hi my perfectly good start 20 froze by the last update and shows only a turning cog , l contacted tom tom and was told to reinstall the softwere l have tryed to do this but to no avail still, only after the drum the turning cog no white text this l told the tom tom help l then asked if tom tom could install the softwere new l could see there was a socket for a cable , and l could send the gps to them , the answer was sorry the gps is to old and there is no more parts for it , but l said the gps is ok only the softwere must be installed, l must say this attitude is not doing our green agenda any good tom tom seems to only be interested in profit a 5 year old gps with all its electronic parts to be thrown in the bin seems to be a waste that we dont need the Dutch should be ashamed to back this sort of thing .