Retail Stores POI collection now on TT site

hey, maybe TTForums can get some more cred if we point out that they are linking to a corrupt file?
also is there any way to create an icon unique to each chain of stores? For instance, see a Best Buy logo for all of the Best Buys, etc.?
Only on custom POIs. The POIs that Best Buy made are considered custom so they have their seperate logo.
The custom POIs are obtained here! :D
We've made several different POIs. Each with its own custom icon for nice display on the map.
Well, FWIW, tried to d/l the file [] size 234,300, and the file is "corrupt".... BUT..... WinRAR fixed it with:
[Retail_Stores.ov2] birthing and [Retail_Stores.bmp] aborting.
The fixed file is 234,490.

I think I need to send a bill to TOMTOM, at $75/hr to fix their system.

OK, so now WTF do I put this file? There is no nfo file on the placement. From what I gather, there are x.ov2 files in my [Western_and_Central_Europe] folder, but NONE in the [North_America] folder, so I "ASS"ume the [Retail_Stores.ov2] file belongs there.

I'm writing this live, and will "debug" at $75/hr tomorrow. Ummmm..... I'm going to have to pay $12 for new maps, for a 3 day old unit????? Methinks a little visit to a.b. is due.

TOMTOM Newbie, on my way to guruness
well I installed it through HOME. I just "installed" it and it appeared on my ONE.

However, if I were to guess, it'll go in your North America folder.
> .. go in your North America folder <snip>

OK, installed in the [North_America] folder, and it "appears" to work. I guess it's just an overlay file specific to those "vendors" (e.g. Wallmart, BJ's, BestBuy, etc.)

sorry im new

Take a look at this:

I haven't seen it before, so I'm thinking it's fairly new. These POI files can mostly be obtained from either here or another forum, but I like that TT is listening to what we want! :)

Some people will like that this only counts as one POI category, while others will want to keep "Best Buy" as it's own category. To each their own!

sorry im kinda new to this i downloaded the file how do i install it

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