Problem with 3rd party's POI on VIA 1435M

Yes, but we're dealing with a Linux file system.

At this point, I'm out of brilliant (and even silly) ideas about how to get those categories off the unit. What we need is a tool that we don't own.
I'm afraid the OP is going to have to discuss this one with TomTom. I've never run across anything like this before.

Are the other folks who have used this database with a Via also as stuck as we are here?
Here's the phone contact info for TomTom down your way:

De Segunda à Sexta-Feira
das 07h às 16h
Yes, but we're dealing with a Linux file system.

At this point, I'm out of brilliant (and even silly) ideas about how to get those categories off the unit. What we need is a tool that we don't own.
I'm afraid the OP is going to have to discuss this one with TomTom. I've never run across anything like this before.

Are the other folks who have used this database with a Via also as stuck as we are here?
Here's the phone contact info for TomTom down your way:

De Segunda à Sexta-Feira
das 07h às 16h
Thanks for the effort. I'll try to call TomTom tomorrow (don't know if I'll be successful, since it's a holiday here), and then, I'll update the thread.
Not sure about the other folks, though. I've read a dozen of comments regarding the same problem I had with POIs from MapaRadar not showing on the list (specifically on VIA series) on different brazilian forums, usually in threads with no answers at all. It wasn't something that affected all of VIA 14xx and 15xx though, since I've also read comments of people who didn't face any trouble to add the same POI's system.
Quick update: contacted TomTom support. I was told that even the factory reset does not remove POIs, only the unit's configuration. I've sent them, since they'd requested, a print screen of the error message I am getting when trying to delete the POIs.
I didn't think a factory reset was going to be a solution, but I really DID think that recovery mode would do it. What did they say when you told them you had performed THAT operation without success?
Is your unit still under warranty, or are they doing this as a matter of curiosity? It is possible for TomTom to reflash the entire unit with a fresh 'image', though I do not know what facilities they have for that in S.A. It may be that they exchange units with you.
Is your unit still under warranty, or are they doing this as a matter of curiosity? It is possible for TomTom to reflash the entire unit with a fresh 'image', though I do not know what facilities they have for that in S.A. It may be that they exchange units with you.
It's still under warranty. I bought it 3 weeks ago. Apparently they'll fix my unit. The warranty department will contact me within 4 days, plus 3-10 days for fixing the unit (once they receive it) and sending it back to me.
Since you seem to have a rather unique problem, I'd like to follow up on it a bit more. Is the full *.zip that you originally tried to install small enough to fit as an attachment here? If so, could you provide both that and the RMA number they issued to you for the repair? Where are you being asked to send the unit?
I haven't still got the RMA number and address. Once I get it, I'll post here (the support said they'd take up to 4 days to send me this info)

.zip attached


    224.2 KB · Views: 264
Super. At risk of bombing another Via unit that I have handy (a Via 1535), I'd like to try to duplicate your fiasco and see if I can forward the problem to someone at TomTom. Their focus is almost entirely upon the newer units now, but I'm hoping that there's at least one engineer left somewhere in sustaining engineering that might take an interest. If this can be duplicated, the problem is too severe to leave unattended. If there's nothing done on their end, at least perhaps we can identify what NOT to do on these units (e.g., anything about naming conventions for POI categories or items) to prevent others from getting into this ditch, too.
Hello guys,
Sorry for taking a month to reply again. TomTom sent me a new unit (via RMA) and I installed the POI's with no problems. I believe the problem was due to that first time I sent a zipped file, and it somehow bricked the entire unit. Now I have the POIs working with no issues at all. Thank you for those who helped me!
I have the same problem!
I also installed the MapaRadar of POIs and can not delete.

Could inform me how he solve the problem?

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