Street missing
GPS coordinates:
N 30.404898
W 97.712205
Street incorrect
The map shows that it is not possible to turn left from northbound Gracy Farms Ln onto Hobby Horse Ct, but that's because a portion of Hobby Horse Ct is missing from the map. Hobby Horse goes all the way through to both sides of Gracy Farms Ln.
Change: Permanent
Map USA 2 GB v 825.2157
Google has it wrong, MapQuest has it correct.
GPS coordinates:
N 30.404898
W 97.712205
Street incorrect
The map shows that it is not possible to turn left from northbound Gracy Farms Ln onto Hobby Horse Ct, but that's because a portion of Hobby Horse Ct is missing from the map. Hobby Horse goes all the way through to both sides of Gracy Farms Ln.
Change: Permanent
Map USA 2 GB v 825.2157
Google has it wrong, MapQuest has it correct.