TomTom Go 700 SD Card with a Red Cross.

hmmm, I'm having the same problems as Swampy, but mine is a 720. It has a dummy SD card and as I have only every used the internal memory. The computer doesn not recognise the unit and is asking to insert disk as for Swampy.
I have tried all the tips suggested on previous posts and no joy.
Am I guessing correct that I may have to bury my tomtom in the back garden and buy an new satnav?
I hope not, they're not cheap.

Any further tips? Sadly I am getting ever closer to the hammer in the cupboard....


I have the same issue - my device is TomTom GO 510/710.
I do not have a reset button on the back of the device.
Prior to the update my device worked, at least it was functional and it was able to recognize the SD card but was unable to find many satellites. Post update, things went down hill. Now it's at a point it doesn't recognize any SD card placed in it (formatted or not). The original SD card (USA and Canada) plugged in the computer opens in Windows Explorer and I can see folders.

A few days ago I was able to use TomTom Home to recognize the device once, based on instructions on some of the threads on the forum I accessed Manage my device (purple folder) then removed the application and quick fix update from the SD card, I then removed these from my computer section, next I downloaded the updates again from internet but was unable to add them to the card because it showed there is no device connected.

How can I fix this and bring it back to a functioning state?
Without Home, USB connected in File Explorer your 510 should display as a separate drive letter.
Cans you see it? Click on it and what do you see?
Without Home, USB connected in File Explorer your 510 should display as a separate drive letter.
Cans you see it? Click on it and what do you see?

Hi Arno, plese see below:

Without HOME tool on:
GPS device connected to USB via its dock, and with SD card in GPS device, File Explorer shows "Location is not available" window - D:\ is not accessible Incorrect function. TomTom device shows the device in the dock on a yellow background.

GPS device connected to USB via its dock, and without SD card inside GPS device doesn't do anything in Windows. You can hear the default chime sound of a device being connected to USB, but nothing is shown on the screen and nothing new appears in the Device Manager.

Without the SD card in GPS device, an unspecified device appears under Devices and Printers in Control Panel, but the hardware info under device Properties shows TomTom GO (Type Disk Drives), D:\ (Type Portable Device), USB Mass Storage Device (Type USB Controllers). Manufacturer TomTom - device status - the device is working properly.

If I plugin the SD card in the GPS device, File Explorer shows the same Incorrect Function pop-up for D drive, and nothing else is changed in Device Manager or under Devices and Printers.

If I plugin the SD card directly into the computer, File Explorer opens drive E where I can see files and folders. without a problem. 991 MB used on the SD card, ~10 MB free on it.

I cannot get the GPS pass this yellow screen. If it doesn't start with an SD card, animation shows it's requesting one. If I plug it in, animation shows to remove it. It does this to any SD card inserted.

What are your thoughts on this?
Appreciate the details. Please do not delete or modify any files on the SD card at this time.

Your GO 510 has no internal memory. It depends upon the content of the SD card to function in any way. Attempting to view the 510 content with a PC as an external drive will bring up nothing -- what little boot content resides in the NVRAM of the 510 isn't part of the device's file system.

Since you are able to see the content of the card when inserted into a PC card reader, please run, from a command prompt, a quick CHKDSK (WITHOUT the /F option!) on the card to assure first that the directory structure is intact. If you are unsure about how to do that, let us know. Report any failures noted by CHKDSK if there are any.

When you say that you "then removed the application and quick fix update from the SD card", did you use Home to do this, or was it done manually?

Please check, using your PC, the root of your card. Be sure that both the system and ttsystem files are resident on the card.

Last, before we go further in trying to get an OS running, have you ever performed a backup of your device, or directly, the SD card, to your PC?
Appreciate the details. Please do not delete or modify any files on the SD card at this time.

Hi canderson,

Thanks for your reply.

I used TomTom Home tool (the new version) to install the quick fix update on the card - nothing was ever manually added/removed directly to/from SD card. After the quick fix update was added, the GPS device stopped booting and kept showing me to remove the SD card. The next move was to use Home tool to remove the quick fix and application from the card (this step worked) so I can reinstall the a fresh version of the app on the SD card. This is where all went down hill because I could not complete this step.

Chkdsk results are below - looks like there were no problems found

C:\WINDOWS\system32>chkdsk E:
The type of the file system is FAT32.
Volume TOMTOM DISK created 8/5/2016 9:46 AM
Volume Serial Number is 34CA-1226
Windows is verifying files and folders...
File and folder verification is complete.

Windows has scanned the file system and found no problems.
No further action is required.

1,008,185,344 bytes total disk space.
139,264 bytes in 6 hidden files.
208,896 bytes in 45 folders.
997,437,440 bytes in 432 files.
10,391,552 bytes available on disk.

4,096 bytes in each allocation unit.
246,139 total allocation units on disk.
2,537 allocation units available on disk.

I can confirm the system (658kb) and ttsytem (4492kb) files (not folders) are present on the card. These files do not have extension though.

With respect to the backup, I did one years ago on another PC and I don't have access to it. I can perform a backup of the SD card with the old/original Home version of the tool (manually choosing TomTom Go 510 under device label bottom left), but I am unable to do it with the new version of the tool.
Check the text file in the root called ttgo.bif
Please identify the version numbers associated with the lines that read
Check the text file in the root called ttgo.bif
Please identify the version numbers associated with the lines that read

This is all the info in the ttgo.bif file

DeviceVersionHW=GO 510
Yikes. Indicative of the fact that the device has never booted properly enough to create the file. I was hoping that it would at least give us some version info.
I don't have version vs. byte counts for the two critical files, so we'll have to punt. What dates do you see on your system and ttsystem files?

The last version to which I have direct access for you is 7.903, and those appear to be considerably later than the ones on your card.
If this silly system would let me attach a 10.6MB file, I'd send them to you that way. Instead, if you need them, we'll have to sort an alternative by PM, but that should be easy.
Yikes. Indicative of the fact that the device has never booted properly enough to create the file. I was hoping that it would at least give us some version info.
I don't have version vs. byte counts for the two critical files, so we'll have to punt. What dates do you see on your system and ttsystem files?

The last version to which I have direct access for you is 7.903, and those appear to be considerably later than the ones on your card.
If this silly system would let me attach a 10.6MB file, I'd send them to you that way. Instead, if you need them, we'll have to sort an alternative by PM, but that should be easy.

How do I check the version of the system and ttsystem files?
Version doesn't appear in file's details under properties.
There's no readible info if I open them w/ notepad.

I can share a folder in Google Drive so you can drop there whatever files you think I need.
I can send you my email address in PM. I am new here and I need to poke around to see how to send a PM.
Alas, you can't readily ascertain the version numbers. That's why I was hoping for dates on them. It's the ttgo.bif file where that information is supposed to be recorded when a new OS is loaded.
I'll make it easy and send you a PM with a link. Then get back to me if you get this successfully downloaded to your PC.
Alas, you can't readily ascertain the version numbers. That's why I was hoping for dates on them. It's the ttgo.bif file where that information is supposed to be recorded when a new OS is loaded.
I'll make it easy and send you a PM with a link. Then get back to me if you get this successfully downloaded to your PC.

Thank you so much!
I managed to download the .cab file.

Next, let's be 100% sure that the dates for system (10/03/08) and ttsystem (12/05/08) are later than the dates of the files you already have on the card.
If not, and especially if your dates are both by some miracle later, we need to talk.
OTOH, if that's affirmative, then...

Cross whichever fingers you prefer for these jobs.
Take your favorite archive tool and unpack the *.cab file (it's nothing more than a *.zip under a different name) just as you see it to the root of your card.

See what happens when it boots.

Good morning.

Thanks again for the info sent.
Data from the SD card has been backed up in a separate folder.

The date on the system and ttsystem files is 9/14/2020.

What do you suggest do next? Move forward with the cabinet files, or this won't work?
Nuts. You've got the dates of transfer, not the dates of the creation of those files.
OK. You have backed up the card as it stands. Now nothing will be worse as the result of anything we're going to do.
My only concern is the way a TT device manages the bootloader (the 'system') file. If the device's existing bootloader sees a newer one on the card, it will replace itself with the newer version. It will not replace a newer version with an older one. Further, the actual operating firmware ('ttsystem') needs to be in reasonable sync with the bootloader ('system') to function correctly since there are hooks between the two.

To see if we can get a proper file date, I want you to now look at what was downloaded and apparently sent to your device.
Look in folder C:\Users\{username}\Documents\TomTomUpgrade\HOME\Download\complete
See if you can spot a folder there for firmware or program or application. Don't know why I'm having a brain fart about that folder name.
Inside, you should find the downloaded zip file containing the firmware update that was ostensibly sent to your 510. Open the zip file and try to ascertain the dates on the system and ttsystem files inside. Let me know what you find there.
Nuts. You've got the dates of transfer, not the dates of the creation of those files. .

The TomTomUpgrade folder has a HOME folder in it that is empty.

I did some digging and managed to find a folder called TomTom in the same location though (different hdd).

It looks like this was a backup I made a few years ago - the structure of the files looks pretty similar to the data that's currently on the SD card. I do see system and ttsystem files inside this folder. The modified date on these files is 12/6/2008 for both.

I am currently attempting to retrieve these files on my pc.
OK. You never mentioned what the updates were that started all of this, but evidently it wasn't firmware. If it had been, there would have been some trace of it being downloaded.

I now want you to perform a full (not Quick) FAT32 format of your card. Next, extract the full content of the file you downloaded yesterday into the root of your card.
Next, go to the backup you made of your card, find the folder that contains your map (probably called something like North_America_2GB or something similar) and copy that folder to the root of your device.

Cross fingers, reboot and see what happens.

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