
good to know! which one is it? got a screenshot?

Never mind! works 100% on a 910. There is a little + and - settings in the application when you run it on the TomTom that allows you to compensate the audio sync. Fantastic program Wolf!
I'm really excited about this Tomplayer! I've got it downloaded, but I don't know how to install it onto my SDHC card. Can someone list the instructions please?

I have just installed the Tomplayer as per the directions on my 920 and it seems to work great.
The only problem I seem to have is that I do not get any response from the skins, IE: the sound button or the sync button. Can any one help me????
Thanks much
Problems with Go720 + sd card

Has anyone gotten this to work on the 720. I have placed the contents on the memory card and have gotten the Icon to appear in the menu. I have tried a million different way to get the tomplayer.cap to recognize the application on the SDcard root but have had not luck. Can someone please share what they have put in the tomplayer.cap to make it work using an SD card.


For clarification I have the


on the root of the SD card.
I'm having similar trouble to others with it on the 720. Running the app itself from the root on my 720. Got it to run, but I can't get it to recognize my mp3 or video directory on my SD card. I'm using an 8GB SanDisk Ultra II. The resident media player from Tom Tom recognizes my audio files fine, but the tomplayer won't. Totally confused now.
I'm having similar trouble to others with it on the 720. Running the app itself from the root on my 720. Got it to run, but I can't get it to recognize my mp3 or video directory on my SD card. I'm using an 8GB SanDisk Ultra II. The resident media player from Tom Tom recognizes my audio files fine, but the tomplayer won't. Totally confused now.
One thing (and I've only myself just started configuring this app...) is that by default TomPlayer expects an 'audio' folder NOT one called 'mp3' as the TT jukebox does.

This can be corrected by changing a line in the tomplayer.ini file to read:
if you have the dir's on the SD card on the 720, you HAVE to have the dir=/mnt/movinand/video in the tomplayer.ini to see the dir. Took me about an hour to figure this out last night, the install instructions are pretty lacking and not very clear, but I guess depending on your model each install could be different.

In any case, I have mine working, and after some more playing with it later I'll post exactly which files have to reside where for the 720 to get tomplayer working.

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