Reset prob on Do you wish to connect to computer?

It really narks me when something is wrong and I cannot get to the bottom of it.

I had another go at getting my old PC to see my TT. No luck at all, I tried with the SD card in and out. I checked Device Manager and that didn't show the TT either. I used view all files and expanded every + box but nothing showed whatever I did.

The annoying thing was that when I connected the TT the system tray showed it was installing my usb device and then told me that it was installed and ready for use:rant:

On my Win7 64bit Pro PC TT Home is conflicting with my System Reserved unless I uncheck Autoplay!!! and that does not always work and there are still conflicts.

Thanks for your continued help and support :):)

On the XP PC:
I have tried both the TT cradle and a usb lead in four rear usb ports of the XP PC. (This old case has no provision for front usb's)
I was mistaken in that I thought the XP My computer recognised the TT drives, it didn't. When I checked today after connecting the TT, the TT drives were not shown, if My Computer cannot see the drives what chance does Home have :confused:.
On my Win 7 PC:
I have checked the internal drive for errors, none found, and defragged it as well. I then copied a previous set of internal files and folders completed with Windows Explorer to the internal drive in case something had got corrupted.
On booting I notice that the 'TomTom and hands' or 'pretty island' screen was no longer shown and the drum beat was also missing, there was just a light grey screen before the unit came to life. This is of course not a major concern but I hope I can get things back to normal.

Good news: A few restarts later and the TomTom and hands screen with drum roll has returned :) (But no pretty picture)

Bad news: in Home I select 'Manage My Go' and copy items to my computer, which I have done. These are shown on the Remove from Computer tab but when I select 'Install items from computer' tab the screen shows 'No items available'

Any suggestions on this one?

The TT will still not connect to the PC when I hit Yes on the screen unless I soft reset first.

I have seen a lot of problems of this nature reported on the net that turned out to be the cable, or the specific USB port on the computer. Since it will be a quick and easy job, make sure that you connect to a USB port on the back of your computer, or to a different port if you already used a port on the back.

Usually good advice, and one that I've repeated myself on several occassions.

But just to remind us that PCs are strange beasts, I recently got bored of constant disconnections of a Go1005 after about 10 minutes using a rear port and a TT supplied cable.
Tried a different TT-supplied cable into a FRONT socket and the problem went away, so in the spirit of investigation, I hauled everything out and retrieved the original cable.
Tried that in the front port and it worked fine too.

So in this case, the TomTom was happier in the "inferior" front port... :confused:
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I have seen a lot of problems of this nature reported on the net that turned out to be the cable, or the specific USB port on the computer. Since it will be a quick and easy job, make sure that you connect to a USB port on the back of your computer, or to a different port if you already used a port on the back.

Sorry Andy, not my post.

Found one problem
that has caused most of my problems, I read, and I am sure it was on the TT website somewhere that you could use an 8gb SDHC card in the unit. I even said to one of the TT support persons I phoned that I was using this card, but in a call today to TT support and speaking to a very helpful lady it appeared that an 8GB SDHC card was not recommended for use in a TT GO730 only a maximum of 4GB SDHC. It seems that you can use a 8gb MICRO SD card in an adapter though!

I took out the 8gb and put in my previous 4GB card and this worked fine:). Normal startup and shutdown again. The 8gb card looks the cause of my problems:(

There are still a few hiccups to sort, the reset button for one -which was the start reason of this thread- and a small problem with Home Manage my Go not finding any items to install from my computer.

Anyway progress is nice :D

Well, that is strange. Trust me when I say that a 730 with the latest application can handle up to a 32 gb sdhc card. That said, you do want as fast a speed (class 6+) as possible.

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