Screen Changing While Routing

unless someone has some other info, im going to replace the screen. i found some inexpensive ones on ebay for about $30
Well - I do, but it won't be helpful. I'm as suspicious as anything about (yeah, old song) that bezel. Given that you're dealing with a glass substrate for the touch panel / LCD assembly, I'd sooner suspect that the plastic bezel around it was deforming with heat and placing pressure on the upper right corner.

Before you replace the screen... while your unit is behaving badly, take a thin plastic tool or butter knife or whatever and gently work it between the bezel and the case at the bottom, and from there, pry out the bottom of the bezel and remove the bezel. See if it magically starts to behave well again. If it does...
I tried. but.

I did try that. i even ran the unit without the unit in place.
the bezel on mine has a rubber seal around the lcd unit that is supposed to isolate it from the bezel.

i had even taken it apart, removed the bezel and rubber seal, cleaned under really good. and she still is misbehaun.

Just because you suggested it, i will try it again.
you have more experience than i do.

I have a 630 with same problem - screen goes to "Help" options but voice stays on route.
I tried cleaning under bezel.
Any other thoughts other than replacing it with a XLL540?
I should have asked Vincent if he had left the bezel and rubber seal both removed.

Fred - see what happens if you remove your bezel and 'gasket' to see whether yours begins to behave normally. FWIW, we do like the XXL540 if you can still find one. Still, hate to see an otherwise functional 630 heading for the dust bin.
OK, I have the black frame (bezel?) and rubber frame removed and it does boot up here in the basement. I will take it for a test drive tomorrow and report back....

Thanks again.

Below is link to Amazon listing of XXL540TM for $99 with free shipping.
Yeah - heck of a deal when you consider that you're getting the TM version with a map subscription. Will be curious to see how you make out tomorrow.
Not a long test but police stations came on screen while I was in the store. This was after I had hit "Reset."
I'll test again tomorrow.
No good!! Police stations came up.

I guess I'll save it in case there is a successful class action suit or CS changes the response to US owners.
Geez, Fred - I think you have a first where the thing behaves this way with the entire bezel/gasket assembly removed. Wonder what the devil is causing it?
I GUESS it's a flaw in the manufacturing of the glass/plastic touch screen".

Do we really know that the issue has gone away on other devices operating without the bezel? If so, I would think CS would tell us that it is a fix.

Again based on the number of posts, this seems like a common problem.
I GUESS it's a flaw in the manufacturing of the glass/plastic touch screen".

Do we really know that the issue has gone away on other devices operating without the bezel? If so, I would think CS would tell us that it is a fix.

Again based on the number of posts, this seems like a common problem.

I had it jumping around with the bezel disassembled. I had a small screen protector attached and the GPS spent a day face down to the car floor. When I tryied to turn it on the touch screen was so crazy I coundn't tap 'I Agree'

I opened it and removed the bezels and screen protector, it then was jumping all around with the sreen totally free and untouched.
I GUESS it's a flaw in the manufacturing of the glass/plastic touch screen".

Do we really know that the issue has gone away on other devices operating without the bezel? If so, I would think CS would tell us that it is a fix.
FWIW: The full assembly (digitizer + LCD) is available and can be replaced. Hard to find one for less than about $50 new, though. If you're willing to take a bit of a chance, they're out there for < $30, good pulls from otherwise bad hardware

The digitizer by itself is a good bit cheaper, but requires a steady hand and a little expertise to remove it from the LCD and replace it.

We have had quite a lot of people for whom either cleaning under the bezel or releasing it to relieve pressure on the upper right corner has been shown to resolve the problem either temporarily or permanently. Why CS keeps ignoring this issue in the U.S. is a mystery to several of us.

Again based on the number of posts, this seems like a common problem.
It certainly rates up there as a high priority show stopper in my book. We can't expect people to keep cleaning this particular set of models or removing the bezel. The clearances should be such that it isn't an issue. Of course in your case, nothing helps. That's very uncommon.
Thanks canderson! I just ordered the used one. Seller is "Top Rated" by ebay and allows 60 day return and only 15% restocking if not defective. (Shipping was only $3.22.) So I figure I'm gambling less than $10 max.
I have mine all apart except the ribbon connector. I'm not sure what part of it stays on the board and decided to wait to see the replacement. (But I'll take any advice from others.)
This is my first winter as a retiree so I welcome this challenge.
Thanks again and I'll let you know how I fare.
The flex (not ribbon) cable disconnects from the flat connector on the main board (likely very light tan with dark brown latch mechanism on the cable end). Lift the dark brown tabs on the end of the connector CAREFULLY and NO MORE than about 30 degrees from horizontal, and slide out the flex cable. Lift the tab too high and you'll break the little bugger.

Install new assembly in front panel mount, slide in flex cable, return latch to 'down' position and you're ready to go.
No luck. I had the dark brown latch up last week when I disconnected the flex cable. Today after I slid the flex cable in I was trying to make the dark brown latch stay down or click and I guess I put to much pressure on it and it broke at one end.

I did try to use a bigger piece of tape to hold the flex cable in the connector but I couldn't get the device to boot up. I then tried my old assembly and it doesn't come on either.

Thanks so much for your info.
I now plan to buy a new XXL540 from Amazon.

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