sick as a pig

Thanks a bunch m8 I've learnt so much, more importantly in a manner I understand. Before all this crap happened ,I was a life time musician and 20 odd years teaching music mainly Guitar (any kind) and piano (keyboards), that qualifies me to say you are an excellent teacher, you make it easy to lear n from . Thanks doesn't seem enough.So thanks more than I can say. :) P.S, I'm sure I'll need your help again. :)
Before all this crap happened ,I was a life time musician and 20 odd years teaching music

That alone sounds enough to create all the brain-strain you're complaining about! :rolleyes:

Well done to you and Canderson for sorting this one out just between the two of you.:)
Hi Canderson, if your there and have a little time for me I'd really appreciate it.(1st) when I power up my TT some times it goes the normal route of, Palm tree then a picture of whatever road I'm in, sometimes it starts up with that stupid drum solo and does things I don't expect so I power off wait 10 secs and power up, I keep doing this until I get the palm tree then I know all is well with my TT world, question, what am I doing to cause these two different startup sequences and can I fix it and where's my Palm tree gone. I bet you wish you hadn't got up this morning now. Thanks for any advice/help, and I hope life is being good to you and yours. Ron :)
The only time I've had a unit that produced a drum solo fairly frequently on power up, it was due to one of two things, both related to a true and complete power down state.

Either the battery had gone completely flat, and I was powering up after connecting to external power, or the unit had been left idle on the desk (or in it!) for over a week without being turned on.

Understand that your TomTom doesn't completely power off when you turn it off with the power button. It's in a very low power 'suspend' mode. Providing the battery doesn't go flat, in about a week's time, the device well and truly shuts off. This is to avoid fully discharging the lithium ion battery pack, something that is very bad for that battery chemistry. Alternately, if the battery goes too flat to keep the unit powered up in this 'suspend' mode while it's sitting (which, depending upon the charge state of the battery and its overall condition, could be anything from 2 minutes to just less than the full week), that will also cause it to completely shut down.

When the device is powered up from a completely off state vs. that suspend state, it comes up as though it had been rebooted, drum solo and all.

Your 720's battery is probably getting pretty tired by now if you haven't swapped it out since you bought it.
Hi, thanks for the reply, sorry to be a pain, but where on earth is my Palm tree gone, when i look in my TT it says No pictures found and in the same context, where do i install new mp3's because when i go to jukebox, same answer no songs found, so I put new mp3's in a folder marked Mp3's, no luck in internal and no luck in SD, am i supposed to put them somewhere special and that also applies to pictures. Cheers for your help. Ron :)
I assume the 'palm tree' was your splash screen? If so, what appears now during startup? The file that is shown on startup on a 720 is the one called splashw.bmp in the root of your device's internal memory. Take a peek at that file with whatever favorite image viewer and see what it is.
I assume the 'palm tree' was your splash screen? If so, what appears now during startup? The file that is shown on startup on a 720 is the one called splashw.bmp in the root of your device's internal memory. Take a peek at that file with whatever favorite image viewer and see what it is.

Hi, jukebox works fine now I renamed it mp3 (lower case) how stupidly simple when you know how, Thanks. On startup I have a white (blank) screen and yes my battery is naff, flat as a pancake. I opened up TT on my imac and could find nothing that resembles splashw.bmp, so I took one of my wallpaper .jpg's renamed it splashw.bmp and put it in my TT (not in any of the folders). I've tried to send a pic of what I see when I open up TT on my desktop but it won't let me and if I select insert image it asks me for a URL and I haven't a clue what it's on about, I usually just drag and drop or copy and paste but this message box won't have it. Thanks and I'm sorry I'm making your task harder. I've took a screen shot to see if it helps, I hope I've done it right. The splashw,bmp that you see is the one I put in. Cheers. Ron :)


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I see splashw.bmp in your file list. Odds are zero that it is formatted as necessary for use on the TomTom. More to the point, you cannot just rename a *.jpg file to *.bmp. They are entirely different image formats!

Take your *.jpg file, and using whatever you use to view and edit such things, you will want to resize it to 480x272 pixels, and save as a *.bmp file (24 bit, if you have that option). That format will be acceptable to your unit for a splash screen.

If you had something else there before that you would prefer to a custom screen (e.g, palm tree), you will need to recover it from a backup that you may have made of your unit prior to all of this trouble. Do you have such a backup?
On my 930 I have a folder called photos. In there, amongst other pictures and all .bmp(s) supplied by TomTom originally, I have my splashw.bmp which is one I made myself to the specifications as canderson has shown.

When I go Change preferences to screen 6 of 8 and tap Start-up preferences, I am asked after Done to the question When the device is switched on: Do you wish to change the start-up image?
If I tap Yes it will allow me to select any of my pictures, including jpg, png, etc.

Check if you have the start-up image change option on your device. If yes open your photos folder and see if it is in there. If not, go to your NOT HOME made backup and copy your palmtree to your device.
Your attachment is too small for me to decipher where the dog like looking splashw.bmp file is located.

If any of the above makes sense but you cannot find your palmtree on your computer, send me an eMail at (e-mail address removed) and I send you the three that came originally with my 930.

The picture in the photos folder is a 59.38 KB / 2.04 MB JPG, 800 x 892 x 24 BPP and it displays as seen in the camera shots.
Dummy me, I only had to take the camera shot for the actual splash screen!


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.bmp conversion

Hi, I've sorted the convert to .bmp and the size 480x272, but i can't find out how to make it 24 bit, or even what it is at the mo', I've googled it but I need to have a degree in rocket science to understand their explanation. As far as the back up goes re Palm tree, I made the back up after it had vanished. Btw what do you know (if they are any good) about the Go910, does it have the speech dialogue I need, 'cause I can pick up a bargain from a trusted source for when my 720 gives up the ghost completely. Cheers & ceya when I get the 24 bit sorted. Ron :)
It is likely that your *.bmp will be saved by default as a 24 bit image by whatever editor you are using that will be used to take a *.jpg and re-save it as a *.bmp. So I wouldn't worry over that at the moment unless the device can't be made to display the image properly. Sounds as though you're going to be doing your own custom splash screen now that the palm tree has gone (unless someone here has one for you -- did it come 'with' your unit?)

The 910 is quite an antique at this point. If I were looking for a Europe + North America combo unit (the 9XX series has maps for both continents), then I would search for a more recent version (940, for example). The 920 is the equivalent of your 720 with both sets of maps. If you aren't interested in the additional mapping, then the more advanced 7XX units would be appropriate replacements for your 720. I am firmly bonded to my GO 740 Live unit. The Live units, though they require a subscription, have the advantage of much more precise traffic information, assuming that would be of value to you. If not, they can still be used without a Live subscription. If, on the other hand, you've grown accustomed to the mp3 player or some other feature on your 720, we'll need to talk about that ... some features ceased to exist after the 730. We just don't know what you use and what you don't on the 720 that would guide us.
Is one of these what you're looking for Ron?






That's from my "day one" backup of my Go720

I found them in the "photos" folder and they *ARE* stored there as a .jpg format images.

What the other people may be forgetting is that on the Go720 itself, you can browse the images in that folder and choose one to use as your splashscreen. The unit is then clever enough to convert it into a .bmp format picture and save the new version as "splashw.bmp" in the right place (i.e. not in any folder).

If you right click on my pictures and "save as" then put them into a folder called "photos" on the Go, you should be able to select one of them to use as your start-up screen in Change preferences / Startup preferences / page 2. :)


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Sorry Arno.... I only saw the images you posted, and missed the fact you had offered to email the 'originals' to him.

As for the bmp/jpg, I was really replying to the "it must be a .bmp" assertion
Didn't realize that Nav2 was happy with *.jpg files. Was it always that way (and we were telling lots of people to use *.bmp only!) or did that come about with one of the ancient Navcore versions, or ???
Thanks to all

Hi you great bunch of helpers. This is to say thank you so very much for all the help, advice and fixes, that includes all the pics, not forgetting my Palm tree. You have all been so kind and it's relaxing to know you are there to help all of us that know so much less than your good selves. My TT is working great now. Thanks. Ron :)
Didn't realize that Nav2 was happy with *.jpg files. Was it always that way (and we were telling lots of people to use *.bmp only!) or did that come about with one of the ancient Navcore versions, or ???

No... not quite.

It still needs to be a .bmp for use as the splashscreen (splashw.bmp), but some of the old models are clever enough to CONVERT a .jpg in your picture library into a .bmp and rename it for you.
As for the bmp/jpg, I was really replying to the "it must be a .bmp" assertion
Sorry, Andy, you are right. It's a myth from before your joining of TTF and it still sticks.

Didn't realize that Nav2 was happy with *.jpg files. Was it always that way
As you saw, I too had bought into that from the early 2008 days.

My regular twin Kathy/Kate splashw.bmp was still manually converted before putting it back into the photos folder.
This one is a GIF, slightly modified from the original picture taken on the 6th day of our honeymoon.


And here you can see how it looked when I took it.

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