Problem with Startup

Hello hrostami and welcome to TTF's!

Did you try the suggestion given by dhn on post #16 above? Not sure if that solution would work for you but won't hurt to try.
5. Windows Disk Error Checking
• On your computer open Start / My Computer or Start / Windows Explorer
• Connect the device to your computer and turn it on.
• You will see a new disk drive appear called ?'Tomtom' or 'internal'
• Right click on the disk drive and select 'properties'
• From the properties box, click on the tab called 'tools'
• Select 'Error Checking'
• Make sure both options are ticked and press 'start'
• Disconnect your TomTom and let it load up.
• See if the problem continues.

That was it. That fixed the problem. My GPS is now golden! You are my hero, Andy_P :thumb::cool::roll::D:D:D

Would you be willing to accept a small token of my appreciation via Paypal? I don't have much to offer, but it's the thought that counts, right??
Brilliant to hear, mate.:)

As usual, make a new backup NOW, now it's all healthy.

Also, if your model has an SD card slot, think about maybe moving everything onto an SD card in the near future, in case the internal memory is beginning to fail. (That's happened to at least one of my TomToms, and a second one may be on it's way out...)

As for tokens of gratitude, I couldn't possibly... but if you were to pop something into a collecting box for a favourite local charity on my behalf, that would be much appreciated.
(Maybe an animal welfare or nature conservation type of outfit?)

Well, the file system backup is done and saved. Unfortunately, this model has no SD slot, so, yeah, no point in worrying about that....

In that case (since you won't accept my token of gratitude :mad:, but you just want it to go to a charity :thumb:), then I will try to donate to a charity for animal welfare/nature conservation. Again, many thanks for your timely assistance! :D

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