Startup For 3.5" Screens

right click the image and select save as. Name the file whatever you want, but under 'Save as type' select all files and include the .bmp at the end of the file name. The pictures shown above are in jpg format and your TomTom won't read it.
right click the image and select save as. Name the file whatever you want, but under 'Save as type' select all files and include the .bmp at the end of the file name. The pictures shown above are in jpg format and your TomTom won't read it.

Ive tried that. Then once the bmp was copied on the TT1 i renamed the old splash to 1splash and the new one to splash. Ended up in a grey screen again. :(
The files are the correct size. I dont use a ONE, but are the images suppose to be rotated as well?
splash.bmp? or splash.BMP?

...should be .bmp And make sure the file is 320 X 240

Thats exactly what i did.
I tried with 2 different pics posted here. named them splash.bmp
both are 320 x 240

Both end up giving me a grey start up screen. :(
The files are the correct size. I dont use a ONE, but are the images suppose to be rotated as well?

Yes...the images need to be rotated so they are "standing" on their right side. That might be Jorg's problem. Right size, wrong layout = gray screen

Like this:

My son's first birthday... ;)
Last edited:
Nice pics!!!!

How do i get them on my TT1? I was replacing the splash.bmp with one of the above images that i liked (renamed that to splash.bmp) but ended up having a grey screen instead of any image! :-(

You have the idea on the splash.bmp, but you can't simply change the extension from jpg to bmp. You need to convert it to a bmp. You can do this by opening the jpg with ms paint, and selecting save as bmp. Use THAT bmp on your TT.
You have the idea on the splash.bmp, but you can't simply change the extension from jpg to bmp. You need to convert it to a bmp. You can do this by opening the jpg with ms paint, and selecting save as bmp. Use THAT bmp on your TT.
but if you right clcik on an image and "save as" you can select .bmp so no need to convert.
You have the idea on the splash.bmp, but you can't simply change the extension from jpg to bmp. You need to convert it to a bmp. You can do this by opening the jpg with ms paint, and selecting save as bmp. Use THAT bmp on your TT.

Thanks!! That did it. I opened them in Corel Draw and converted (exported) as bmp. That also changed the filesize. Works fine now!!

Thanks again!! :)
Thought id add a few of my own.






and for those of you not in the airforce... or dont like planes

Here are some I made to match my wife's car


  • acura-tomtom.jpg
    19.8 KB · Views: 364
  • MDX-TOMTOM2.jpg
    27.3 KB · Views: 378
This is either for when your trip is over and you turn your TT off, or when your battery runs low and your TT dies! :D

REMEMBER: change the file to a .bmp, rename it suspend and copy it to the suspend.bmp in your TT! You should
keep a copy of the original suspend.bmp in a separate folder on your computer just in case you want to change back! :cool:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

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