Screen re-calibration?

Andy I'm sure Gremlins were at work to cause the calibration to go out of sync .

Canderson I'm thankful that you are on the forum to pass on your knowledge about how to coutreract the bloody Gremlins.

Thanks again
Yeah, well .. I just wish it had been my natural brilliance instead of dire personal necessity that caused me to properly recall the info! I couldn't find the old web site that had all the goodies, though I think someone has posted a link to an archive of that site in a message above.

I SO depend upon my old GO740 that when it started to 'head south' on me (I literally started to lose any control at the bottom end of the screen) it was clear that it was time to dig back into the calibration thing and do a little refresher course on the right order for the numbers.

In actual practice, there's a lot of trial and error involved, and it really is possible to entirely brick the unit with wrong numbers. The "save" if that happens is that if the device is plugged into the PC when the reset is performed, it doesn't ask whether you want to connect (which would otherwise be a disaster when you can't even hit Yes / No !) and just connects automatically, providing the opportunity to load it up with yet another set of numbers. My first attempt was a "duh" moment, using the wrong number order that applied only to the really old firmware, and I just happened to recall the reboot-while-connected trick or I'd have been on really unhappy camper.
Hi Canderson, I was lucky and found out by accident pressing the reset when connected to the computer connected automatically as I did put numbers in which would not allow me to hit "Yes" to connect to the computer.

Pressing reset while connected to the computer was a real life saver.
[Original text pt_BR - translation: google]

How to apply this patch to a "TomTom XL" - "gj_2048_tts"?
Follow the above steps did not fix.

My screen is out of calibration, I have to click just below the knob to select. Can not get past the screen "Disclaimer"

Can anyone help me?
Wow .. where the heck did you get the "gj_2048_tts" nomenclature for your unit? Let's just say that I've not seen that outside of a special TomTom server file. I'm not sure what they call that model in Brasil. In Europe it is the XL IQ Routes². In North America, it's an XL335.

Anyway, your procedure should be the same as was explained in Post #2. You must apply the file with the device connected, and ignore that there are problems on the screen when it disconnected until you can test the file that you have used. Like me, your problem was that you could not press low enough.

When you say "did not fix" .. what DID happen? Perhaps you just need to use a different number to force things up a bit higher yet.
Recalibrated my 720:

Original Calibration settings: 927 80 843 135
Revised Calibration settings: 947 100 603 85

Everything seems to work fine now.
Can you tell us about how much your screen was out of whack (in inches, mm or your favorite choice of units) and in which directions?
Touch Screen Alignment/Calibration

This is something I put together (when I needed it) and as you can see it is a collection of fix's all put together from a few different people, to hopefully be able to spell it out for the people who need more than just the basic information.


This might look confusing but believe me once you read it a couple of times it all makes sense.

What I would suggest first of all it to copy it to a text document for save keeping and possibly even print it out, it works.

How To Calibrate your TomTom Touchscreen

So, your TT no longer selects the correct digit when you enter an address or you have to press on weird spots in the menu to select something?
It usually means the digitiser for the screen is partially faulty but you might be able to "fix" it without buying a new one.

N.B.: - All current Navcores can use a texfile which when located in the root of the device
will override the default calibration settings of the digitiser that is in the settings of the TT.

N.B.: - Pre and Post v8.051 Navcores use a file with different names and a slightly different format: -
See No 24a for details.

First you need to know how to make the correct text file?
Making a 'calib.txt' file for "Pre" 8.051 Navcores.
Making a 'cal.txt' file for "Post" 8.051 Navcores.

Where and how to check
Later when testing your new settings, use the TomTom keyboard such as when you type to go to an address etc
and use a pointer or stylus to see where you are and what is being selected, do not just try using the TomTom map screen.

"Not that it really matters very much but my belief is, this is NOT a Navcore fault (as suggested by some) but the Firmware on the TT"
1. If I change my SD card from one navcore version to another the problem is still exactly the same.
2. If I remove my SD card the linux screen still shows the original firmware settings,
so the setting is in the TT and not in the navcore which is on my SD card and not even in the TT.
3. My problem only started since I upgraded the Firmware to be able to use larger SD cards.
4. Even after correcting the problem with the new cal.txt file, the linux screen will still show the original setting, so don't worry about it.

I also copied the new "cal.txt" file over to any other SD and that also solves the problem again.


OK.... Lets get started. take it slow and follow the following steps.
The first bit of what you're trying to do (making the text file and putting it in the right place) is actually pretty simple once you've done it a few times and in fact there are several shorter ways to do it.
It also seems terribly long-winded when you type it out in full like this, but this should (hopefully) be foolproof.

To Create the Text File: -
1. Right click anywhere there is an empty space on the PC's desktop (i.e. not on any icons)
2. A pop-up menu should appear.
3. One of the items on that menu should be "New..."
4. Put the mouse cursor on "New..." and it should open out to several more options.
5. One of those should be "Text Document". Click on it.
6. A new icon should now appear on the desktop with the name "New Text Document.txt".
7. (You can either name/rename it now or later.)
8. This bit is important - if you cannot see ".txt" at the end of its name or need confirmation, follow steps 9-14, otherwise skip to step 15.

Just in-case you need to see the .txt extension: -
9. For Windows XP open Windows Explorer from the Start menu.
10. Go to the Tools menu.
11. Select "Folder Options"
12. Go to the "View" tab in the window that opens up.
13. Scroll down and UN-tick the option that says "Hide extensions for known file types"
14. Click "OK" then CLOSE Windows Explorer.
(Different version of Windows may not have exactly the same names of the menus and options may be slightly different, but should be close enough for you to be able to find it)

Naming the text file: -
15. Go back to the new text document you created on your desktop, and right click on it.
16. Go to the option "Rename"
17. Depending on which format you are using either rename it to "calib.txt" for Pre 8.051 Firmware’s or "cal.txt" for Post 8.051 Firmware’s versions (without the quotes) and hit 'return' or 'enter' on the keyboard.
18. The New icon should now be called "calib.txt" or "cal.txt" (without the quotes) (Depending on which format you are using)
19. Right click on it again and select "Open". the file should now open with Notepad. showing a blank page.

Getting the initial data which you will definatley need: -
** Pay special attention to this next step especially the set of number and their layout.
** This next step can also be very confusing, so you need to persevere.
** Fortunately this step only needs to be done the once.

20a. Turn ON your TomTom, then when/if you hear a "Drum Roll" press and hold the power switch again until a black screen with white writing appears, then let go of the switch, or maybe hold it for about 20 seconds.
20b. or, hard reset the TomTom, then try again.
20c. or, if your unit is only fitted with a SD card, then remove the SD card and reboot your TomTom (This is the easiest option)

21. Find the line that says “Touchscreen” followed by four sets of number.
(4th row from the bottom)
22. These numbers are referred to as: MinX MaxX MinY MaxY (*in that order*).
(Write them down don't try remembering them)
(They should initially look similar to these, but all units have different sets of numbers
and your numbers will now be used as your starting point)
My readind was 86 924 99 877
The values are:
86 = MinX
924 = MaxX
99 = MinY
877 = MaxY

23. Go back to the PC where you should still have your open window with the blank text file.
24. TEMPORARILY type your four sets of numbers into the blank window with only one space between each set of numbers.
24a Now you have to alter the sequence of numbers into a different order to how you first saw them on the TomTom screen.
This time it is: -
For calib.txt formats. (pre 8.051) Navcore versions
MaxX MinX MinY MaxY
924 86 99 877
For cal.txt formats. (Post 8.051) Navcore versions
MaxX MinX MaxY MinY
924 86 877 99

25a. Your page should only contain the set of numbers that you decide to try and nothing else .
25b. Only enter the actual sets of numbers, not the Max/Min typing etc,
then without pressing "return" or "enter", go to the menu at the top of the page and from the 'File' menu, select "Save" then close.
25c. I originally started with: - 924 86 877 99
25d. But by the time I had finished, my new figures were: - 904 146 877 99

Where and how to save the file: -
26. Right click on the icon yet again and select "Copy". You've now saved a copy of the file in temporary memory.
27. Connect the TomTom to your computer with a USB cable (or plug the SD card into a card reader) and switch it ON.
28. A screen should appear on the TomTom saying "Do you wish to connect to Computer?" Tap on "Yes".
29. If TomTom "Home" starts up, shut it down again. We don't need it.
29. Go back to Windows Explorer and scroll down in the left half of the window, to find "My Computer"
30. There should be a new "Disk drive letter" showing called "TomTom One" or just "TomTom". Left click on it once.
31. A new list of folders (yellow icons) and files (various icons) should appear in the right pane.
32. Move your mouse over to the right pane and in a blank/empty space right click, then from the pop-up menu that appears, select "Paste"
33. The file is now saved in the root of your TomTom directory. (or simply drag and drop the file from the desktop)

You have now successfully created a (calib.txt) or (or cal.txt file) and moved it into the root directory of tour TomTom. Phew!

How to eject your TomTom or SD card.
34. Back at step 27 and 28 when you connected the TomTom to the PC,
a new little icon will have appeared in the system tray area (next to the clock).
click on that and it should ask if you want to "Safely remove Hardware.
Follow the prompt to disconnect the TomTom, which should now re-boot.

35. If everything has been done correctly, the screen appearance and response should be just the same as before.

Now you are on your own and so far nothing has changed.


Now, starting back at step 27, you can re-connect your TomTom to the computer, run Windows Explorer again, open the TomTom window and (by right clicking on it etc.) re-open the new text file.
NOW, by changing the numbers slightly, re-saving, then disconnecting and running the TomTom to check it, you should find the screen changed slightly on the TomTom.
What you change the numbers to get it right for your machine is something you have to discover for yourself by lots of experimentation!

Ok, now to actually use those (your) numbers
and by changing them you will move the pointer selection closer to where you need it.

Keep in mind this is only an example and you have to start with the values as shown on your status screen!
When making cal.txt file then it needs to be set as:
MaxX MinX MaxY MinY
924 86 877 99

Normal touch screens use a co-ordinate system and a point calibration, TT prefers to calibrate the start and end of the X- and Y- axis, so be prepared for a lot of reboots and changes inside the cal.txt!
I only describe how to calibrate the Y-axis (Vertical), changing the X- axis (Horizontal) procedure is an identical procedure.

This is very much a Hit-or-Miss procedure and you will have to keep altering your figures until you get the setting you want, so make notes and take it slowly, start with a couple of smallish steps and keep checking for
Also, don't try altering X & Y figures at the same time, work on one set at a time.

MaxX Affects the LEFT edge of the screen
Increase MaxX = Touch point moves further to the RIGHT of where touched
Decrease MaxX = Touch point moves further to the LEFT of where touched

MinX Affects the RIGHT edge of the screen
Increase MinX = Touch point moves further to the RIGHT of where touched
Decrease MinX = Touch point moves further to the LEFT of where touched

MaxY Affects the Top edge of the screen
Increase MaxY = Touch point moves closer to the Top of the screen
Decrease MaxY = Touch point moves closer to the Centre of the screen

MinY Affects the Bottom edge of the screen
Increase MinY = Touch point moves towards the Bottom of the screen
Decrease MinY = Touch point moves towards the Centre of the screen

Make sure you remember by how much it has changed to get an estimate on how much further you need to change the value.
Once you reach a point were you think it feels ok start the address input with the big keyboard for the fine-tuning.

Hint: If you notice after the changing the max value there is barely any change adjust it by about 200 and try again, if still no real change then use the min value to start the calibration.

You now change both the min and the max value to get the most accurate result, using a touchpen is a good idea.
Only minor changes in the values should be made at this stage and only one value at a time, otherwise you might end up messing around.

The final check should confirm the menu buttons work fine, all characters and numbers in the screen keyboard are assigned correctly and the zoom buttons in the map screen are working.
Don't be too disappointed to notice the keyboard works but the zoom buttons don't - they are very small and in the corners so only a perfect calibration will get them back working.

In case the input is off in both axis you should still start with the Y axis to get the height correct before adjusting the X axis.
Changing both at the same time makes it really hard to figure out what change caused the reaction on the screen.
I hope this will to get your TT going again.

As a real world example:
My original problem was that I had difficulty selecting digits on the far right hand side of the screen
when trying to use the keyboard to input details for address's etc.
Top, Bottom and Left sides were fine, so with the Top and Bottom settings I did not have to alter anything.
But I did eventually have to alter both X-axis figures, but as you can also see one a lot more than the other.

axis MaxX MinX MaxY MinY
Before 924 86 877 99
After 904 146 877 99

As can be seen from the above,
"Before & After" only the MaxX & MinX axis on my TT One v2 was out of calibration and had to be lowered

The original X values, on the Linux status screen, were: 924 86
After re-calibrating the X-axis back into alignment, the new X-axis values were: 904 146
These new values were entered into the cal.txt file.
Keep in mind this is only an example, and you have to use the values as shown on your status screen

This file is a combination of text from (and other sources): -
Andy_P, Downunder35m and myself oldfogy
(Hope it's what you want and need)
Nicely done, Oldfogy -- you've added a very nice piece to our collection here.

However, I'd argue that it is not and never has been a firmware issue as another author you quoted suggested.

Also, for those who, for whatever reason, have a TT operating system on an SD card, be advised that the unit will boot preferentially from that card instead of internal memory ... so if you have systems on both, the device won't be looking at the internal root for the cal.txt file. I think that becomes evident if you read through oldfogy's experience with SD cards as well. If you boot from SD, you'll want the cal.txt file in the root of the SD.

Now, to clarify further about how that reads ... another author that oldfogy quotes talks about both "Navcore" and "Firmware on the TT". There are indeed two pieces of code out there .. one is known as the 'bootloader' and one we talk about as Navcore. The bootloader is VERY low level code, and may well be responsible for such core functions as the touchscreen. And it is true that certain new Navcore versions over time have come with a new bootloader. But for a new bootloader to even be loaded during an update, it MUST pass a fairly stringent check for validity, else it won't be loaded. If a new bootloader came with a Navcore version, and that bootloader caused the kind of grief that is involved with recalibration of the screen, the whole world would have heard about it immediately. That didn't happen.

As a result, the earlier statement that says "the digitiser for the screen is partially faulty" is actually more accurate. As resistive screens age, there is sometimes drift in their resistance, which causes the processor to incorrectly interpret position information.
I found this post trying to fix my calibration problem, I did the steps that oldfogy posted, with no luck. It's like the TT didn't read the .txt file.
My problem now is that when I start the TT got a screen that need to press "accept", but I can't due to the calibration problem, (the button is at bottom). So I can't start the TT, neither try to access the files.
I was trying to find how to completly restart the original configuration, I only find "press reset", but I still got the same problem.
Any idea please? I'm really desperate.
I got a TT go 520.
Thank you
(sorry if I got mistakes, I'm not english speaker)
I suspect the text file you have created is working, but the problem now is you need to refine the settings because the set of numbers you are now using is too far out, remember, any settings that have been shown are only for examples as every TT will use a different set of numbers.

Don't forget, getting the correct numbers is very much hit & miss, and you need to persevere until you get the right set, and don't forget only adjust one set at a time (either the top or side) numbers that is.

If you connect your TT to the computer you will be able to either remove the newly created .txt file to take you back to before you started, or simply edit it again using a few different numbers.
I have a 930, with sme problem, I cnt get to the far left button on the screen, and if I want o select the middle button, I have to touch the far left button. Tried making file and reversed numbers, and played with them, but doest do any diference. on my info screen the line shows,
85 926 139 849 @330mv
what do you guys think?
That information line will not change, so don't worry about it, but use those numbers initially as your starting point, like I said before, only adjust one set of numbers at a time so you can see better which way you are going.

Don't forget there are 2 differently named .txt files depending on which navcore version your TT is using.
There are also 2 different configurations of numbers, again depending on which version you are using, which is explained almost at the beginning of my original post.

Take your time, print it out and read it SLOWLY bit by bit and you will get there in the end, most of the problems people have encountered and thankfully owned up to, is not following the instructions properly.
You say one set of numbers, you mean per say like there's 4 rows of number right? so say just mess with the first row, and see where it takes you correct?
Thanks you did a wonderful job explaining the rocedure,
I found this post trying to fix my calibration problem, I did the steps that oldfogy posted, with no luck. It's like the TT didn't read the .txt file.
My problem now is that when I start the TT got a screen that need to press "accept", but I can't due to the calibration problem, (the button is at bottom). So I can't start the TT, neither try to access the files.
Reboot the unit while it is connected to your PC, and it will automatically connect to the PC without your need of using the "Accept" button. Then you can either delete or continue to modify the .txt file.

Also, be sure that you have not accidentally created a file called .txt.txt. If you have told Windows to not show known file extensions, this is a very easy mistake. Check the Properties for the file to be sure that the name is correct, and that .txt is not accidentally doubled.
Ok guys, sucsess. orig # 926 85 849 139
and now working 500 70 849 139
thanks guys.
Reboot the unit while it is connected to your PC, and it will automatically connect to the PC without your need of using the "Accept" button. Then you can either delete or continue to modify the .txt file.

Also, be sure that you have not accidentally created a file called .txt.txt. If you have told Windows to not show known file extensions, this is a very easy mistake. Check the Properties for the file to be sure that the name is correct, and that .txt is not accidentally doubled.

It was working as you say, I reboot while connected and that screen appear and dissapear, but... the next screen is "Do you want to conect with computer? Yes or not" and I couldn't press neither yes or not!!! So now I doubt if the .txt file (I'm sure I did cal.txt, I have 9.510 version) will be working.

On the other hand, don't ask me what I did, but when I reboot connected to the PC, only appear that screen with the "accept" (mmmh I think I press "reset" more than 10 secs, trying to complete reboot)

If the file works, that means that the “Touchscreen” should change, right? And it got the same numbers from the beginig
If the file works, that means that the “Touchscreen” should change, right? And it got the same numbers from the beginig
I'm pretty sure you will find it does not change, basically your TomTom will ignore that setting and take the readings from the newly newly created?

a) 'calib.txt' file for "Pre" 8.051 Navcores.or
b) 'cal.txt'
file for "Post" 8.051 Navcores.

What you could try to be able to get back into the TT folder on the PC is to set 'TomTom Home' to automatically start when your device is plugged into the PC, then once it opens then by closing TT Home the folder should then be accessible.

Good luck.

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