TomTom 720 SD card

From TomTom's UK site

- Reserve space for the TomTom application, voice files, points of interest, etc.
We advise that you reserve at least 30 MB.

- Bear in mind that the available size on a memory card is less than the size mentioned on the card.
Example: A 1 GB memory card usually has about 970 MB available space.


Note: Some manufacturers express the speed in x 150 bytes/sec
Example: ?50 X? is equivalent to 7.5 MB/sec
Go720T with 8GB Scandisk SDHC ULTRA ll

Hi, i use a 8 GB SDHC SCANDISK in my GO 720T :)
Works fine..
on the bottom of mine there is a sticker that says no SD card needed!
Some other TT models had no "internal" flash memory, and the goods were literally distributed with the unit on SD card. Your 720 has internal flash (2GB), and that makes the use of an SD card optional. It's not needed unless you decide you wish to add some additional options or features that use up the remaining space in the 2GB internal flash memory. If you're like a lot of us, you may find that necessary!
Wirelessly posted (GO 720T: NokiaN73-1/3.0638.0.0.1 Series60/3.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1)

Thats right.. ;)
I copied all the files on the Go to my SD card via my computer's SD Slot. They are there on the SD as I checked in windows explorer.

I then removed the SD, Disconnected my Go, and then I inserted the SD. I booted up the Go and no joy.

I docked it to check the contents with TTHOME and it shows I only have 144mb of memory available.

Stuck in Indiana!

PS, I thought about deleting all the files on the internal memory of the Go and then installing the SD and turning it on. Then it would be forced to read the SD. (Chicken in Indiana!)
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I copied all the files on the Go to my SD card via my computer's SD Slot. They are there on the SD as I checked in windows explorer.

I then removed the SD, Disconnected my Go, and then I inserted the SD. I booted up the Go and no joy.

I docked it to check the contents with TTHOME and it shows I only have 144mb of memory available.

Stuck in Indiana!

PS, I thought about deleting all the files on the internal memory of the Go and then installing the SD and turning it on. Then it would be forced to read the SD. (Chicken in Indiana!)
As noted in private mail, just delete (after you're sure you have them on your SD card AND stored safely on your hard drive) the North American map set from your 720's internal memory (delete the whole NA map folder). The 720 is perfectly happy to be asked to switch map sets (something you have to do anyway) even if one set is on the 720 and the other is on the SD card. I do the reverse, but it doesn't matter which way is which -- my Euro maps are on my SD card and NA maps are in the 720's internal memory... but it'll be easier for you to do it the other way around.
I think that 8 gig cards may be problematic. I've been using/playing with one for about a week. I find some things work fine and others do not - to the point of imploding the 920 that I have and spontaneously rebooting. I think that the TT has trouble writing to the 8 gig card (probably does not understand the larger directory structure). While for some things, the TT only READS the card, for other operations (like viewing photos) it also writes to the card. That may cause problems for 8 gig cards. None of this is conclusive - just observations at this time.
Wirelessly posted (GO 720T: Mozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.1; U; en-us) AppleWebKit/413 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/413)

Well, in a other Forum someone wrote about a 16GB Card in his Go 720 T
Yes, I saw that 16 gig comment.

Maybe it is an issue of the card's manufacturer or they have not tried using all of the functions of the TT while using the card. I've seen a Windows' XP message saying something like "incorrect parameter" when trying to write to the card while it is inside the TT 920. I think it runs smack dab into a DIRECTORY issue or allocating space on the larger cards but that is my speculation. Again, card manufacturer or limitation on the TT?

I can play mp3's fine from what I can tell - I have not tried listening to them all! but in trying to open photo folders, my 920 reboots. I think it happens as it tries to create a thumbnail.dat file as it indexes the photos.
I was trying to use a SanDisk 4 Gig SDHC Plus card (the one the can flip open and plug directly into a USB port). While neither TomTom nor HOME would recognize it when using the USB cable, just doing everything outside of the TomTom world seemed to work fine. In other words, I just plugged the card directly into the computer and copied the files manually. I am using a MacBook Pro with Leopard, but don't think it is the OS, since a 2 gig card worked fine when run through the TomTom, both in HOME and as a mounted drive on the desktop.

So I think certain SDHC cards may have issues with the 720 (just an educated guess).
JFYI: Ativa 4GB SDHC works fine in my 720.

I was trying to use a SanDisk 4 Gig SDHC Plus card (the one the can flip open and plug directly into a USB port). While neither TomTom nor HOME would recognize it when using the USB cable, just doing everything outside of the TomTom world seemed to work fine. In other words, I just plugged the card directly into the computer and copied the files manually. I am using a MacBook Pro with Leopard, but don't think it is the OS, since a 2 gig card worked fine when run through the TomTom, both in HOME and as a mounted drive on the desktop.

So I think certain SDHC cards may have issues with the 720 (just an educated guess).
Transcend 8GB SDHC card works fine in my TT Go 520T

It was a bit of a pain to set up, when I first put it in my TT it would only see 4GB but I took it out of the TT and formated it (Fat32) in a SDHC Card Reader and Put it back in my TT it saw 8GB. I now have just over 6GB of data on there, North America 2GB, POI's from the 920 and loads of mp3's and it works great. :)
Man, mah brain's hurtin'!!...

I am heading across to the UK in a few weeks and intend buying the maps for there (GB & Republic of Ireland - 167.1MB, v7.15, ?49.95). I have a GO 720 with only 128.0 MB free, so that looks like an SD card required.

From what I am reading in this thread, i) there is no problem with removing that "No SD Card Required" sticker as far as warranty is concerned - ?? - it is advisory only, yes? and ii) a 4GB SDHC card will work - ???

Since I am running on a Mac (with TT HOME now operational, thank goodness!!), I am wondering if there are any gems of advice on what type/make of SDHC card to buy, and also any set-up steps that need to be followed.

Thanks in advance for any and all help!

V8.010 and 4GB SD?

I have a query. My GO720 can run 8.3nn from a 4GB SD card and smaller. But when I try to run 8.010 (trying to get around stuttering and want Tripmaster) it will not run on the 4GB card. Just hangs on the first splash screen and needs reset. 8.010 runs fine on 1GB SD. I want to put more MP3s on it. I have the maps on the internal memory.
I think I recall seeing somewhere a chart showing the different SD Card sizes that various units and Navcors can use, but can't find it again.
Anyone know if there are limits to size. I see many people use 2GB SD Cards.
You will have to have the navcore install on the internal memory and use the 4SD card as a memory add on.
If this is something you would like to do, I can provide u the steps to do this.

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