TomTom Home 2.4 Announced

This feature (subscriptions) does NOT appear to have made it to North America. At least I can see no reference to it in my version of TT Home. the ALG. I refer to the arrows at the bottom of the screen, left side. All I did was set a route from Home in Thornhill to Yonge Street in Toronto. Saw the arrows straight away as to what direction to turn and also saw the "IQ routing -- weekday'' on the screen as it was planning the route.

Also, the crappy compass but that's another story.
Lost all the mapshare.
My setting is in medium and I don't have anything to download.
Also in the country, it says "not available"

I will just wait for TomTom to fix again home

No, call customer support and tell them you lost your mapshare changes! I reported it as well. Tell them to look at reference log: 080923008447 for a similar complaint as yours. the ALG. I refer to the arrows at the bottom of the screen, left side. All I did was set a route from Home in Thornhill to Yonge Street in Toronto. Saw the arrows straight away as to what direction to turn and also saw the "IQ routing -- weekday'' on the screen as it was planning the route.
Could you make a screen print of that if in Home when running 'Show route demo' or a screen shot (tap top left corner) when it happens while driving.

Also, the crappy compass but that's another story.
That one doesn't bother me. Once had an Audi and disconnected the compass because I pretend Younge St. runs north-south and Eglinton, Lawrence, etc. run exactly east-west! Same with Consession Roads and Side Lines. (It probably will become a bother when I criss cross to Dorset for the colours and the sun isn't out for directions.)
Could you make a screen print of that if in Home when running 'Show route demo' or a screen shot (tap top left corner) when it happens while driving.

Well, there is this:

but something weird. I DID see the arrows last night. Today, in attempting to get the capture, I did not. I did a pin reset. They were back. Connected to Home and they weren't showing. Disconnected, pin reset and they were back. Went through process again. Disappeared again. Now, can't get them back. Will keep trying...
Is that a night colour scheme? Not enough contrast for my 64-11/12 year old eyes. BTW, had my shop at 2650 John until last October.

but something weird. I DID see the arrows last night. Today, in attempting to get the capture, I did not. I did a pin reset. They were back. Connected to Home and they weren't showing. Disconnected, pin reset and they were back. Went through process again. Disappeared again. Now, can't get them back. Will keep trying...
I don't think that ALG will work when connected to HOME, just like the phone or computer voices.
Maybe you can try it if you added the noautosuspend.dat. It and the features work extremely well.
I spoke with three customer service reps at TomTom and two said the subscription service for NA should be available through Home 2.4 (which it isn't) and one said that it's not out yet. Darrell Griffin on PocketGPS said he checked with TomTom and they told him that the service launch excludes NA. Don't know who to believe at this point.
I'd believe Darrell. He seems well connected. I had a customer service rep yesterday argue with me that the compass in Nav8 pointed to other directions than North.

Sometimes, it just ain't worth the effort ..... :rolleyes:
Sorry I forgot to copy my issue from above

I lost all the mapshare information when I went to 2.4
The next day (today) everything came back to normal.
The update of the TT was not showing me any mapshare available yesterday but today it showed up
Thank you for the feedback........guess the old mapshare servers are the problem ............ again.:eek:
I just plugged in my TTR2 to HOME and it advises me that HOME 2.4 is available. I downloaded it and I don't really see anything much different to be honest. I suspect just some performance enhancements for the program?

I do note however that when I go to my Mapshare preferences and want to select countries, it states "no items available" and shows no countries. I have a feeling I lost all my corrections as well.

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Sorry I forgot to copy my issue from above

I lost all the mapshare information when I went to 2.4
The next day (today) everything came back to normal.
The update of the TT was not showing me any mapshare available yesterday but today it showed up

I waited a day, no change. No Mapshare updates downloaded when I plugged into HOME 2.4. When I go to my preferences, it shows I have 0 MB of Mapshare Corrections on Device and 0 MB "after this update".

I will email TT support re this, and the subscription to map updates. I suspect I will get the usual reply "remove your SD card and do a pin reset" etc. The best results are phoning, but no time right at this moment.

If nothing else, I will go back to the 2.3 and see if I regain my MapShare.

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Update. I reinstalled 2.3 into a different folder. When I connect, it shows that my map (7.15) is 54 wks out of date and that there are "34791 free mapshare map corrections waiting".

However, when I click on update my device, it states there are no updates available. Lost forever?....

When I go back to the 2.4, it says my map is up to date and no mapshare corrections in use. Nothing downloaded when I connected.

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Further update. TT support contacted me via the support page, and instructed me to "remove corrections" in the MapShare preferences. There were no other instructions. I did click on that, but I already had no corrections due to the loss of them, so unsure what that was to accomplish. I then clicked up update my device, but still nothing.

As far as the map subsribe goes, she states that I must first update to the latest map, and then that option is available. Makes sense I guess.

I have recontacted via the support page and will update on any further direction I recieve.

Just off the phone with support. They have "escalated" the response to this problem to higher authority. I was told that they are somewhat aware of this problem, and they will be releasing a patch sometime next week to correct the problem. The fellow on the phone was helpful, putting me on hold a couple of times to go gather further info.

He did state that if your map is more than one year old, that mapshares would/could be lost with the new 2.4 HOME and that this patch will fix it and allow your device to get all MapShare updates.

This is the email reply I recieved as well.

Thank you for the response. We are escalating your response to another department. What we would ask for you to do, is to give this a couple of days and then try to update the map corrections. We do have updates to the 2.4 HOME program coming out next Tuesday. These will update automatically for you. Thank you for your patience

Someone honestly acknowledged a problem at TomTom? I hope someone (else) loses their job over that! lol.. sorry, had to interject..
Thank you for the feedback........guess the old mapshare servers are the problem ............ again
I finally changed to 2.4 this fore noon. NA 805.1801
MapShares yesterday with 2.3 about 60, today with 2.4 (default) setting at strict got about 1400. W&CE today nothing at all.

Don't understand why others don't see countries. All the States and Canada were there.
Just went to make a screen print of that and, lo-and-behold, them's not there!

Also, while typing this, got another 4,500 MapShares. Go figure.
New App and mapshare

I updated to the HOME 2.4 app couple of weeks ago - At same time I also added a 2GB card ( I have a TT ONE XL. Everything worked fine - well once I gave it a chance.

I didn't actually notice any major changes in HOME 2.4 until I saw references here today for the map share "slider".

I had 23,500+/- map share corrections. So I went into the Home and found the slider, moved it back and forth, thne looked at countries, no countries listed, looked at POI's and added most of them (just had about half dozen selected when I first loked at page. then said done.

Then noticed I no longer have ANY map share corrections!

reconnected. Screen says no corrections, and no correction available!

Welcome to the club ..... sigh! :(

Hopefully, when the mapshare servers are back up and running (I've seen Oct. 10 as a date [maybe]), the situation will get rectified.

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