TomTom Home Ver. 2.2 is out today

Brilliant update

except for the fact that it made my GPS unbootable and I had to reinstall everything

oh and also the program itself (TomTom HOME 2.2) kept asking me to reinstall it and then said ERROR ALREADY INSTALLED over and over.

fun fun fun

*looks at his bill and looks at the new navigon*
so I've reinstalled everything
now each time i disconnect my TomTom from my docking station and put it back on later... it asks me if i want to reinstall TomTom HOME ... everytime. and it doesn't work unless I uninstall the program and reinstall it.
It was late when I downloaded it at home, but I saw something about custom map overlays? I have been digging around now, and cant get back to the tomtom page that had the info on it? Anyone else see this?
Installed this update today, all looks the same to me

Maybe I just didn't notice it in the earlier version of TTHome, but it seems to me that with .58, when you look at the 'Installed on Computer' icon (or whatever......:cool: ), as you click the various options, the path to the location is more precise.
I am having a major problem with the new Home.

1. When I click on click on "Use Latest Map Guarantee" it opens another Hone and just sits there, and sits there. I end up freezing my computer screen.

2. Map updates do no download. I have to go to Mapsharing under tools, I then go to Map Sharing Prefences. At the bottom of that screen it will show
"Current Corrections on device .8 MB. After this update .9 mb".

If I click ok it then downloads the update.

Anyone else having this problem(s)
It gives me an error if I don't choose whether I want it to connect to my Tomtom internal memory or the SD card, seems like if I was able to move at light speed I could click the option before it errors... it takes minutes to connect to the server and get updates, and locks up my computer if I try to "Use latest Map Guarentee."

Other than that... no problems.

Does not actually disconnect

New update for Home seems to function okay except for one thing.

When I go to Device->disconnect, it says it does, but the GO 510 is still connected. I power it off to remove it from the dock after the activity indicator stops. When I power it back on..."drums play" not the normal restart.

I have upgraded to the Home and all seems to work o.k. I do have one question though that on the main screen it states "your map is 21 weeks out of date 14051 free Map Share map corrections waiting" How do I get these correction on my TT 910? Whn I hit update my go there are no correction waiting.
Thanks, Mark K
I have upgraded to the Home and all seems to work o.k. I do have one question though that on the main screen it states "your map is 21 weeks out of date 14051 free Map Share map corrections waiting" How do I get these correction on my TT 910? Whn I hit update my go there are no correction waiting.
Thanks, Mark K
I believe MapShare expires one year after you got your map. You can still update but you can't download updates.

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