TomTom Discussions Community Closure

I am an ex user of the killed TomTom community.
Is this our new exile?:D


PS: Sorry, my english is not the best. :rolleyes:
I am an ex user of the killed TomTom community.
Is this our new exile?:D


PS: Sorry, my english is not the best. :rolleyes:
Welcome. Yes, and happy to have you here.
Official TomTom discussion forums closing - this site will remain active. Quote from TomTom below:

OK if they decide they don't want to host support forums any more but they should have left the forums readonly. Maybe they got fed up with being told how much better the original TomTom app on the iPhone was that they needlessly replaced?:) The original iPhone app still works perfectly on iOS 16.1.1 just lacking the traffic service that I for one would happily pay for. It's scandalous that they removed it from the App Store so even though you paid for it you cannot download it any more.

Yes, TomTom deliberations have been 'much'.

Following their statement from many years ago, about becoming a global force for traffic management, they have probably decided that they have sucked the personal product market dry and are to focus on corporate customers - models being followed, Microsoft, Dell, Meta perhaps??

Further evidence for this opinion? Their move away from providing stand-alone hardware in favour of a smartphone app? Soon they won't have in-warranty hardware support obligations.

Since it took quite a lot of messaging to find out how to achieve product returns from within UK, their claim that there are many communities able to provide support doesn't seem justified, just yet.
Yes, TomTom deliberations have been 'much'.

Following their statement from many years ago, about becoming a global force for traffic management, they have probably decided that they have sucked the personal product market dry and are to focus on corporate customers - models being followed, Microsoft, Dell, Meta perhaps??

Further evidence for this opinion? Their move away from providing stand-alone hardware in favour of a smartphone app? Soon they won't have in-warranty hardware support obligations.

Since it took quite a lot of messaging to find out how to achieve product returns from within UK, their claim that there are many communities able to provide support doesn't seem justified, just yet.

UPS has just collected my device which I hope is winging its way speedily to Romania. I have asked for a statement on findings. It will also be interesting to see what else comes out of my comments to TomTom about their poor site Chat feature, eventually?
Hi there.

This is sad news. Many good things are disappearing from Tomtom and it's very sad. For example, there is no longer a SIM card in the new devices, which was a big advantage compared to the American competitor. You now have to pay every year to have what used to be free, such as speed cameras and traffic. I fear that in the future Tomtom will stop selling navigation devices altogether; I hope I'm wrong.
Hi there.

This is sad news. Many good things are disappearing from Tomtom and it's very sad. For example, there is no longer a SIM card in the new devices, which was a big advantage compared to the American competitor. You now have to pay every year to have what used to be free, such as speed cameras and traffic. I fear that in the future Tomtom will stop selling navigation devices altogether; I hope I'm wrong.
The good news, I guess, is that these newest units come with 32GB of memory, and then allow you to freely add/delete any of the the maps of the world you want - directly on the device. I remember when that would have cost a lot of money, and had to be computer connected to perform, too!
Perhaps they got fed up with being told that the Rider 500 was nearly a backward step from the old Rider 2013 in many small ways - can't export routes from device, can only export tracks via SD card, can't import routes from MyDrive, can't edit tracks on device, can't display POIs on navigation map, can't use traffic updates when following a track, can't add stops to a track, etc.
The whole concept of MyDrive linking directly to the device was great for simplistic planning (using tracks) but to then cripple existing route functionality is extremely frustrating.
I am yet another refugee from the TT forum. I did not visit frequently but when I did there was always something of interest if only complaints about the speed at which map corrections are applied to the download map updates
Well then I just look here from time to time. It is still a pity that TT has closed the forum! However, who knows TT long will not be particularly surprised about it! I am particularly interested in the truck area. I hope not that with the Forumumbau here (as I have already read) this Berich is also reduced!
There are yes some (much ) who know each other here, me probably also under (sirewa) ;)
Welcome S-i-g-g-i to TTF. Yes, I remember seeing your posts under the user name 'sirewa'.

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