Suddenly does not recognize Map subscription

I am glad you noticed TT Customer Service is disgraceful also. Plus as you noted with the intentional bug they are shady little thieves! I have a new in box 730 that I am giving away if I can find an enemy to give it to and I am buying a real GPS. I am glad I am not the only victim. They can't even make their own product work.....amazing!
A little harsh, eh?

The problem is with the piece of crap Home software, not the 730 unit.
Actually that was tame, eh!
The problem is with tom tom and the hardware too......I've known Home was shite for a while so that goes w/o saying.
I bought a 720 and a map of Western/Central Europe....2 months later the board fried on the 720....upgraded to 730 after they said my Europe map can be used and they will honor that since the unit fried and the repair was higher than replacement (of course not covered by warranty!). I get the 730, against my better judgement, and now they want me to buy another map.....I am in Europe right now and need the GPS so I decide to pay for the map rather than spending hours on the phone with CS @ $5 per minute and now the tom tom security certificate is invalid on Home so the map can't be downloaded...this has gone on for ten days now with no support from Tom Tom.....forget Tom Tom, I am buying a REAL gps today! Check the trash cans around Seville today if you want a 730!
So there's blame to spread around:

720 board fried = bad hardware
730 can't transfer map automatically, you need a support call = bad support rep, they should have told you that you'd need to call
730 purchased map not downloading = bad HOME software

What country are you in? Tomtom has local numbers all over Europe (see here). Maybe they could get you the certificate you need, and then when you're back in the US you can have them refund the cost of the Europe map.
Talking about blame.......

The poster says it costs him $5 a minute to call CS but there is a number for CS in the country he is posting from.

A short leash is called for here, in my opinion.

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