TomTom Announces new 930, 730 and 530 at CeBit

lane separation is what interests me

I don't see why these new features would not be available for current x20 models.

The new x30 have the exact same hardware.

it is the lane separation display that most interests me.

that (and the nicer looking maps) was one of the reasons i almost got the navigon over the tomtom.

so is it possible that it will merely be an additional download?
it is the lane separation display that most interests me.

that (and the nicer looking maps) was one of the reasons i almost got the navigon over the tomtom.

so is it possible that it will merely be an additional download?

From a moderator in a British forum who HAS had access to a 930:

Having got our hands on a GO 930 and having a chance to ask a few more questions about the new units and features we can now add the following information:

IQ Routing:
- Each road, on average, received about 1000 data submissions
- Over 500 million submissions were used to set up the IQ Routing engine
- The data is integrated into the maps
- It is NOT a plus service
- Data includes both the type of day (week day / weekend) and the time of day
- Route planning now adds an extra option of when you are travelling (today, tomorrow, week day, weekend)
- The feature can be disabled if required

Lane Guidance:
- Mainly covers motorways but is obviously dependent on the map data available
- Static image is shown 'covering' the main screen and has flashing arrows. Distance to junction is still shown on screen

- Street restrictions editing interface has been improved
- Can now confirm that changes to road speed are now added instantly to your map
I have tried it for a long time, and the routing and ETA is without any doubt better than on previous versions (at least where I live).

Is this only available on the x30 series, or where you able to upgrade the models to have the same features?
Yes, it is static.

Have you tried it since you are so sure? I have tried it for a long time, and the routing and ETA is without any doubt better than on previous versions (at least where I live). If you have experienced something else, I would like to hear that.

I have not experienced the x30 devices or maps. What I have experienced with is that locally there have been omissions that have not inspired me to have much confidence in that the maps would become that much better to be able to depend on their information.

I live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. A city of over 2 million people. There is one major highway that crosses it East-West called Metropolitain Boulevard or Highway 40 that was built in the late 1950, early 1960's. The 2 closest entrance ramps (one for East bound and one for West bound) to that highway from my home are missing from both the Canada-Usa map v7.10 and North-America v7.10 which are quite recent. Those ramps have been there for over 40 years in a major metropolitan area! You can guess what the routing gives me? My 2nd trip with the Tomtom was to a restaurant in Greenfield Park (South shore of Montreal), Victoria ave, and the address was unknown even though that street has been there for at least 40 years and the restaurant in operation for 15-20 years. Street name and address have been the same for all that time.

I've read, on another board, mention that MapShare corrections are not only map specific but also device specific. In other words, corrections to USA-Canada maps are not made for North-America and those for the ONE are not transferred to the x20 according to a Tomtom response on this question.

I can conceive Tomtom has some valid data for the IQ routing in some specific areas. With my limited experience, I have a hard time believing it has the necessary valid data to make such general claim that it makes without stating any restriction! I can see consumers expecting something wonderful but letting them down because the data necessary to making it happen is not yet there where they drive. I don't have a problem with the idea of IQ routing. I have a problem with the statement that rises the expectations without restrictions which is, in my book, marketing b**ls**t.
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Is this only available on the x30 series, or where you able to upgrade the models to have the same features?

I have been using a GO930, but I will be surprised if the software will not come to older models later. But to get IQ-maps, you must, of course, get new maps.
I have been using a GO930, but I will be surprised if the software will not come to older models later. But to get IQ-maps, you must, of course, get new maps.

Exactly - I have a 910, and am able to use Mapshare, a feature that was never advertised with the 910s. I have no doubt that I'll be able to use these new features with the x10, x20s, etc, provided I buy the updated map.

Now I see why TomTom has been collecting your and my trip data - to help them with IQ routing. Hopefully this will be implemented right. I could care less if it helps me around my town (I know the fastest routes), I want the fastest routes in unfamiliar places. If I know TomTom (MapShare as an example), we'll have no idea if IQ really works without doing some testing and reporting back here on the forums.
I have not experienced the x30 devices or maps. What I have experienced with is that locally there have been omissions that have not inspired me to have much confidence in that the maps would become that much better to be able to depend on their information.

I live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. A city of over 2 million people. There is one major highway that crosses it East-West called Metropolitain Boulevard or Highway 40 that was built in the late 1950, early 1960's. The 2 closest entrance ramps (one for East bound and one for West bound) to that highway from my home are missing from both the Canada-Usa map v7.10 and North-America v7.10 which are quite recent. Those ramps have been there for over 40 years in a major metropolitan area! You can guess what the routing gives me? My 2nd trip with the Tomtom was to a restaurant in Greenfield Park (South shore of Montreal), Victoria ave, and the address was unknown even though that street has been there for at least 40 years and the restaurant in operation for 15-20 years. Street name and address have been the same for all that time.

I've read, on another board, mention that MapShare corrections are not only map specific but also device specific. In other words, corrections to USA-Canada maps are not made for North-America and those for the ONE are not transferred to the x20 according to a Tomtom response on this question.

I can conceive Tomtom has some valid data for the IQ routing in some specific areas. With my limited experience, I have a hard time believing it has the necessary valid data to make such general claim that it makes without stating any restriction! I can see consumers expecting something wonderful but letting them down because the data necessary to making it happen is not yet there where they drive. I don't have a problem with the idea of IQ routing. I have a problem with the statement that rises the expectations without restrictions which is, in my book, marketing b**ls**t.

Bonjour Gilbert !

I have a Go 920, and my worst nightmare with it is the 1/4 miles off on every destinations I ask for. I still have my old Pioneer Avic-s1, and it gets me right in front of the address I entered. I don't mind being off by 100 / 150 feet's, but 1/4 mile, and sometimes a bit more, is unacceptable.

This past weekend, I had guests hover to my place, and he was using a hand held, black and white LCD Garmin, and I could not believe how accurate his device was. Imagine an old Garmin, that he also use for boat navigation, and his little GPS, was more accurate than my Go 920T...!

As far as roads missing, you are right about that, am from the South Shore of Montreal, and there is a lot of missing roads. So when they come up with maps upgrades, they make me wonder. There units should be up to date, I do not see why I would have to pay upgrades for roads that exist since 15/ 20 years.

Bonjour Gilbert !

I have a Go 920, and my worst nightmare with it is the 1/4 miles off on every destinations I ask for. I still have my old Pioneer Avic-s1, and it gets me right in front of the address I entered. I don't mind being off by 100 / 150 feet's, but 1/4 mile, and sometimes a bit more, is unacceptable.

This past weekend, I had guests hover to my place, and he was using a hand held, black and white LCD Garmin, and I could not believe how accurate his device was. Imagine an old Garmin, that he also use for boat navigation, and his little GPS, was more accurate than my Go 920T...!

As far as roads missing, you are right about that, am from the South Shore of Montreal, and there is a lot of missing roads. So when they come up with maps upgrades, they make me wonder. There units should be up to date, I do not see why I would have to pay upgrades for roads that exist since 15/ 20 years.


Two things come to my mind:
1- Have you tried to use the calibrate the GPS. On the main screen, tap on the GPS strength which will lead you to the calibration window and choose the ?configure? option and choose the degree, minutes and seconds. I have been told it increases the GPS precision...
2- Have you updated the ephemeris folder in Tomtom Home? A short time ago Tomtom screwed up their ephemeris data that could lead to further problems.

When you mention the quarter mile difference, is this in the city or on some country road? Some light populated roads have a wide range of addresses that could lead to substantial errors. Have you tried comparing your ?city, street, address? Tomtom results to Google maps results?

I am puzzled about the map quality. According to the latest map version update information, there are no map information updates for Quebec and Ontario. But, someone here found a missing street appearing in the new version located in Quebec city... Was it a matter of too little new data that did not warrant mentioning anything about the province of Quebec? I've noticed some weird road name ?translations? such as ?Mont?e Saint-Fran?ois? becoming ?Mont?e St-Fran?ois???? I suspect a problem of code page but this should have been uncovered a long time ago!

I have a feeling Tele-Atlas is a recent newcomer to Quebec (probably most of Canada also) and has yet to do its work right when compared to NavTeq that has been at it for a longer time. I guess US major cities to be much better covered by Tele-Atlas as I learned their Boston maps to be better than NavTeq. I expect the maps will get better with time but how much time until something at least equivalent to NavTeq for the areas that directly affect us is something I wonder. With map updates every three months we should have an idea fairly soon I hope...

I had to go to the SPCA, Monday evening, as my Beauceron shepherd dog died unexpectedly in the afternoon, probably when I wrote the message you quote, and the directions were right. I only wonder at some pronounciations such as what sounded like ?Saint-Laurin? for ?Saint-Laurent? using Juliette.
Does anyone know why choosing the "seconds" increases accuracy?

I'm not even sure it does........may be just an urban legend. I saw it posted somewhere, have suggested doing it a few times to users with 'gps drift' and even tried it myself. So, I'm just as guilty as the next person in promoting that suggestion.

In fact, when that suggestion is proposed, I don't often see feedback of either the type "It worked!" or "Get Stuffed and stop posting drivel!:eek: "
I'm not even sure it does........may be just an urban legend. I saw it posted somewhere, have suggested doing it a few times to users with 'gps drift' and even tried it myself. So, I'm just as guilty as the next person in promoting that suggestion.

In fact, when that suggestion is proposed, I don't often see feedback of either the type "It worked!" or "Get Stuffed and stop posting drivel!:eek: "
Yeah, same here. It seems to me that the only thing your're changing is the way the numbers are displayed. I wish there were a "refresh" button on the configure page. I think that is something that Tom Tom should look into adding in future models if that is something that is do-able
I have not experienced the x30 devices or maps. What I have experienced with is that locally there have been omissions that have not inspired me to have much confidence in that the maps would become that much better to be able to depend on their information.

I live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. A city of over 2 million people. There is one major highway that crosses it East-West called Metropolitain Boulevard or Highway 40 that was built in the late 1950, early 1960's. The 2 closest entrance ramps (one for East bound and one for West bound) to that highway from my home are missing from both the Canada-Usa map v7.10 and North-America v7.10 which are quite recent. Those ramps have been there for over 40 years in a major metropolitan area! You can guess what the routing gives me? My 2nd trip with the Tomtom was to a restaurant in Greenfield Park (South shore of Montreal), Victoria ave, and the address was unknown even though that street has been there for at least 40 years and the restaurant in operation for 15-20 years. Street name and address have been the same for all that time.

I've read, on another board, mention that MapShare corrections are not only map specific but also device specific. In other words, corrections to USA-Canada maps are not made for North-America and those for the ONE are not transferred to the x20 according to a Tomtom response on this question.

I can conceive Tomtom has some valid data for the IQ routing in some specific areas. With my limited experience, I have a hard time believing it has the necessary valid data to make such general claim that it makes without stating any restriction! I can see consumers expecting something wonderful but letting them down because the data necessary to making it happen is not yet there where they drive. I don't have a problem with the idea of IQ routing. I have a problem with the statement that rises the expectations without restrictions which is, in my book, marketing b**ls**t.

Check out this interesting discourse!

Here is an email correspondence I had with Tele Atlas at the end of November:
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2007 1:45 PM
To: Support NA
Subject: TomTom Go 920


Good-day............I have a few questions I need to be answered before I purchase this unit (TomTom Go 920). I have been a Garmin owner for years and know what there maps and POI's are capable of displaying. I live in Canada and travel quite a bit in the rural areas and have been told by the dealer that Tele Atlas supplies the mapping for this unit. The dealer is telling me "To be blunt, the Tele Atlas mapping details for Canada are not detailed enough". I went on line and have read and confirmed this many times over by TomTom owners. They say that Europe is great, the US are good but stay away if you live in Canada. The link below is from one large Canadian dealer who even states this on their site at the bottom of the page referring to the 910 (the 920 is the replacement but use the same mapping I believe). NOW.........there is some speculation with the TomTom website map area being closed and under construction that there may be some new mapping coming out from Tele Atlas to replace the current Canadian maps with more detail and POI information. I have tried contacting TomTom but have not receive a reply as yet...........Any help would be appreciated.....Thanks in advance....Don

Hi D,

Tele Atlas is always working on improving its data. We?ve done quite a bit of work in Canada lately and some of that will be reflected in our 2007.10 release (Oct. 2007 - we release quarterly). I?m sure there will be further improvements in early 2008 as well. It?s up to TT when any of these updates will be made available to their users though. I?m sorry I can?t help with that part of it.

Best regards,

Tele Atlas NA Customer Support


So basically,

T-Atlas should start addressing this in the October maps which TT could release in about Feb/March timeframe (if they choose to).


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Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:07 pm


Tim, if it is as you explained and there was a 4 month window for map processing, I would consider that to be sufficient time. My previous understanding that this was done in two months was what prompted my doubt. What still seems an issue is that if the previous poster was shown that the Teleatlas map correctly shows his Canadian address as of the CES show, yet the current TT map does not, it seems as tho TT is not using a current Tele map for that region. Does Teleatlas supply the maps to TT as individual purchases for Canada, the US and Europe? If so, perhaps the Canadian is not current? Are all region maps being used by TT the May o7 map, or perhaps just European or US region? Seems odd that the Canadian address issue keeps popping up (here and at other sites) when Teleatlas seems to indicate their current map is correct and thus not their issue.

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Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:29 pm


It could be something as simple as TomTom incorrectly processing some of the new changes. In discussions I've had with Tele Atlas about some odd things I've seen on certain devices I've been told that each company processes (or interprets) the data a little bit different which can account for some changes from device to device.

I know Tele Atlas has been partnering with DMTI spatial for some Canadian data. I also know that in a TomTom map release about a year ago many Canadian users reported the map actually seemed to go "backwards" with changes. So perhaps there was some sort of a data change or processing change that is messing everyone up.

I'm certainly not saying that there isn't an issue here, I just don't know for sure exactly where to place the blame. It sounds like Tele Atlas has made some changes to address the issue, and we know TomTom is using a July 2007 map, but the details in between are fuzzy and probably where the hart of the issue is.

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