Regional map query

Nov 21, 2007
Baltimore MD
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom One 3rd Edition, TomTom One 140S
Purchased the TT1 3rd Edition to replace the Cobra GS recently lost when my car was stolen. While I'm quite pleased with the unit's performance, I'm greatly disappointed with the lack of detail (water, parks, etc) with the US & Canada map. The more I obsess on it, the more I'm tempted to return the darn thing and upgrade to another model.

I was wondering, though, about the detail of the regional maps available. As I don't travel, I really have no use for a US & Canada map, but would gladly purchase a regional map if it offered the topographical details I became accustomed to with my Cobra.

Finally, would it be possible to use Explorer to switch map folders to conserve space. Any response or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
The regional maps are, I believe, cut from the larger North America map. There is definitely more detail, but is it up to your Cobra standard??

Also note that they are charging almost as much for the regional map as for the whole North America map. But at least regional map will fit on your internal memory, whereas the North Amercica map will require the purchase of a 2gb sd card.
N. America and Canada Maps

Actually, I just updated my N. America map using the map guarantee feature, and I have the One 3rd without the memory addition. Trick is to kill the Guam map (who needs it?!) and then your current N. America Map (be sure to save it on your computer first). This makes plenty or room for the 900mb+ map.

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