued a Map Share update to block travel in both directions, and do this for every map version supporting Map Share. Then, when the bridge re-opened, issue another Map Share update to open travel in both directions.

It's unfortunate that TomTom's customers have to suffer due to their short-sighted handling of this issue. I would be persistent about getting a map that correctly shows the current geometry. I've had very good luck via email.
What they should have done was leave the base map geometry alone, and issued a Map Share update to block travel in both directions, and do this for every map version supporting Map Share. Then, when the bridge re-opened, issue another Map Share update to open travel in both directions.
Absolutely! This is a definite "forehead slap" moment for TomTom! :rolleyes:
Since my destination is near downtown I don't worry too much about the rerouting of the bridge. Even since the new bridge has opened, using the 8.15 maps (I think that's right, the latest ones) I still have trouble too.

But there was a temporary divergence while they were doing work at 35W and 36, from northbound 35W onto 36 then back to 35W north, that I can't seem to undo. It always wants me to shift onto 36 then back to 35W.
The TomTom route planner takes you right over the 35W but Google maps (also TeleAtlas) avoids it. Neither gives a map version though that I am aware of.

Blocking the bridge certainly would have been better than eliminating it imo also.
Now that I think about it, I have not even gone down 35w with a rout set so I don't know if it blocks it or not on my 720. I will have to check that out. As for me I usually just take Hwy100 south to 494 and jump back over to 35w and that's mostly to avoid all the construction going on there right now so in the long run, Its much faster for me living on the north side of the cities.

As for the MA maps. I notice they are like $79.95usd right now but I still wont upgrade due to the loss of FM Mod and the stuttering issues people are still having.
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This is just a big con

I'm really annoyed about this. There was no 35w Bridge when I purchased my TomTom. I thought it would be put back via a mapshare upgrade when the bridge re-opened, but it never did.

TomTom just want us to spend money on new maps; it's just a HUGE RIP OFF.
Get a Garmin

:mad: I've been going round and round with tomtom support on the issue of the 35w bridge in minneapolis. Originally when the bridge went down I went looking for a way to deal with the lack of a major freeway and how to deal
with the now incorrect routes my gps was generating. Based on information
listed in this faq it seems map corrections would handle the issue and presumably the subsequent restoration of the bridge.

But my current map did not support map corrections, ok guess I need to upgrade my map $99!! ouch that is pretty steep but it supports the map correction feature and that should deal with the temporary loss of the bridge.
So I reluctantly paid the $99 for the upgrade.

Ok so now the bridge is restored, cool I'll just go in and tell my tomtom to unblock the road -- no dice still won't route across the bridge. Wait for the next map corrections to download -- no dice still won't route.

Ok file report with tomtom.
The answer: Oh well the bridge was physically removed from the map geometry and map corrections can not deal with that sort of change, you must get an updated map, ohh and yes you must pay another $99 for that new map!!

Hmm ok that is getting to be a bit much, the total comes to $198 worth of map upgrades in just over a years period of time!

Ohh and apparently when I asked about downgrading to my older map that has the 35w bridge still there, I was told downgrading is not supported.

So anybody looking to buy a tomtom living in the Minneapolis area I would be very cautious about which map version the system comes with and if it has the 35w bridge as part of the "geometry".

I have not been able to get a deterministic answer from tomtom support as to which map version has the 35w bridge, the answer I get is: the latest version is on the web site. Which may or may not have the corrected geometry since it was release close to the time the bridge was restored.

Maybe TT will wake up and smell the coffee, NuMaps lifetime quarterly updates for under $130
So I'm still frustrated with the whole lack of 35w bridge thing again and figured I would give
it another shot at getting some resolution, but this is turning out to be an absolute joke when it
comes to tomtom support.

This is the responses I have got so far:

We understand the inconvenience this bridge not being used for routing purposes may be causing. This type of correction does not take immediate effect on your map. It is reported to our Map Development Team for future map releases, unless it was a road blocked by the corrections feature. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you could provide us with a starting and ending point, we will gladly check our version 8.25 map for this information. Once we receive this, we will research this for you, and provide you with the results.

I responded with a link to the location in google maps.

I get this back:

Thank you for updating your incident regarding the bridge. My name is Jamie. We are always happy to help.

I am able to find the bridge on Google maps. I need a starting point, and a destination, so that I am able to check if our routes include the bridge. I apologize for any confusion my last email may have cause. Once we receive this information, we will look further into your query.

More to come? ... maybe.
I dont know what maps you are using but v825.2157 see the bridge. Just drove over it today and my GPS took me right across it with no problems. :)
Bridge is on the map

I also have had the bridge show up on my 720 map. I am currently using ver. 8.25 but remember it showing on ver. 8.15 also. Could you have another setting selected that is preventing the bridge from showing (such as Avoid Freeways)?
I just did a route planner test, the bridge is shown on map 825, and you can route through it using "fastest" mode in both directions.

Per daveschg it was broken in map 815 (I never tested), but it's definitely working fine in map 825.

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