putting back a map from the computer to device

May 26, 2009
I had originally the USA maps. I downloaded the Western Europe map before my trip there. Memory was too small on deivde to handle both maps. I backup the device, deleted the USA map from the deivce and installed the European map. It worked fine and now I am back.
I have back up the device again and removed the European map from the device but I do NOT know how to install or put back the USA map on the device. I have the USA map zip file on my computer but I have no idea what to do. PLease HELP....anyone can tell me exactly what to do????

Thanks a lot
Any particular place I should put it back in??? I am totally confused, do I do everything with the device hooked up to my computer? or move files around and then turn the device on? I have moved the European map from my TomTom Home...and I have the USA maps in
C:\..\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\FromDevice

But again, nothing is happening....:(
It appears you are using Home to remove items from the computer, instead of Explorer.

The map folder goes into the root of the unit (along with its contents, of courrse)

In the picture below, ignore reference to loose files, etc. and to deleting files. Notice there is a folder called 'Western and Central [Europe]'? That is a map folder. In the root of the unit.


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