I have a TomTom GO Camper, it comes with free Map, Speed Camera and Traffic updates. Recently in the last two months my unit has started to do the same. The screen goes black, resets, starts the navigation again and lets me know what time i will get there, after 30 seconds or so, it goes black and repeat. First time it did it, it rest about 10 times then stopped doing it. This last time it kept doing it for half an hour then finally stopped resetting. If i use the menu system on the device and un-sync it, this stops the device from resetting itself. However not having sync on with the cloud also means no live traffic updates, quicker routes etc. I like many others have paid a premium for these services and did indeed save us on more than one occasion to be stuck in traffic. Further to this, the tomtom traffic symbol is greyed out, when it started to work properly road works etc could be seen on the map. So to me this is an issue with tomtom traffic, the device keeps resetting to try and link with it, eventually it did but renders the device useless. So for now i have to wait and see what TomTom is doing about this issue, unless you kind folk know of a fix. The device is fully up to date, the phone has Sygic satnav, which uses TomTom mapping works fine. Hope that this is a bug and TomTom fix it soon.