Problem with Live Traffic

If you disable information sharing, the modem will shut off, and the 1535 should be able to use RDS-TMC (if you can track down an antenna that fits the 1535LIVE). I'm not sure if a simple big-USB to small-USB adapter will allow you to use the 540 antenna.
I just got some micro to mini adapters from an ebay seller. Less than $5 Canadian and free shipping to me. For 10 adapters!

That's the good news.

The bad is that I connected one to a Nav3 device I have and connected the other end with the rds-tmc combo charger.

The unit did NOT detect any charge whatsoever, let alone an rds-tmc antenna. This was NOT with a 1535 LIVE model.

I didn't suspect success so wasn't too surprised. But I will give it a shot with the 1535 to see if the unit reacts better. Somehow, I doubt it.

But the price was right! :)
I already purchased an RDS cable. Here’s what happens:
I get “RDS receiver connected” when I start the unit, a second or two later “RDS receiver disconnected” (presumably) trying to connect to TT server.
I see a spinning wheel, this can go on for some minutes & then one of the following happens:
Traffic bar disappears, no cell signal icon comes up or the spinning wheel comes back.
This goes on in variations for quite some time, 10 to 45 minutes, sometimes (I assume) RDS traffic comes up briefly sometimes (I assume) HD traffic, but every couple of minutes the vicious cycle repeats itself & TT recalculates the route based on the new traffic info or lack of thereof.
Fairly useless in the end; today during 1hr + commute it was up & down like yo-yo easily more than a dozen times, yesterday I dint get traffic even once for 45 minutes, Monday it worked like a charm, that’s why I don't think my TT is at fault.
I suspect either the carrier or TT server.
Did you disable information sharing in the "my info" section of settings?

Tomtom will always prefer HD traffic over RDS-TMC, and disabling info-sharing should (haven't actually tried) get it to stop trying to connect to HD traffic.
There is an option to download quickgpsfix from live service but it has nothing to do with traffic. It just another way to download that file
You could only wish that the 2017 date in that article actually meant anything. I think the better way to say it would be that by 2017, their shut down of 2G service will be completed. Last May, they had already started carving off bits of their 2G spectrum in NY City to support 3G and HSPA+ services.
That's my complaint with the cell phone approach. I have the TomTom app on my Android (Samsung Galaxy Nexus) and while it functions well enough, heaven help anyone who needs to actually see what's being printed on that screen. It could be that it's because I'm running a higher res (the Nexus is 720x1280) than the app was designed to deal with, and perhaps they'll increase font size for the high res models, but even then, it would be a bugger without glasses. As I get older, I appreciate devices with the screen size of the Via 1605 more and more!
Personally, with the quality of large-screen smartphones like the Galaxy S3, I see no reason to own a PND any longer.

What about for those of use who don't want the added monthly expense? I don't feel I need a smart phone as calling and texting are find by me, and I am almost always near a computer to check email if I need to.

Also, I wouldn't want to carry a phone that large anyway. The iPhone 5 is as large as I would want to go, but that screen is small in comparison to to my 2535 Live, not to mention the nicer mount for the 2535. I sure hope TT comes out with a connected solution for those of us who don't want to jump on the monthly expense of a smartphone. I don't mind paying $60 a year or so for a connected gps but don't want to pay the extra $40 a month for a smartphone. I just don't see the value.

Has anyone heard anything at all from TT about a device connecting on something other than 2G?
I keep wishing that TomTom would consider the Via 1605 screen size in a fully featured GO version with an up-to-date data interface. I could live with using my cell phone as the connection if that's what it takes.
A spokeswoman from Verizon Wireless, a joint venture of Verizon Communications Inc. and Vodafone Group PLC, said the company plans to keep its existing (2G) networks functioning for the foreseeable future.
WSJ August 3, 2012, 2:53 p.m. ET
I think this accounts for at least a part of my problem:
AT&T 2G towers shut down by Oakland police
Both the FCC and the Oakland Police Department have made it clear to AT&T that their brand new radio system doesn’t play well with the carrier’s 2G cell towers, and that because of this they’ve got to shut them down. The Oakland Police Department recently spent a reported $18 million dollars on a radio system that now appears to be having trouble communicating with police and firefighting vehicles when they come within a quarter mile of AT&T’s 2G towers.

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