TomTom Home, Apple Macintosh and mapshare?

Got version 1.6.020 from the following TomTom support website

This gives ability to operate GO 510/710 from the computer just like windows versions.

That link didn't work for me, but I found version 1.6.020 here:

However it doesn't seem to offer any new capabilities for my 920T. If I click on the "My Go 920" icon I get a screen with a picture of the GPS and the error message: "At this time there is no component available that is compatible with your TomTom device."

So maybe this version allows the older TomTom's to be operated, but not the newer ones?
So maybe this version allows the older TomTom's to be operated, but not the newer ones?

With version 1.5, it said my ONE was a GO

Now with 1.6, it correctly identifies my ONE as a ONE.

Also Virtual TomTom still doesn't work but it correctly shows a picture of a ONE instead of a GO.

AFAIK, none of the TomTom's could be operated from TT Home on the Mac.
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For me, both 1.5 and 1.6 recognize my One as a One, but 1.6 won't get updates, it hangs for ever contacting the TT Plus services.

I'm communicating with the Dutch TT helpdesk, and they told me a Home 2.0 for the mac is indeed in the make, but couldn't tell me when it will be released.

Since I'm "working" for one of the biggest Mac internet forum/news site in the Netherlands, I'm trying now to get some more info using, I know.....:D

When I will get some news regarding Home for the mac, I will for sure post it here.
That link didn't work for me, but I found version 1.6.020 here:

However it doesn't seem to offer any new capabilities for my 920T. If I click on the "My Go 920" icon I get a screen with a picture of the GPS and the error message: "At this time there is no component available that is compatible with your TomTom device."

So maybe this version allows the older TomTom's to be operated, but not the newer ones?

Hey, Boyd. Don't know whether you're still following this thread, but you get that message ("At this time, there is no component available that is compatible with your TomTom device") if there are no updates available for your unit (which makes sense if it's new). But you should be able to access the other functionality (backup, download updates, etc.).
The only time I've ever seen that message is when I click on the picture of the GPS, which would take me to the "virtual TomTom" in the PC version. All the other functions in the Mac version have worked as expected for me.

However just today I got a MacBook Pro with Leopard. Will be interesting to see how it works with HOME. But I've also installed Win XP and Parallels, so I'll also see how the PC version runs. If it works under Parallels then there won't be much reason to use the Mac version :)

I just installed Garmin US Topo 2008/MapSource and it works like a champ under Parallels with my GPSMap 60csx, much faster and less buggy than it did on my POS cheap Vista Laptop in fact.
For everyone still following this thread, TT Home 2.0 for the Mac just arrived, and it looks to be a bit better then 1.5 or 1.6
I just used it to get the Western-Europe map on the last day it can be bought with a 50% discount, still some weird unexpected quits, but it worked.:) for Mac... and it works!

Just installed the new TTHome software on a G4 laptop and was able to download MapShare updates! And, better yet, it didn't delete my North American map. I'm a happy camper!:)

TomTom One New Edition (LE)

Following is copied from the "about" info:

DeviceName=TomTom ONE
DeviceVersionHW=ONE (v4)
* HOME info:
DLL Version:
MapShare DLL Version:
Language: en-GB
The only thing I've had issues with has been the "Virtual TomTom" function on TTH 2.2 Mac. I sent a message to TT about it and got this response:

TT Tech Support said:
Dear baggss,

Thank you for contacting TomTom. We appreciate the time you have taken to contact us in regard to issues you are having with the TomTom Home program. Our goal is to provide you with exceptional customer service, and we are happy to help!

Upon reading your email, we do understand your issue and apologize for any frustration this has caused. This feature is currently under development. As such, it is not yet accessible. Please rest assured that TomTom is doing everything possible to complete this quickly and efficiently. We appreciate your patience while we continue to improve your customer experience.

If you have any further questions or comments, please email or call us at 866-486-6866 Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM until 7:00 PM EST. Thanks again for writing. At TomTom we believe in showing you the way the easy way.

With Best Regards,
The TomTom Customer Support Team
New Home update is available as of today :confused: Gets you one step closer to using Virtual TomTom, and twice as frustrated as before that it still doesn't work properly. Now it's just causing the whole thing to freeze and crash.:mad:
Why are they just releasing half ass attempts partial solutions to the problem. It seems to be a much bigger programming job than they had anticipated.
Who knows how long a true fully working Mac edition of HOME will exist.
Not showing an update available. I'm still on the version.

EDIT: Wait, I just got it. V2.2.1.26

Edit 2: This is Odd. If I click "Operate My Go" while the SD card is in the slot and the internal drive is selected it starts the program and runs me through the setup up to the point of choosing a voice. Then is says I have no voices. When I click on the screen again, it says I have no Maps loaded. It is clearly looking at the SD card, and the card icon on the unit is flashing. If I remove the SD card and force it to the internal drive, it locks up as described above.
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I just downloaded the latest version of TT home today. I have a Mac as well. When I dock my 920, I get a screen that shows the SD card as being selected. I can not select my 920. When I eject the SD card, then go back to main menu, I can select the 920.
I can't believe this is still balled up on the Mac.

Virtual TomTom was actually finally working on TT Home version 1.6.020 on my MacBook. Then version 2 broke it. :mad:

I installed TT Home version 2 for Mac a few months ago and when I try to use the Virtual TomTom feature, I get a message to install a file. I click on install and then after downloading, get a cryptic installation error saying that it failed. Repeated attempts give the same error with no clue what to do next. I click on "anonymously report error to TomTom" for all the good that will do. But why anonymously? I'm logged in after all.

I've also been trying it on my Mac G4 with the same results.

This has been going on for over 3 months now!!

Today I upgraded to and still the same problem. Un-freakin-believable!!

Every time I download an updated version of TT Home, I actually think this problem might finally be resolved. How stupid and naive of me! These knuckle-headed programmers at TomTom should really be embarrassed.

Lobotomized monkeys randomly smashing keys could probably get TT Home for Mac working better than this. :eek:
Well I'm glad I found this forum because I was going nuts. On my intel iMac (OSX 10.4.11) I "upgraded" to the new TT Home and, as Sparky indicated, I can't operate the Go from the desktop software. ARRRRGGGHH! It worked under my old Home, but I dumped that when I downloaded the "new and improved" version (I know, call me "Mr. Dumas").

This shouldn't be that hard . . . c'mon TT, get in the 21st century.
Well I'm glad I found this forum because I was going nuts. On my intel iMac (OSX 10.4.11) I "upgraded" to the new TT Home and, as Sparky indicated, I can't operate the Go from the desktop software. ARRRRGGGHH! It worked under my old Home, but I dumped that when I downloaded the "new and improved" version (I know, call me "Mr. Dumas").

This shouldn't be that hard . . . c'mon TT, get in the 21st century.

I kept my old 1.6 version installed but unfortunately it's not working very well anymore... stalls while trying to update something. I tricked it into running Virtual TomTom by choosing "Operate TomTom" before plugging it in. It works, however, every 10 seconds or so, I get some kind of an error... probably because it's still trying to update in the background.

For now just I'll just wait for the lobotomized monkeys to release a working version for the Mac.
Operate my GO

:mad: I just got a new GO 930T, downloaded TomTom Home, tried to open 'Operate my Go' and get the following message 'This function is not yet supported by by your TomTom device or operating system' and to top it off, my TomTom no longer has the maps of Europe on it. Any suggestions?
I tried opening the program first and the connecting the device but the correct screen shows up briefly then I get the error message as above.
:mad: I just got a new GO 930T, downloaded TomTom Home, tried to open 'Operate my Go' and get the following message 'This function is not yet supported by by your TomTom device or operating system'

This won't make you feel any better and I don't excuse TomTom but at least you get a proper error message explaining why it won't work.

Mine used to work but now tries to install a special file while giving an "unspecified installation error".

Seriously, no Mac support at all would be better than all these half-@ssed attempts.
:mad: I just got a new GO 930T, downloaded TomTom Home, tried to open 'Operate my Go' and get the following message 'This function is not yet supported by by your TomTom device or operating system' and to top it off, my TomTom no longer has the maps of Europe on it. Any suggestions?
I tried opening the program first and the connecting the device but the correct screen shows up briefly then I get the error message as above.
If you just got the 930 you should have gotten at least one software update for the device, now there is a second one out as well. When I got my 930 back in April as soon as I connected it to TT Home a software update was downloaded, I believe it was 8.02 or 8.002. Then when I clicked on "Operate My Go" Home said a file needed to be downloaded which it did and the the feature worked and still works on my Macbook Pro albeit with a few glitches. If you have a non intel mac it probably won't.

I also have a 920 and "Operate My Go" does not work with that device, I get the message you mentioned.
If you have a non intel mac it probably won't.

That should not make any difference at all.

TT Home for Mac is considered a "Universal Application"...

... it works equally poor on my new Intel and older PPC Macs alike. I have the same problems and get the same errors with both.
Well apparently the new software update - 8.01 - to the 30s knocked out the "Operate My Go" feature. My 930 had worked properly with this feature since I purchased it in April. My 920 has not been able to use this feature for a while now. I connect them both to my Macbook Pro.
Hi having real trouble downloading to my new iMac....Tom Tom Home shows as disc image in my downloads and not as application. TTH does not recognise my device when it is plugged in. I have downloaded latest application from tomtom site for Apple too.

With two TomTom devices, I too find it frustrating that I can only register one at a time, TomTom clearly has to get its act together regarding this, only discourages people from buying more than one TT this seriously good marketing?

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