POIs-adding address and telephone numbers

Dec 2, 2007
This is my first post on this great forum. I have been using POIedit to create custom POI sets. An example would be I would have a set called "friends" and in that set I will have a waypoint such as "john Doe's house" with lat and long coordinates.

I see on many of the POI sets that I have downloaded from TomTom have not just the name of the waypoint but also the address and the telephone number. If I wanted to add such information, how would I do that? Would I have to create separate fields for each component of the address and telephone number or would I just list it after the name. Thanks Littman
As of yet, I don't think anyone has been able to figure out how to do it. This is a new feature of Navcore 7 (or of the 7.10+ maps). I believe all you can do is the long, lat and a description (if my memory serves me).
There are other threads dedicated to the POIs and the creation of such. Do up a search, and you may find more relavent information on the topic (from someone who knows more than I do...)
This is my first post on this great forum. I have been using POIedit to create custom POI sets. An example would be I would have a set called "friends" and in that set I will have a waypoint such as "john Doe's house" with lat and long coordinates.

I see on many of the POI sets that I have downloaded from TomTom have not just the name of the waypoint but also the address and the telephone number. If I wanted to add such information, how would I do that? Would I have to create separate fields for each component of the address and telephone number or would I just list it after the name. Thanks Littman

Using POIEdit, you most likely would have to put that information right after the name. In fact, many of the custom ones people create, this is how they do it..basically one line of data for the "NAME" of that specific POI instance.

In Navcore7, they do have a field for the telephone number for a POI. A program called TYRE allows you to add the telephone number and also create the POIs. Please see my write-up below:
>>> TYRE and POIs <<<
I thought I read that Tyre wasn't working correctly to add that extra information... Must check out your link and give it a whirl! ;) Make it much easier to add the info if I don't have to do it manually!

Now if we could only figure out a way to get OUR custom POIs to automatically get shared to MapShare and to weed out duplicates, it would simply ROCK!
Not all that sure I fully understand your question.

What I did was to add the longitude and latitude fields in my Organizer but can also be done in MS Outlook if that is what you are using. I proceeded to get all the addresses longitude and latitude coordinates from http://www.batchgeocode.com/lookup/ with cut and paste. I then exported my contact list in csv fromat with selcted fields such as longitude and latitude, name, first name, address and phone number. Once exported, I deleted those records I knew I would not need on the road. I downloaded the free program NotePad2 from http://www.flos-freeware.ch/ because it is much faster than MS Notepad. With NotePad2, I removed all the unneccessary quotation marks and adding the ">" before the phone number so that I ended up with each line looking basically like this: "-73.9999,45.9999", "Doe,John, 123 Whatever dr., Kalamazoo, IL, >888-532-5555"

I downloaded the program Tomtom OV2 reader from http:/www.pixelk.free.fr to read the csv file and convert to ov2. I now only needed an icon for the contact.ov2 file and copy them to the map directory.

Now, wherever I am, I can navigate to my contacts and phone them if I wish. While the coordinates may not be perfect because street addresses are always an approximation, I can always edit them once I get there and note it for updating them when I get back home and use Tomtom ov2 reader to enter them and save the file.

It is a lengthy process but it needs to be done only once.
adding an address book

Before buying my TomTom 730 I briefly had a Magellan which had an address database. I am wondering if it's possible to remove a program I'm not using (document reader) and replace it with an address database. Any help will be appreciated. I've seen some workarounds but they seem a tad complicated.

Many thanks.
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