TomTom GPS Mount no longer reliable...

hey sure to report how it works for you. I did buy the arkon, cause it was on-sale at $10. My original hasn't failed me yet but I figured $10 was cheap to have one in reserve when and if my original does.

Now.....just got to remember to take it with me when we

hey sure to report how it works for you. I did buy the arkon, cause it was on-sale at $10. My original hasn't failed me yet but I figured $10 was cheap to have one in reserve when and if my original does.

Now.....just got to remember to take it with me when we


embarrassing as it seems, I haven't tested it yet. I took it out and stuck it to my windscreen. and got the lever arms all aligned the way I like them.

While it was on there, it sure seemed to be mounted much more robustly than the factory TT mount.

I'll be sure to report back...
OK, sorry if i didn't get any further news for my Arkon TT115

i received it on the 08/25/2008 and i took it all week in my truck attach for 12 hrs a day

the mount if very sturdy, and the suce ( sorry i can't right now remember the exact term ) to hold in the windshield if very tough and the TT didn't even move a yotta ... or sometime it move as i myself was jumping on my seat

for a sturdy mount i would recommend it for the robustness
hey sure to report how it works for you. I did buy the arkon, cause it was on-sale at $10. My original hasn't failed me yet but I figured $10 was cheap to have one in reserve when and if my original does.

Now.....just got to remember to take it with me when we


OK, had a chance to test the new mount over the weekend. Very robust...HOT HOT day (95+F).

Mount was sturdy, never faltered. My factory TT mount would have fallen from the sky several times.

Conclusion: I like the Arkon mount and recommend it. I like the versatility of the adjustment arms.

Not to say it's the only good one out there, but I like it and it meets my needs very well.
My TT 930 factory mount failed Saturday.

Called TT and they were very polite and quickly agreed to ship me a new mount.

But, as we all know....the factory mount is weak !

So, I ordered the " Arkon TT115 " off ebay....a seller has them listed for USD $8.99 plus shipping.

Note: this mount is also known as Arkon TTGO115....the difference being....the TT115 comes with a couple different adapters, so it will work with many different TT models....same parts just more adapters.

The TTGO115 only comes with one adapter....the adapter to fit the GO X30 series.

My TT 930 factory mount failed Saturday.

Called TT and they were very polite and quickly agreed to ship me a new mount.

But, as we all know....the factory mount is weak !

So, I ordered the " Arkon TT115 " off ebay....a seller has them listed for USD $8.99 plus shipping.

Note: this mount is also known as Arkon TTGO115....the difference being....the TT115 comes with a couple different adapters, so it will work with many different TT models....same parts just more adapters.

The TTGO115 only comes with one adapter....the adapter to fit the GO X30 series.


I think you'll like it. Gives you a much bigger sense of security, especially if you're mounting it HIGH.
I think you'll like it. Gives you a much bigger sense of security, especially if you're mounting it HIGH.

Yes, I agree....I only had the 930 fall off the window once using the factory mount....but, that memory has lasted....I always had a string tied around the mount and tied it to the sunvisor bracket:eek: just in case it might fall again :eek:
Yes, I agree....I only had the 930 fall off the window once using the factory mount....but, that memory has lasted....I always had a string tied around the mount and tied it to the sunvisor bracket:eek: just in case it might fall again :eek:


It has a super super tighy virtually unbreakable seal because there is so much suction due to the lever thingy thing.

My observation as well.... a very nice mounting solution.

Ehh, I didn't realize mine was an Arkon too till you quoted me. I ended up not using this Akon mount and am just using the adapter plate from the Arkon mount on my Magellan Maestro mount. It looks EXACTLY like this one, but there is one difference. The pivot ball is pretty small on the Arkon mount, and made it annoying in my civic to get the device to face me properly. Since the pivot ball is a bit small, it won't allow the screen to rotate too far left and right.

The Magellan mount on the other hand, has a slightly bigger pivot ball, and allows me to turn my TomTom a bit more to the left or right. Do I make sense? If I'm confusing in any way, let me know. :confused:

The Arkon mount is GREAT no doubt about it, but in my case, the TomTom mounted on my windshield kinda seemed like it mainly wanted to point straight back vs facing me.


^^^Arkon left and Magellan right. You can see the size difference in pivot balls. Both pivot balls daicing down^^^

I'm not sure if the bottom 2 pictures help any but I tried making a comparison on how far it allows the screen to turn.


^^^^^Magellan Mount^^^^^


^^^^^^Arkon Mount^^^^^
I received my Arkon TT115 about a week ago:D

VERY nice and strong design....including the very strong suction cup !

This is the " type of mount " that SHOULD COME WITH A $300-$500 device !

PSJ aka Marc

I received my Arkon TT115 about a week ago:D

VERY nice and strong design....including the very strong suction cup !

This is the " type of mount " that SHOULD COME WITH A $300-$500 device !

PSJ aka Marc


I completely agree. I'm wondering if it's because TomTom wants to "seem" different compared to the others. The lever-suction type mounts are the best. My ONE XL mount fell the second day of owning it. Scary thing but nothing happened good thing. Ever since, I SERIOUSLY PUSH HARD on the stock mount, not that I use it anymore anyways since I have the both the Arkon and Magellan mount. The Magellan mount I'm using in the Civic with the 720, and the Arkon mount my mother is using for her Magellan Maestro which works GREAT with her Nissan Murano since her windshield is a bit far away compared to the Civic where the windshield is very very close.

PS. Ever though of putting "PSJ aka Marc" into your signature? ;)
You know the " GO Series " is a little on the heavy be supported by the simple little factory TT mount.

Then if your using the device in a rough riding truck or a high-performance're just asking for problems....and it's never going to stay adjusted.

You know....these after-market mounts are really fairly cheap when bought on-line....about $9.00 USD....they really can't cost much at all to manufacture ( in the numbers TT would be using them )....just another reason the TT's should be shipping with a better mount !

PSJ aka Marc

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Tomtom windshield mount

I have had my tomtom for about a year and the holder never stayed connected to the windshield for more then 1 hour. I just set it in my cup holder or in the ash tray. I guess I will try one of your suggestions for replacement of the holder.:)
Since the first day I bought it, I've had my TT720's stock suction cup mounted directly (without the additional adhesive disc) to my dash "wood" in my 300M. It's actually a bit of trim just a bit taller than the diameter of the suction cup that wraps around above the glove box and over towards the instrument cluster.

That piece of wood (I think that bit may actually be real) is, I will grant you, highly polished. However, it forms what is known as a compound curve (it is convex in one direction, and concave in the other). I've had it knocked off by a passenger manipulating a 3 ring binder of geocaching notes once or twice, but unless it really gets rocked, it has never come loose... and this 300M has gone where no 300M has gone before. It's not for a lack of driving over holes and bumps and other nasty things that it remains in place. I follow where the 4WD boys like to place their caches ... up to the point where I'd get high centered, anyway. Gotta learn where to put the front wheels.

So I'm surprised at all of the issues folks are having with these things on windshields which are by nature a much more forgiving contour and easier to clean without damaging anything.

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