Print route?


I have a call into TT Support to see if they would consider adding this feature to the next build of HOME. I'll post the reply...
The BMP solution can work, if a bit cumbersome.
It is a bit of a chore, as I indicated. But, there is no other way to do what you want to do...

Right now I am really looking only for a way to print the text of the route.
You can do that, using the method I described. Just after planning a route, go to the route summary screen and browse the text instructions of the route. Make a capture of each page and you have it!
Thank you all for your help. It looks like for now TYRE may be the best solution. Let's hope that the feature is incorporated into HOME soon.....

TomTom does listen to its user base

The question was asked on a cold and late Friday evening....
Is there a way to use MY<device> in HOME to browse the route (either planned or an itn file) and then be able to print it out in a text format like google maps? This question has been posed on As a Moderator there I thought I would ask if this is something that might be placed in the next build of HOME if there is not currently a way to do so?
Thank you.

A reply followed that very next Monday Afternoon! (and with the time difference I would say first thing Monday morning Netherlands time)...
Dear battom,

Thank you for contacting us in regards to the possibility to print out the routes. We are glad to help.

Unfortunately we don't have that possibility yet. We will consider your suggestion to add this option in the next TomTom HOME version. So in this case we recommend you to keep checking and registering for TomTom News and be first to hear about all the latest products and events.

We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any further questions or comments, please email or call us at 1-866-486-6866 Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST. Thanks again for writing. At TomTom we believe in showing you the way, the easy way.

Best regards,

TomTom Customer Support Team

This reply comes to you unedited and in full length, exceptions include only my real name and the highlight of some text.
Awesome research on your part Battom.
This would be a great option for the long trips one might want to revise.
Not to mention if the battery dies, and you are without a charger... or some other mishap. :)
There is a way

But it will cost you.

Microsoft's Streets & Trips 2007. Along with a free program - POIConverter (posted elsewhere in this forum). You can print your TomTom route!

Export the Itn file using the converter, import into MS Maps & Streets, select 'directions' ans you have a text turn by turn printable route...

MS Street & Trips is selling for about $30...

It took a while to find a solution, but I think I found it! (and not free unfortunately)

Use POIConverter to export your itn to xls
Import your xls into MS Street right click each waypoint and select route.
Form there it's self explanatory then when you are done click directions, generate.
You have a printable route.

So far it looks like the same route as my TT takes...

Looking into using TYRE to open existing route from TT....
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Use TYRE to save your itn as ov2
Open POIConverter
Change options to OSGB and Route
then save as xls
Open MS Street & Trips
import data (choose the xls)
click routes under 'sheets'
then click next & finish
Right click waypoints and select route - choose the obvious selections
if you don't have a start point from your import, add that.
Click on directions and they get generated to follow the path TT took.... so far my testing has been right on.

you now have a printable route....
I was also testing streets & trips, and it does seem to give the same routes that my ONE gives. I like it so far.
You are quite welcome gianfri

definitely NOT ideal... and a little labor intensive to say the least... but is IS a working solution.

hopefully TomTom will listen to a small plea for this feature in an up-coming release of HOME, for those who would like a printed route.
An answer to WHY!!

I also have been searching for this same thing for a long time now. A very valid reason to why is this: I drive all over Germany transporting Military prisoners. Due to security regulations the maps of installations are not allowed to have the street names listed (however the complete map is there so go figure!). So TT can route you if you use the Add a favorite, use GPS position. However if you try to map to that point on a street it will not allow you to do this. So I need to be able to print out the directions with text and pictures to give to another driver (as I am certainly not giving over MY TT!!) So just because you do not understand the WHY just remember there are those of us who do and still need an easy way to do this!! I also have contacted TomTom and their reply was it was not possible! HAH if TT can see it we can get it out. Well someone with the know how can.

So if there are any programmers that want to make many people very happy here is an opportunity. This seem so easy, why is it taking so long!?!?

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