sprint phones??

blush blush canderson. i'm glad it worked. it was a lot of trial & error to get it to work. now i have upgraded to the sprint moto q9c and gave up trying to get the traffic/weather to work via the phone, and got a traffic receiver for xmas. quite nice. but with the nasty winter here in northern cali, weather would be great right now...
The strange thing is that the "s=2" is somehow familiar. I'd swear that in some previous cell phone life (my Qwest PCS over Sprint's network?) the 19.2K serial connection I made over that phone used "s=2" as well.

I note, BTW, that TomTom has recently added a note in their list that the i870 will work for hands-free, but at the same time denies that data works. Guess we need to tweak them one more time to let them know.

i have a nextel i870 and had the same problem. if you have the wireless data plan already activated, here is what you need to enter to get it connected (sprint & nextel won't help you :mad: so i had to hack it myself :D )

access point - wap.sprint
username - (e-mail address removed)
password - sprint
ip address - (set up manually not automatic)
dns - "leave blank"
dial # - s=2
login script - "leave blank"

after that you should be connected and running traffic and weather and having fun!

How do you put in the s=2 for the dial string on the go720? There is only a numeric keyboard with this.
s=2 in go720

just curious how to enter "s=2" in the dial screen , as it is just numeric. Assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks

i880 Sprint/Nextel
go720 8.15


i have a nextel i870 and had the same problem. if you have the wireless data plan already activated, here is what you need to enter to get it connected (sprint & nextel won't help you :mad: so i had to hack it myself :D )

access point - wap.sprint
username - (e-mail address removed)
password - sprint
ip address - (set up manually not automatic)
dns - "leave blank"
dial # - s=2
login script - "leave blank"

after that you should be connected and running traffic and weather and having fun!

Heyyy..I was wondering how to put in the dial number s=2..with my tomtom go 930 its only numbers...if anyone could email me and help thatd be great...and also..my phone calls come in fine through the bluetooth on the GPS..but my text messages come in as phone calls too..its weird..and i was wondering if taht had to do with the wireless thing or what..idk. help please.. (e-mail address removed) <3
The version 8.3 firmware took away the alphanumeric keyboard. I guess there is a way too downgrade to an older version on your tomtom and then set up the phones and reupgrade. I still haven't been able to do that yet. They need to bring that back on the next firmware update.
Also, you guys can try putting #777 in the dial screen. It works when I use my computer to dial up, but when I used it in my GO 720, my i580 would keep telling me call restricted. Maybe someone will have some luck with that. If you do, please post back here and what phone your using.
For the nextel / boost users - I'm wondering if someone can debug a bit..

ATDTS=2 means "dial speeddial slot 2". There should be a numeric phone number sitting in the slot.

Has anyone been able to telnet into the Hayes command interface on a Nextel phone? If so, send an AT&V command as it should list the speed dial values. Let us know what's there.

Another option is to see if the Tomtom can handle the dialing via init code, eg:

access point - wap.sprint
username - (e-mail address removed)
password - sprint
ip address - (set up manually not automatic)
dns - "leave blank"
dial # - "leave blank"
login script - ATDTS=2
For the nextel / boost users - I'm wondering if someone can debug a bit..

ATDTS=2 means "dial speeddial slot 2". There should be a numeric phone number sitting in the slot.

Has anyone been able to telnet into the Hayes command interface on a Nextel phone? If so, send an AT&V command as it should list the speed dial values. Let us know what's there.

Another option is to see if the Tomtom can handle the dialing via init code, eg:

access point - wap.sprint
username - (e-mail address removed)
password - sprint
ip address - (set up manually not automatic)
dns - "leave blank"
dial # - "leave blank"
login script - ATDTS=2

MVL, I tried your suggestion about using ATDTS=2 in the login script, this does not seem to work.

I've also done some digging in to what the S=2 command does. Here's an exstract from a user manual I found online:

• Packet Data
If the Select DTE-side stack command has activated a SLIP or PPP connection and
the Select WDS-side stack command has selected iDEN Packet Data, then the
contents of the Dial String are ignored.
• Circuit Data
All non-numeric characters in the Dial String that are not recognized dial-modifiers
are ignored. This allows the DTE to request phone numbers containing unsupported
dial modifiers, hyphens, parenthesis, and other punctuation.
Dial Modifiers:
T Allowed, but ignored by the DCE.
P Allowed, but ignored by the DCE.
! The equivalent of pressing the hook control switch for 1/2 second on many
of today’s telephone systems.
W Wait for time specified in S7 for dial tone before continuing execution of dial
@ Wait for time specified in S7 for one or more rings followed by 5 seconds of
silence before continuing execution of dial string.
, Pause for time specified in S8 before continuing execution of dial string.
; After dialing return to command mode.
S=x Dials a pre-programmed dial string. This dial modifier may follow the T or P
Dial modifiers, but may not follow any other Dial Modifier or dialing digit.
They are defined as follows:
S=0 Read user image 0 and dial (empty dial string)
S=1 Read user image 1 and dial (empty dial string)
S=2 Read user image 2 and dial (empty dial string)

NOTE: In order to support some fancy dialing options, the iDEN DCE will effectively
ignore empty dial strings that terminate in a semicolon. Examples of such dial strings
are: ATD; and ATDT;. If they are the lone commands on a command line, then a
simple “OK” result code will be returned. If they are followed by additional
commands, then those commands will be executed. For example, the command line
ATD;E0 is equivalent to ATE0, and ATD;Z2D is equivalent to ATZ2D.

Here's also a copy of the output of my AT&V command.

Active User Image: 2
E1 Q0 V1 X4 &C1 &D2 &K3
S0:000 S2:043 S3:013 S4:010 S5:008 S6:010
S7:120 S8:002 S9:006 S10:014 S12:050 S30:000
+IFC : 0,0 : Flow Control
+ICF : 0,0 : Character Framing
+FCLASS : 0 : Service Class
+WS45 : 4 : DTE-Side Stack
+WS46 : 24 : WDS-Side Stack

Packet Data Parameters
+WV300 : 1 : Mobile IP Activation
+WV302 : 7200 : Mobile IP Registration Lifetime
+WV309 : 0 : Security Parameter Index
+WV305 : "" : Home Agent IP Address
+WV311 : 24 : +WPNEI Prefix Length
+WV310 : 0 : Request Broadcast Datagrams
+WV304 : "10.*.*.*" : DCE IP Address
+WPNEI : "" : DTE IP Address
+WV308 : 0,0,40 : Data Encryption
+WS196 : 0 : Data Compression
+WS182 : 2 : Header Compression

So if you can make much sense from any of this, I'm all ears. :)

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OMG I got it to Working!!

Thanks to MVL, I did some more tweaking and figured it out.

access point - "Whatever"
username - "leave blank"
password - "leave blank"
ip address - 10.*.*.* (set up manually not automatic)
This is the IP address of your phone. Can be found under "My Info" on your phone
dns - Enter your DNS info Manually not automatic
- This may be the tricky part as I was able to find out my DNS info by using this AT command while using my data cable connected to my PC.

It responded with 2 address that I input.

dial # - "leave blank"
login script - ATDTS=2

After that my TomTom Go 930 was able to connect and download the information. I went down this route as the first time I tried what MVL suggested, my phone said it was connected, but I didn't get a disconnect message right away. So I thought that maybe it was at least trying. Sure enough as soon as I entered the DNS infomation it worked.

Now the key is to figure out how to find out your phones DNS information without having a Data Cable connected to your PC. It may be possible to use the bluetooth on the phone and a PC. If you can figure out how to set up your PC to use your phone as a modem, than you can just use hyperterminal to connect to that COM port and issue the same command.
There may be an easier way, but I don't know of one.

Actually maybe another shot would be to maybe use a public DNS server, a quick google search may yeild some results.

** Edit **
Ok I found these DNS servers provided by OpenDNS
Our nameservers are and

You can try those ones.

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Thanks for posting a solution - can you try one thing to see if it works?

The ip is an internet pseudonym for "your own ip". Can you connect with your Tomtom using that ip address? If so, it'll be one less step for others to research/put in.

Also, the DNS should available sprint-wide, not tied to your phone. Do a 'tracert xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" with the dns from your "AT+WV324?" command in a dos command prompt. See the last locations, is it a sprint-owned server?

If so, just post the dns for others, as I assume all sprint phones will work with it.
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I have tried everything on this site and dozens of other sites for getting a Sprint phone (Treo 755p) working with my GO700 for Traffic and Weather -- no success at all. I've heard mixed information on whether or not the Treo 755p can be used this way without PDANet or some other trick app.

Now all that is blown out of the water.

I bought a Nokia N810 internet tablet (which is not a phone -- it's more like a tablet PC), which runs a flavor of Linux called Maemo, and they have quite an impressive navigation app called Maemo Mapper and an internal GPS receiver. Anyway, it completely relies on connecting to the internet to download maps, routes, etc. (like about every 15 minutes when you're driving down the road), so I cringed as I started the bluetooth pairing between the N810 and my Treo 755p. I think I clicked an "OK" button twice and entered a pairing code, and PRESTO....full internet access for my N810 through my Treo 755p.

In summary, I don't think the problem is entirely Sprint -- in fact, it seems to be mostly TomTom given how easy it was to do the same thing with my N810. Isn't TomTom running a Linux kernel, too? I smell the need for an app that allows better and easier phone connectivity. What are the OpenTom guys doing these days? Haha. I cannot emphasize how painless the N810 pairing process was.

All that being said, I'm still using my GO700 as my navigation system (and my N810 has replaced my notebook computer), but this showed me how pairing a phone with a pocket Linux device can be and it can be very nice.
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Thanks for posting a solution - can you try one thing to see if it works?

The ip is an internet pseudonym for "your own ip". Can you connect with your Tomtom using that ip address? If so, it'll be one less step for others to research/put in.

Also, the DNS should available sprint-wide, not tied to your phone. Do a 'tracert xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" with the dns from your "AT+WV324?" command in a dos command prompt. See the last locations, is it a sprint-owned server?

If so, just post the dns for others, as I assume all sprint phones will work with it.

MVL, using does not work. I do understand that this IP address is known as your own IP, but it's actually considered your "local IP" address. You can't actually route using that IP address. I did try it just to see and my assumption was correct. The TomTom needs to know what IP address your Carrier has assigned to your cell phone. The quickest way to find this is to your to your phones menu and find the option "My Info" . Most iden phones have this option. The IP address will be listed under Carrier IP.

As for the DNS, I myself am not using the Sprint/Nextel network as I'm actually with Telus in Canada who's the iDen provider there. However what I did do is try the OpenDNS servers I posted before. and for my connection instead of the local ones and it still works.

I'm thinking that maybe a new thread should be started for a solution to iDen phones and the TomTom V8 software. As this thread kinda speaks to both the Sprint PCS phones and the Nextel iDen phones.


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